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Who committed the crime?


Репост из: Middle East Spectator
— 🇹🇼/🇭🇺 UPDATE: The company has released a statement naming BAC Consulting, located in Budapest, Hungary, as the manufacturer of the pagers.


RIP Adam Epstein

Believing official narratives can cost you your life


Репост из: Intel Republic
⚡️🇱🇧🇮🇷INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM TERRORISM - SNOWDEN ON MASS PAGER BLASTS IN LEBANON: Man wanted by #Washington for exposing American war crimes states "implanted explosives" his theory on why pagers exploded, adding that #Israel’s indiscriminate terror attack "reckless" (top pic).

U.S State Department Spokesman Miller smirks like it’s all 1 big joke (00:35 in bottom vid) as he claims America “not involved or aware” of attack (00:19 in bottom vid), while Israel still silent on strikes as it refuses to acknowledge it was behind murder of little girl and 10 others, and wounding at least 4,000.

Boost us here! @IntelRepublic

Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
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❗⚡️US wasn't involved in pager incidents in Lebanon, did not know about what happened in advance - US State Department


3k 0 24 7 45

Genocide is violence that targets individuals because of their membership of a group and aims at the destruction of a group of people.

Wanting to target all members of the Hezbollah political party, not discriminating between the armed militants and the civilian members of the political party is by definition a genocidal intention.

In the case of indiscriminately planting explosives on all pagers going to Lebanon for the use of the Hezbollah political party with no qualms about distinguishing combatants from non combatants this is without any doubt a genocidal act.

The same applies to wanting to destroy Hamas in its entirety without distinguishing between civilians and militants. Hamas is also a political party with militant branches the largest of which is called the Al-Qassam Brigades.


Репост из: Lebanese News and Updates
📰 Hezbullah MP Ibrahim al-Moussawi:

- What happened is a full-fledged genocide

- Those carrying pager devices are civilian members of Hezbullah, not combatants

- What happened is a full-fledged crime against civilians

✍ His remarks confirm what I said before, and that aside, killing off-duty unarmed combatants or members of a party is a crime. 3,000 injuries, many now with lifetime disabilities is a genocide.

Репост из: Going Underground on RT
Israel is the only ‘state’ that can conduct a terrorist attack in which thousands of communication devices are used as explosives en masse, de facto indiscriminately targeting civilians…

And the US, UK, and EU respond with no words of condemnation, let alone any military action after an act of what many are calling state terrorism

The hypocrisy, and horror, of the Washington-led ‘rules-based order’ is being exposed day after day as nothing more than the violent, oppressive rule of Washington’s allies, who follow absolutely no rules, yet impose rules on others

Репост из: Marwa Osman
Taiwan's Gold Apollo pager company issued a statement stating:

"- The #pagers that exploded in #Lebanon carry our trademark, but they were manufactured in Europe.

- All AP924 Model Pager models were subcontracted to a company in Europe, about 5,000 in that batch to Lebanon.

- The pagers were manufactured in through third party components."

They are trying to clear Taiwan, which is mostly plausible, as Europe was always the hub for the Mossad historically when sabotaging supply chains.

How about naming the European country/manufacturer? Wouldn't that clear the Taiwan based company's name faster?


Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), CASRN 78-11-5, belongs to the class of compounds known as organic nitrates. It is used mainly as a demolition explosive and in the manufacture of detonating fuses and blasting caps (O’Neil, 2013Lewis, 2007). Commercial PETN is usually mixed with plasticized nitrocellulose or synthetic rubber because PETN in its pure form is too sensitive to friction and impact (NCBI, 2021). PETN is one of the most powerful explosives known, and along with cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (RDX), it is the main ingredient in Semtex, a plastic explosive. Additionally, PETN is one of a number of organic nitrates (e.g., nitroglycerin [NTG]) used therapeutically as coronary vasodilators in the treatment of cardiovascular conditions (angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure). However, PETN was removed from most markets as a treatment option in the early 1990s, with the notable exception of Eastern Europe, because clear evidence of its efficacy was lacking.


This is how they did it

6k 0 169 16 67

Репост из: Health Ranger
Folks, today is the today we all just learned that the government has the power to cause your mobile phones to explode and kill you. And they can initiate it remotely, targeting certain individuals or groups. Gives a whole new meaning to the term, "died suddenly," doesn't it? Personally, I only use de-Googled phones that have no back doors to Google. One company that makes these is called and I've interviewed the founder several times. Remember: ALL mobile phones that are common Android are actually GOOGLE / NSA phones, and all iPhones are frequently sending your user meta data back to Apple without your knowledge. Google and Apple phones are SPY DEVICES, and now we learn it's plausible that they may indeed be remote detonation explosive devices as well. If you like having fingers, hands and your face intact, get off your Google / Apple devices right now!

4.1k 0 140 18 60

Репост из: Health Ranger
Millions of people are suddenly realizing: If they can remotely detonate mobile phones, imagine how big of an explosion they can create by remotely detonating your EV! Anybody driving a modern electric vehicle is actually driving a massive BOMB on public roads. Just one cyber hack is all it would take to detonate them. And your own government can initiate the detonation at will. Israel just proved that today. That's why I drive a DIESEL TRUCK. Safest thing on the road.

4k 0 107 8 75

Репост из: Health Ranger
This is a huge deal, folks. Israel's intelligence services remotely detonated 1000+ comms devices in the hands of Hezbollah members in Lebanon. Reportedly pagers but some reports also say cell phones. They were REMOTELY triggered to overheat and detonate their batteries. Many people have been killed, including some children. Many fingers and hands blown off. If the tech exists to do this in Lebanon, this same tech exists to do this in the USA. Your mobile phone is a remote-controlled bomb, and intelligence services can detonate it at will. Let that sink in.

3.8k 0 127 6 65

4.6k 1 128 10 44

How the UK government helped the Biden-Harris US government crush free speech 🇺🇲

"The government’s Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU), set up in 2019 and instructed in March 2020 to combat the spread of ‘false coronavirus information online’, has helped the United States establish a dedicated team to crush what it sees as dissent.

Documents obtained under freedom of information (FOI) by the sovereignty organisation America First Legal (AFL), show that in August 2021 the Biden White House hosted a team from the CDU. They taught the Biden-Harris National Security Council (NSC), an interagency policy committee (IPC), everything they knew about silencing government critics on social media.

The CDU came under the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and was run by civil servant Sarah Connolly. (The NSOIT operates within the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology.) They used a 155-page PowerPoint presentation to explain to the US how they had instructed British social media to censor users posting content they deemed harmful. They shared their censorship playbook and advised the US to create a dedicated hub to lead government censorship efforts, backed with legislation to enable them to coerce social media companies. The result was, and still is, an all-out assault on free speech, done in the name of our ‘safety’.

The CDU taught White House teams how to bully social media platforms to ensure government censorship demands were not ignored. A duty-of-care principle was established in the UK in 1932, and it is this anti-harm legislation the British government used to demand censorship of social media content, since reinforced by the Online Safety Act passed in October 2023.

Censorship violates Article 10 of the UK’s 1998 Human Rights Act. It states: ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.’"

Sally Beck


I agree that we have to unite and face a common enemy together.

Where I disagree is that enemy was not a virus, but the people who made & released that virus in order to then enforce lockdowns to push everyone onto digital screens to profit Big Tech and then blackmail us with having to take a genetic modification injection falsely marketed as a vaccine to lift lockdowns so as to normalize a new mRNA platform to bail out Big Pharma with public money.

I call those people the globalist oligarchy.


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