Real Lucas Gage

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Changed my phone number, so any jews who call me will be wasting their time lol

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One of the cops asked me "What is the Talmud?" I said, "It's the jewish 'holy book' that says Jesus is boiling in shit and semen."

I want to share this message an ally sent me. He goes by AidenHunterX on twitter. It was very touching and inspiring for me:

It may be difficult to see it this way in this exact moment, but you have sparked a monumental shift in the battleline. You took our consciousness where it needed to go. I know of nobody else in our broad circles who has put words to action. You are the first. We needed this. We endlessly analyze all the aspects of jewish tyranny, which has its place, but we all know it's not enough. Each of us holds back every day. You have broken through, at great sacrifice to yourself, but at great service to our kids and our race, and to gentiles as a whole.

The desecration of the flag and the destruction of the talmud represent revolutionary action. These deeds are sacred. They are etched in everyone's consciousness now, and will remain so for years to come.

Why do you think the Romans paraded the menorah through the streets and then destroyed it? It was not just for shits and giggles. These deeds speak to us beneath language. They have to be done. They focus our minds on resistance and remind us of our fighting spirit. Which leads ultimately to triumph.

Twitter is good but is something of a trap, in that we sit in front of the screen, and we all know what we know, but never do anything. Eight billion people can know the truth, but if we don't push back eventually, even with symbolic action, it doesn't matter what we knkw. (A lesson David Duke learned and wrote about in his book My Awakening.)

However bad this exact moment is, just know you have done what needed to be done. Whether you intended to or not, you took one for the team but advanced us in the right direction. You took us further.

Nobody else would do it.

As for jews getting you a six month suspension, that is a tiny spec compared to what you have achieved. In fact they have (as per usual) only confirmed the justice of our cause. If they were wise, they would have ignored it. Now it is going viral everywhere.

Just think about these things, this broader victory and this evolution in our consciousness, and know that you have done this for us, even if it is hard to see through the current frustration and chaos.

Please secure your family as much as possible. I know you say you don't care if they kill you, but your kids also have to be protected. If I were in your shoes, I'd at least invite trusted friends to stay with me for the next couple of weeks.

I have a home in **** that my uncle left to me (he was the one from ****). It is empty now. If you ever need to get out of dodge or just take a vacation, you can use it for as long as you want. It's in a rural area called ****, 98% white with zero crime. May seem weird to offer this, but just file it in the back of your mind in case it is ever needed.

I wish we had millionaires in our ranks. People like you need to be protected and funded.

Anyway. The last few days, you have elevated us, you have boosted our morale, you have broken through psychological barriers and monotony. The genie is out of the bottle, and jews cannot put it back. We all know we needed to go harder. These "small" actions were huge strides forward.

Because jews have threated to shoot up my house, I'm sending the wife and kids away until it's safe. Eventually, I'm going to have to sell my house and move to another state.

They have certainly caused massive inconveniences for my family, but they have, as usual, only proved me right, strengthened my resolve, and awakened more of our fellow Gentiles due to their satanic behavior.

They rejected my appeal, even though I've never promoted violence, even last time when I got suspended. The jews are master deceivers and duped Elon again.

Idk what this is about. If I am suspended for 6 months, then this doesn't make any sense. I also was never given any specific tweets for my suspension, like I was last time. Perhaps some jew at X just nuked me out of anger. IDK.

This morning at 7:45 am, Brick PD came to warn me that they received a call from someone who said they were going to come to my home and kill everyone here because I burned the Talmud.

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