In Telegram, you can now distribute and send Stars ⭐️ via the bot — @xrocket.
▪️Stars come directly to your Telegram account, not the bot.
▪️To make distributions, etc., you must have TON on your wallet in the @xrocket bot.
▪️The minimum for distribution is 150 Stars ⭐️
What do you think of this feature? I find it very convenient 🔥
Rouzii Crypto | Rouzii Crypto EN | Rouzii | | Bybit
▪️Stars come directly to your Telegram account, not the bot.
▪️To make distributions, etc., you must have TON on your wallet in the @xrocket bot.
▪️The minimum for distribution is 150 Stars ⭐️
What do you think of this feature? I find it very convenient 🔥
Rouzii Crypto | Rouzii Crypto EN | Rouzii | | Bybit