RoadToPetabyte Telegram Announcements

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Telegram

RoadToPetabyte welcome page @WelkomTelegram Contact @ContactRTP

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: UkrainianTelegramFreaks: Ukrainian Telegram Freaks from Ukraine and worldwide [Україна / Украина / Ucrania / Ucraina / UA]
Преміум-доступ: скільки грошей потрібно Telegram на його витрати

Репост из: FrenchTelegramFreaks : French Telegram Freaks from France, Africa, Canada, Switzerland / Suisse [Français]
Accès premium: combien d'argent Telegram a-t-il besoin pour ses dépenses

Репост из: TelegramFreaks : Telegram Channel Freaks from Росси́я, Україна, Deutschland, Italia, Schweiz, España, UK, USA and more
Premium-доступ: сколько средств нужно Telegram на свои расходы

Don't be an #idiot following the mass of people like a sheep; use your #brain. #True #facts show that too: #WhatsApp is just shit! The Problem? No one is talking about such stories!!!

Репост из: GenRevolution Telegram Announcements
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Coming Soon

Telegram is made in Europe, Europa will be soon on Telegram

Belgium and Switzerland are pretty similar (= multilingual = German / English / Dutch / French by offering content with high quality), reason why soon we will focus to bring more content from BE

Maybe you haven't discovered it until now, but Telegram released too

Otherwise there is no message about the end of premium features, like a suggestion to rejoin to get features back. So in conclusion all features get locked and you cannot use it anymore until you pay for that, but you don't lose public channels. We still need to test the over 500 joined channels with another test account in the next days. This was just a test to know how Telegram premium works. We will continue to use it for our main accounts.

Pinned tab resetted to 5. There was no automatically account logout, but probably if you logout with an account, you obviously cannot login again, means you can use 4 account if you have 1 paid premium.

What happened to our folders? Here the answer

Chrome, a source of swear.

If you maybe haven't discovered until now, you should deactivate protection under settings (by selecting no protection at all). Obviously with Chrome this doesn't work like with Safari, because they are fucking idiots and they continue to show 1000x "file can damage your mac" where you need to click 1 by 1 "approve" ...

Suggestion: switch browser or download directly to the cloud. You can use a previous browser version too. Keep in mind that Chrome continues to downgrade user experience from day to day, like we wrote in the previous post

Probably we need to wait few hours / days, since premium is still active.

Репост из: RoadToPetabyte Backup Downloader (PPP)
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This is another no sense marketing trending used by so many brands. Maybe they even first increased the price to 1800 and then decreased to 1599.99, so people think the product is discounted. One thing is sure. On all our deal channels you don't see such shit.

PS: keep in mind that the same happens with some other services, where you can just login if you have the phone number active, even if you don't activate 2 step shit. Reason? Because brands and people are obsessed with such shitty security everywhere, that now services block your login everywhere and you need to confirm everytime the same shit.

Like we said, people think to make something useful with such security obsession, in reality the just downgrade services (just think about Apple with their T2 chip and other shitty security things they implemented, that simply putted to the trash all option to backup and recovery your data), slow down workflows and are a risk for whole account lost. Average users probably will never understand that, until they get a kick on the ass with an unusable account. Instead of focusing on such bullshit, people and dev should focus on real features that really boost the productivity.

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