Poem💞Lover 254

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Corona Virus😵😷
By - Dr. IrvingTikky (Poem💞Lover 254 Member)

It was an epidemic,
And swiftly evolved into a pandemic.

And we thought we had to mimic,
Until we know more about this orphic.

By then this world will contain nothing but relic.
One more word about it then the whole word become frantic.

We thought it would pass out in a flick,
We thought its extent of severity was just a prick.

Its pain is more excruciating than that of a crick,
The virus was spreading at quite a fast lick.

It was full of wick,
But it was tinnier than a nick.

The number of deaths was countless like the rick,
It is so horrible that I cannot paint its pic.

The number of cases being recorded was cyclic.
But the number of people recovering was not periodic.

The profane society would describe it as frick,
and the updates were frequent making us panic.

Newspaper editors made it more euphemistic,
So they do not deviate from the spread of awareness to panic.

Experiments conducted were all prolific,
As fecund as they were,they became entangled about which of the ideas to pick.

They said one of the symptoms was feeling myalgic,
and also feeling pneumonic.

The doctors and health workers were specific,
they observed the protocols but the ignorant ones thought it was manic.

We locked down and our everyday life were inaesthetic,
Our opinions and that of the government were chasmic.

Countrymen in the diaspora felt nostalgic,
But borders were closed to all,and we thought that was chronic.

Our religious leaders were also civic.
Muslims,Christians assisted without an experience of toxic.

That brought us all together and it was characteristic,
They sang no different tune,it was the same lyric and it was epic.

We can and We will
By - Small 💞

Every evening we eagerly await
Hopeful that today a single digit number is announced
But we end up having them shattered

This virus has no hurry to leave
It has made a home in our houses
Infact, every day, it breeds another clan
It's high transmissible rate overwhelming us

Good news, it is treatable and it has a low death rate
We always stand a chance at winning
Our goal everytime "flattening the curve"
So we can be together once again

By following the simple rules;
Washing our hands for 20 seconds with running water and soap
By staying at home to prevent mass spreading of
And if you must, then always wear a mask
And ensure you have your sanitizer with you
Ensure social distancing of 2m around you
Sneeze or cough into your elbow not in your hand
Avoid touching your face if you can
If you have the signs, get tested to avoid speculation
Stop your children from playing outside

Finally, we should avoid stigmatising the recoveries
They are just as human as you and I
They are the mighty victors in this war
If we obey, then the virus will be a common cold
We can and by our efforts, we will
Remember, if we treat this disease normally
It will treat us abnormally

Love Carnage
By - Pinto Oscar (Poem💞Lover 254 Members)

Mornng my long lost love
Humble and cute like mr. Dove
Meeting you was makimg a move
Calculative and makestic just as we drove
To the other world of romance
To wine and dance full to embrace
1cm away is my social distance
Loving you needs a unique entrance
Sobbing tears of love and joy
You my peecious baby toy
To keep you safe just like the convey
And protect every move till end of the day
A talent to love you
A hobbie to miss you
A desire to think about you
And admiration always to be with you

Every part of you is growin just like the titi
Gorgious and curvy body you posses
Round small sexy soft vital face you owe
I geuse the juicy soft ass will overcome the missionary
Penetrate the anniversary of lust with you
Share every glass of wine n taste my love on your lips
Crawl down to my pants and give it a blow job
Share every tipsy moment when u honny and carve for my dic
Surrender to my love and allow me to push it further
Help u recall a born day with a style and sweetness

By - Adia🌸✨ (Poem💞Lover 254 Member)

I like to see the layers of colors in sky
I also watch them with open mind
It makes me make a dream
In yellow light and suns beam

I like the way sun goes down and rise
Swiftly softly with humility
Sun's ray and one song of delrey
It makes you feel like you live lively

I like that orange juice of angels
They get party and pour it on the floor
We can taste it in sundown
Cuz sky is angels ground

I like when breeze touches my face
Then i can leave my useless race
See the sky and i love this sight
Its enough im feeling im alive

Choose Wise
By- Saron (Poem💞Lover 254 Member)

She Lover at him and sees a brother
Not a maybe one day could be a lover
He looks at her and she's his entire world
He kept quiet not because he wasn't bold
The "what if"s bothered him a lot
What if he's leaving her on the spot
What if he loses her company
And she casts him out completely
Its all he ever thought of
What held him back
Like a steel handcuff
He wants her to stay close
She's so precious to him
A treasure he can't afford to lose
Then he saw her with another
Another guy which made it even harder
The guy was holding her hands
He was looking deep in to her eyes
And he leaned in for a kiss
They were both in a world of bliss
Its easier to just rip his heart out
He wanted to cry he wanted to shout
He wished they never even met
Like falling deep in to abyss
He felt lonely he felt broken
Consumed by utter darkness
He kept wondering if he had only said
What kept going on in his mind
If he had told her he loved her
Would it have been a lot different
Could they have been a lot closer
Would she have taken his heart
Could they have been more than friends
Maybe then
He would be the one getting that kiss

"Love Apart"
- Collected

Even though we are miles apart
You are never far from my heart
I loved you then
I love you now
It's always when and
Never how
Take me back to yesterday
All the wonderful things you had to say
I loved you then
I love you now
It's always when
And never how
I see your eyes
I feel you near
Although you're not
Really here.

By - ABDE PEACE (Poem💞Lover 254 Member)

Take my soul to the door of your sacred heart
So I can be near to your heart shrine
        Faithful to you
        My heart beat only for you
The angel of love blessed your soul since your birth
To keep it pure this is my turn
From the dirty love of these days
From the sweet words that are full of lies
In front of your beauty my heart shaking
The magic of my words always fade
And my body unconsciously prostrate
But take my poems as a hymn
 And make the door of your heart temple
 Open, only for me
And take my bow as a ritual
To deserve the love of your virgin soul

She came to take me🌺,
heading to the moon🖤🖤,
a love camp ,
Honey on the moon🌹🌹
I promise to moarn on her behalf🍆💉💊 her drug is strong...

Don't You Worry
( by Bucky, Poem💞Lover 254 member )

When does the tide change, from what I want, to what I can give.
When does the heart goes, from I'm hurt to I forgive.
When does the hand know, to hold and to let it go.
When does the soul know, what's in is what glows.
Don't you worry don't you worry now, for there is goodness still.
Don't you worry dont you worry now, for there is hope to fill.

When does the eyes know, what's contained can overflow.
When does the core knows, that there is love to show.
When does the mind sees, that we think to be, what we be.
When does the horizon can finally meet the beloved sea.
Don't you worry don't you worry now, when the sky is to shower.
Don't you worry don't you worry now, when love becomes your lover.

When does the child know, to fall is to grow.
When does the tree knows, that the leaves will come and go.
When will the time come, for the phoenix to rise.
When will the light shine, when the reigning night dies.
Don't you worry don't you worry now, when the sun can rise.
Don't you worry don't you worry now, when happiness can fly.

When will rain know, that it cries to the hidden seed.
When will the river know, it flows when it's freed.
When will the moon know, it shines for a loving sun
When will the sky know, that the clouds are just for fun.
Don't you worry don't you worry now, when the star is still young.
Don't you worry don't you worry now, when the silence have already been sung.

some of me, us.
By Bore 🦋 [ Poem💞Lover 254 Member]

i think you’re beautiful
it’s more than physical
slightly spiritual
as i see God
in the details of your existence

angels align whatever room
you choose to occupy
and heaven is in reach
whenever you’re close to me

and i hate how much pain
your heart has known
but i’d like a place
in whatever space
you choose to exist known
for the love that i can provide

Stop fight for it
( by Vicky, Poem💞Lover 254 member )

I walk on street without your hand holding me
There's I feel breeze on the gap...

Can't I ever hold your tender hand by my heart
A question rings on my heart

Why aren't you feel contained with me
I can't or not capable answer;
A question hard to explain either

Sometime word nice to hear
but action please to feel

Do you feel it
Do you my love
I walk in lonely road .
Will you fight have me front world

But I don't ever want to see that tear drop again love
Dont fight for me .
Let shake hands and walk off

Because there's nothing worth you have about me to fight for

The Drunken State of Love
( by Sumaiyyah Nassir, Poem💞Lover 254 member )

I wrote , but i ran out of ink
I planned to sing but no song is close so;
I gave thou hints but to thee, appeared parables
Ive gotten tired of probables
Now more than ever im provoked and ;
Ill write you a piece
Good words clean neat
Sophisticated and sober
Following my drunken state at the bar
You deserve a different fashion
Of being addressed , I'm
Unease , but please listen ; listen to me
How can I but say to thee
That I keep thinking wee
How can I stand upright
Drunken , unable to even write ,
But this is piece from me
If thou wouldst just listen
Perchance I might woo
But you disregard me , since I show weak
Unclassed by society I'm ashamed to even give my feelings a name
You deserve a better fashion
One that'll explain
Even if it'll be less , than Perfect ;
If i own but a mention in thou's heart ;
Then joy alas , if I owned a suit , hat or even boots
Then my wish be true , me a man and you me lady
I'd kneel propose honourably and come through ; but
In this society , that's a taboo
I'd be burnt at the stake drowned in the lagoon ;
If sending a white dove with a red rose was easy I would but the hunters shot it down
I would send a young wind but playfully would deliver to the wrong one
Wanted to come myself but I'm scared of rejection
Now I've sent my words to thee in peace
Clothed in an armor , a letter my poem piece
He'll fight and walk a long miles across all east ,central ,sahara and rest at timbuktu .
At each rest me heart increase the pace ,closer and closer ;
He must deliver , to thou
Otherwise I shall fail ,
With him is a heart , peacefully and safely it'll beat in your hands ;
And enjoy your feel
Your warm embrace , sweet kiss ,Alas ive found peace ,strong it'll endeavor prosper .
But only if you can listen to the rhythm of its beating ,
And accept a drunk , intoxicated by deep feelings of affection , Forget me not , reject me not accept me and I'm sober.

The Ideal Teacher
( by Naif Ahmed Ali,
Poem💞Lover 254 member )

The teacher is the light symbol ;
Of him we get our enlightening ;
He carries knowledge it is brightening,
And shares it with his disciple ;
Truely he is the best example
For his words are still lighting
My memory for education and learning ;
So his respect is unshakable !
The teacher is generation_maker ;
In his teaching there is no difference
From a father, he is care_taker
In the students, here the reference :
He who does not do this be baker
For teaching is not his preference.

( by Sumaiyyah Nassir, Poem💞Lover 254 member )

Patience had a face once
Familiar beautiful face ;
Ageless faultless perfect,
Oh I swear, I've seen the face I know the face because it was you
You had me pinned, clang to me ; You were glue
Yet it was a yellow you
And me hue
The colours of patience oh I knew ;
From orange, to red, yellow all pink sometimes black and even blue
Flowers and balloons
Holding hands in a sunflower field as the birds flew ;
Patience you have a face and its beautiful it's You
Oh patience, patience, the love I have you've no clue
The art I'd make with just your name
The galleries that contain your priceless face
The shake you cause my world ; quake
The honor of becoming your dame ;
Oh patience patience the love we could make
Wear me, adorn yourself with pleasure oh patience
But patience don't lie to me or change
Stay with me forever don't fade,
My heart is content and my mouth doesn't complain
Oh patience I'll bear you with pain
I'm learning to trust again
Patience you have my heart ; but I
Will be patient, because yours is worth a wait.

To my Lord
( by Ritanshu Sharma, Poem💞Lover 254 friend )

I live on a prayer
Folding my hands I stand
Uncertainty clouds my mind
It's the same old trend

Clouds of rights and wrongs
Hover over my blank head
Save me from this world O Lord
Where nothing has been done but enough has been said

Confused and dazed I walk along
I get the words so I write my song
But I don't know my destination yet
With countless wrong people I have already met

From above you see the entire drama
Wrapped up in the script you wrote
Where good people are dying everywhere
And the evil fill up their pockets with green notes

Standing down here I look up at the sky
Still folding my hands and closing my eyes
Wondering if you've heard anything that I have ever said to you?
After all the pain and suffering we have already been through

Jot down your thoughts they said
They might reach your Lord one day
I keep searching for you in temples, gurudwaras and mosques
Hoping my words reach the land beyond the skies in some way

Nations fight with people divided
All I see is blood lying everywhere
Do you see the madness we are going through?
Or just like others you also stand and just stare?

Endless questions and many doubts
About the world that we live in
Is this the end I am looking at?
With our souls soaked in our sins

Deep beneath I still wonder
About the world that you created
You filled it up with things and people
But everything good is now just hated

Don't you worry about me O Lord
I'm standing here with my hands still folded
Waiting for you to answer my prayers
War and fear, yes our doors are properly bolted

I had no choice
( by Mist, Poem💞Lover 254 member )

I'm so much blessed I believe
Oh God, you gave me everything !
so much that I don't want to live
this endless cycle of vainglorious lout

My path, which once was full of
infinite possibilities, now has narrowed down.
Time has cut down all those branches
to leave a few for me to choose

I know I'll choose one after the other
till I'm left with no more choices
till I'll have no more reasons to live
and know I had no choice...


A Possessed Figure
( by Kemo, Poem💞Lover 254 member )

I am the morning star that shines in the glorious sky of revolution.
I am the reverie that links your reality with Kings' delusion.
I am the ultimate God guiding your apex instincts through evolution.
I am the first question, I am the final conclusion.
I am the virgin child, I am sanity gone wild.
I am the image you prescribe, I am the reflection of your own type.
I am the affinity you cry for, I am the symptoms you simply ignore.
I am the markings you construct, I am the sculptures you destruct.
I am the characters you paint, I am your demons turned to saints.

So tell me now, did we get what we deserve?
Have we descended from above, have we become the evil we observe?
We both stared into his expressions, we both caught them reflecting blackness.
It was then I was absorbed, the hour you sold yourself to madness.
For centuries, we've dig numerous graves.
We've done no evil, for they were pathetic slaves.
With your silver dagger we fixed crying smiles, we put our valuable patients through torturous trials.
They look so surreal now, aren't you glad you kept the vow?

As the voice of your presentiment speaks, your heathen pride flocks to its final act.
Fear and sanity rise in crescendo as your mind separates lies from facts.
I crawl back into the opaqueness of your heart as the scene before you tears you apart.
Your blood has died, your memory has has lied, your consciousness has cried, have you enjoyed the ride?
The flames of hell are awaiting your resurrection.
You will pay in tears for your vile addiction.
All for a simple mistake that drained your blood from his pores.
For it was the natural disaster that tore your life of its core.
You've traded an eternity of infamy for a glimpse of ecstasy.
Now that the torment's real, do you believe you had a fair deal?

My Twin
( by Kemo779, Poem💞Lover 254 member )

I'm drowning in my melancholy and I've lost hope on the way.
A congregation of ideas sketch a black silhouette that hunts me as its prey.
Invisible to all but my eyes, the figure poisons but what can I say?
Always there writing the darkest of nights, always there clouding the brightest of days.
Reflecting in the eyes of a sadistic actor when he's off his agonising stage.
Born with the existence of man, feeds of tantrums and rage.
Its stare shatters souls like flames disintegrating a burnt page.
There's no escaping its grasp, only death frees from its terror.
Like a pale ghost staring back from the reflection of a mirror.

Feeling anxious and paranoid, I've become mentally destroyed.
Resisting like a maniac, I'm balancing above the void.
Crawling under immense pressure from above, slowly losing passion for everything I love.
Evolving into my arch enemy and yet my inspiring muse, becoming the executioner that ties my noose.
Turning into a fragile wreck of a man, becoming a willing victim of abuse.
The silhouette's closing in, we're merging into one and absorbing the world and its wrong.
As the transition ends, I realise we were meant to be together all along.

A Woman Speaks
( Audre Lorde )

Moon marked and touched by sun
my magic is unwritten
but when the sea turns back
it will leave my shape behind.
I seek no favor
untouched by blood
unrelenting as the curse of love
permanent as my errors
or my pride
I do not mix
love with pity
nor hate with scorn
and if you would know me
look into the entrails of Uranus
where the restless oceans pound.

I do not dwell
within my birth nor my divinities
who am ageless and half-grown
and still seeking
my sisters
witches in Dahomey
wear me inside their coiled cloths
as our mother did

I have been woman
for a long time
beware my smile
I am treacherous with old magic
and the noon's new fury
with all your wide futures
I am
and not white.

The Lost Love
( by Naif Ahmed Ali,
Poem💞Lover 254 member )

I loved her for many years ;
I lost her love when we were apart ;
She changed her mind for many fears :
For my poor life, she threw her heart
To another guy who does not care
About her love, he is too proud
Of himself, and does she dare
To be his darling even he is coward !
Oh my love ! Why did you change ?
From purity to such this state
Of impurity, you are so strange !
Your life is so hard and your fate ;
To be alone all of your time,
To be alive in the eternal rhyme.


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