الصيحة - النداء ● The Scream
■ Part 1
حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد ابن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب، عن جعفر بن بشير، عن هشام بن سالم، عن زرارة، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال:
ينادي مناد باسم القائم عليه السلام، قلت: خاص أو عام؟ قال: عام يسمع كل قوم بلسانهم، قلت: فمن يخالف القائم عليه السلام وقد نودي باسمه؟ قال: لا يدعهم إبليس حتى ينادي (في آخر الليل او نهار) ويشكك الناس.
Zurara reported from Abu Abdullah Imam Al Sadiq AS who said:
"A caller will call out the name of the Qa'im AS" I asked, "Is it a specific call or a general one?" He replied, "A general one, all people will hear it in their own language." I then asked, "Who would oppose the Qa'im AS after his name has been called out?" He said, "Iblis will not leave them; he will call out (either late at night or day) and cause doubt among the people." [1]
إسناده صحيح ● Sahih Transmission
Shaykh Asif Al-Muhseni says regarding this narration:
أقول: قوله: «يسمع كل قوم بلسانهم. يحكي عن توسعة ورقي التكنولوجي في ذلك العصر كما ظهر اثره في عصرنا.
'I say: The statement: "Everyone hears in their own language." It speaks about the expansion and advancement of technology in that era, as its impact has appeared in our time.' [2]
Expanding on Shaykh Asif Muhseni's words, the use of technology may be a possibility in sending warnings of the coming of Al Mahdi AS. This may entail use of the media to convey the news in every tongue. Or technology may be utilised through other means, God knows best. With media being the most powerful tool that shapes society's perception of reality. Though, as is known, the media is also a weapon for projecting misguidance and discord. Leaving us all without direction. Manipulation is a weapon. Sophistry is a weapon. These rhetorics are a delusion only for those who's truth is what they desire. Such that even with the announcement of his return, many will still deny. Muslims and disbelievers alike. Their truth doesn't extend beyond the bubble of delusion they've trapped themselves in. Such that the companion asks, how is it that people will still deny?!
Shaykh Al Nu'mani RH narrates the following, providing additional clarity:
عن زرارة بن أعين، قال:
سمعت أبا عبد الله يقول: ينادي منادٍ من السماء: إن فلاناً هو الأمير. وينادي منادٍ: إن علياً وشيعته هم الفائزون. قلت: فمن يقاتل المهدي بعد هذا؟ فقال: إن الشيطان ينادي: إن فلاناً وشيعته هم الفائزون. (لرجل من بني أمية) قلت: فمن يعرف الصادق من الكاذب؟ قال: يعرفه الذين كانوا يروون حديثنا ويقولون إنه يكون قبل أن يكون، ويعلمون أنهم هم المحقون الصادقون.
Zurara bin A’yun had said:
'I heard Abu Abdullah as-Sadiq AS saying: “A caller will call out from the Heaven that so-and-so is the emir and that Ali and his followers are the triumphants.” I said: “Then who will fight al-Mahdi after that?” He said: “The Satan will call out that so-and-so and his followers are the triumphants-a man of the Umayyads (Uthman).” I said: “Then who will know which the truthful is and which the liar is?” He said: “Those, who used to narrate our traditions, will know that and will know that they are with the truth.”' [3]
Some fear they will never recognize Al Qa'im and consequently may reject him upon his return. The significant influence of technology can lead to widespread deceit, with external forces clashing and the heart becoming their battlefield. Knowing Al Qa'im involves recognizing his signs, understanding the legacy he upholds, and acknowledging that his existence is a continuation of unequivocal divine guidance. Those who do not align themselves with the family of Muhammad SAWS are plagued with an internal void of darkness. A void only illuminated through their divine guidance and applying their objective perception of reality. Of existence. It is our duty to acquire knowledge of the Imam and resonate with his coming by contemplating the actions of his forefathers. Through this understanding, we recognize that the truth lies with Ali and his Shia.
■ Part 1
حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد ابن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب، عن جعفر بن بشير، عن هشام بن سالم، عن زرارة، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال:
ينادي مناد باسم القائم عليه السلام، قلت: خاص أو عام؟ قال: عام يسمع كل قوم بلسانهم، قلت: فمن يخالف القائم عليه السلام وقد نودي باسمه؟ قال: لا يدعهم إبليس حتى ينادي (في آخر الليل او نهار) ويشكك الناس.
Zurara reported from Abu Abdullah Imam Al Sadiq AS who said:
"A caller will call out the name of the Qa'im AS" I asked, "Is it a specific call or a general one?" He replied, "A general one, all people will hear it in their own language." I then asked, "Who would oppose the Qa'im AS after his name has been called out?" He said, "Iblis will not leave them; he will call out (either late at night or day) and cause doubt among the people." [1]
إسناده صحيح ● Sahih Transmission
Shaykh Asif Al-Muhseni says regarding this narration:
أقول: قوله: «يسمع كل قوم بلسانهم. يحكي عن توسعة ورقي التكنولوجي في ذلك العصر كما ظهر اثره في عصرنا.
'I say: The statement: "Everyone hears in their own language." It speaks about the expansion and advancement of technology in that era, as its impact has appeared in our time.' [2]
Expanding on Shaykh Asif Muhseni's words, the use of technology may be a possibility in sending warnings of the coming of Al Mahdi AS. This may entail use of the media to convey the news in every tongue. Or technology may be utilised through other means, God knows best. With media being the most powerful tool that shapes society's perception of reality. Though, as is known, the media is also a weapon for projecting misguidance and discord. Leaving us all without direction. Manipulation is a weapon. Sophistry is a weapon. These rhetorics are a delusion only for those who's truth is what they desire. Such that even with the announcement of his return, many will still deny. Muslims and disbelievers alike. Their truth doesn't extend beyond the bubble of delusion they've trapped themselves in. Such that the companion asks, how is it that people will still deny?!
Shaykh Al Nu'mani RH narrates the following, providing additional clarity:
عن زرارة بن أعين، قال:
سمعت أبا عبد الله يقول: ينادي منادٍ من السماء: إن فلاناً هو الأمير. وينادي منادٍ: إن علياً وشيعته هم الفائزون. قلت: فمن يقاتل المهدي بعد هذا؟ فقال: إن الشيطان ينادي: إن فلاناً وشيعته هم الفائزون. (لرجل من بني أمية) قلت: فمن يعرف الصادق من الكاذب؟ قال: يعرفه الذين كانوا يروون حديثنا ويقولون إنه يكون قبل أن يكون، ويعلمون أنهم هم المحقون الصادقون.
Zurara bin A’yun had said:
'I heard Abu Abdullah as-Sadiq AS saying: “A caller will call out from the Heaven that so-and-so is the emir and that Ali and his followers are the triumphants.” I said: “Then who will fight al-Mahdi after that?” He said: “The Satan will call out that so-and-so and his followers are the triumphants-a man of the Umayyads (Uthman).” I said: “Then who will know which the truthful is and which the liar is?” He said: “Those, who used to narrate our traditions, will know that and will know that they are with the truth.”' [3]
Some fear they will never recognize Al Qa'im and consequently may reject him upon his return. The significant influence of technology can lead to widespread deceit, with external forces clashing and the heart becoming their battlefield. Knowing Al Qa'im involves recognizing his signs, understanding the legacy he upholds, and acknowledging that his existence is a continuation of unequivocal divine guidance. Those who do not align themselves with the family of Muhammad SAWS are plagued with an internal void of darkness. A void only illuminated through their divine guidance and applying their objective perception of reality. Of existence. It is our duty to acquire knowledge of the Imam and resonate with his coming by contemplating the actions of his forefathers. Through this understanding, we recognize that the truth lies with Ali and his Shia.