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MAGA | KAG | 17 | Truth | 👊🏻🇺🇸💪🏻🙏🏻
@PatriotGear 👕🧢🇺🇸

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Репост из: Lennon Ruthven
I haven't followed Q for long, and only gathered bits and pieces from others. I'm an Empath and have been all my life. I've mostly observed human interaction by natural intrigue and with that sense of judgement, I would say I have a decent initiative with body language and the like, that has developed overtime. I've came across Simon parkes, Charlie Ward, and others, and what I feel is they're simply the surface-world's main idols in terms of feeding information during current events. They're truthful, In my eyes, based on my multidimensional truth, and reading about ET life from reliable sources. We cannot force ET life onto anything and anyone since we've been programmed to think nothing of it. This Aquarius age definitely has something to do with it since during Pisces, it was all about secret societies with regard to the occult. Now, ESP is activating across the globe upon the dawn of the age of Aquarius. More people, whether we like it or not, are waking up in different ways. Materialistic civilians who crave netflix, don't believe in Q simply because they don't actually know any frame of reference it's that simple. We're all equals, just kept in the dark this whole time. This isn't a Cabal casting Magic spells, deeper than that, it's manifestation, it's giving life to interdimensional beings, forging alliance, allowing transportation interdimensional and much, much more. Q is a military operation of some people who can look into the future (Timelines). i've also heard by someone, many other countries have 'Q' (as a frame of reference, since Q speaks in the past which confirms the future). You may look into the Looking Glass which is extraterrestrial tech which simply outlines the fact that this tech exists

Репост из:
JUST IN - Facebook is referring its decision to indefinitely suspend former US President Donald Trump’s access to his Facebook and Instagram accounts to the "independent" Oversight Board.

HINT: Soon, a technocratic and "independent" Big Tech Supreme Court, founded by the Internet oligarchs, will take on more important decisions than the Supreme Courts of countries.

@disclosetv @disclosetv_chat

Huge drop of information -

Follow @RedHatFrogs

[1]OWL[1] [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming [DECLAS] [POTUS]

Follow @RedHatFrogs

Репост из: Patriot Alerts
@PatriotMap (New!!!)
@WeThePatriotic 🇺🇸

Репост из: Lin Wood
Did you think the Biden inauguration went too smoothly today given that there were no rehearsals or is it just me? Almost like watching a Hollywood movie . . . Where were all the fences constructed by National Guard?

Репост из: Patriot Alerts
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Wait for it...

@PatriotMap (New!!!)
@WeThePatriotic 🇺🇸

Репост из: General Warz Channel
Share it!!

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Репост из: Lin Wood
I share the link below with you to let you think for yourself and decide whether you believe it to be accurate and reassuring. Maybe you will at least find some hope from it in what I am sure has been a difficult day for Patriots. Keep speaking truth. Keep fighting for freedom. Never give up.

God bless you. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Ep 2383b – Military Control, 11.3 Verifies As 1st Marker, The End Won’t Be For Everyone
✅ Enjoy The Healthy Aging Support of Collagen 🔥 😍 Get 51% Off ➡️  Here This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^💪💪  The [DS]/MSM

Репост из: Escape The Matrix

Help us spread truth! #KAG ✝️🌎🇺🇸

Channel: @PookztA
Network: @WeThePatriotic

Репост из: Jordan Sather
Deep Staters must be looking around at each other right now thinking “did we just get Biden into office? That was too easy...👀👀👀”

Репост из: Joe M
A majority of freedom loving Americans just watched their country get stolen by radical communists in real-time. The same satanic ideology responsible for the deaths of 100 million people in the past century just wiped away our constitution and completed a Bolshevik revolution using their tried-and-tested playbook of street violence, fraud, censorship and mass brainwashing. This same majority of freedom-loving patriotic Americans, civilian and military, swore an oath of allegiance to the very constitution they just watched be criminally subverted. Do you honestly think they are going to lie down and let it happen? I don't. Not for one little bit. If we do, we don't deserve the blood shed by our founders. We don't deserve freedom. My faith is not in Q, or "The Plan". My faith is in red-blooded, proud and tenacious Americans and everything they have always stood for. No matter how dark today may feel, that faith is unbreakable.

Репост из: Patriot Alerts
@PatriotMap (New!!!)
@WeThePatriotic 🇺🇸

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