Фильтр публикаций

Simple Explanation of ZRAM Swap

An app task memory 100 MB for example  > 100 MB running in RAM while the app is opened > If we go directly to home without closing the app, the 100 MB will be cached in RAM > If we open another new app and the RAM is full enough, the 100 MB will be compressed to 35 MB and it's still in RAM, not going anywhere, so we have 65 MB free RAM for the new app. This compression is called as ZRAM Swap. ZRAM is swapping from normal file to compressed file and vice-versa, so it's also called as Swap. ZRAM Swap is faster, better, & safer than the old and depracated Swap Partition and Swap File, so do not use swap partition nor swap file if you are using ZRAM Swap.

Z Folder Script

- Make sure the modules are installed correctly

- Install Termux app at Play Store or any other else Terminal Emulator app

- Download z.sh file v0.9 here: https://www.pling.com/p/2183312/ then move it to /sdcard/

- Type "su" at the Termux app, press enter and grant root access

- Run this command bellow at the Termux app (just copy and paste):


sh /sdcard/z.sh

Wait until it's finished. After running the command above, z folder will be created automatically in your internal storage. Zip/compress it and send me the zipped/compressed /z folder. (/sdcard means your internal storage. That's not external sdcard).

Sound Enhancement Troubleshootings

- If Sound Enhancement FX doesn't work, then type:


at Terminal/Termux app while playing music.

- If Sound Enhancement still not working, you need to play music with any music app that uses external EQ option first after like Xperia Music, YouTube Music, or Spotify.

- Disable the "No active profiles" notification and ignore it, it's nothing. If notification is greyed out, do not disable Android Signature Verification. Or use any notification remover app root at playstore if there.

- DSEEHX and Clear Phase toggler is turning off automatically after switching/stopping song or phone's rebooted. It's not a bug. That's how it is on unsupported/non-Xperia audio service.

- Actually, DSEEHX is only working in Xperia vendor, otherwise the toggler can only be used to disable Sound Enhancement effect.


You can create /data/media/0/optionals.prop file yourself if it's not exist yet (if you are not in user 0, then change the 0 to your current user) using @mtmanager or any file manager and write any modified settings bellow inside the optionals.prop file BEFORE INSTALLING/REINSTALLING THE MODULE:

- You can enable Xperia Dolby Atmos (it will changing ro.product.manufacturer to "Sony"):


On newer version, Dolby is enabled by default. You can disable it:


- You can also enable any #dolby_optionals commands here: https://t.me/ryukinotes/8

- Any workaround for this Dolby is the same as #dolby_troubleshootings note: https://t.me/ryukinotes/11


For who can't access pling.com, change your private DNS to




or use VPN

You can also change pling.com to opendesktop.org or store.kde.org or linux-apps.com

If you still not be able to access, the website must be under maintenance. It's usually happen. Just be patient. Try again tomorrow. Or just report it to contact@opendesktop.org.

Bug Report / Fix / Feedback

Sending logs/bug_report that is not via PM will not be approved. Logs/bug report must be via PM @reiryuki. Do not send to group. Any logs/bug report sent to group will be ignored (except you are blocked by me). Any .zip files will also be deleted automatically in group.

If you're reporting bug without following the installation guide and this #bug_report or #workarounds, you will receive warnings.

Make sure you don't reporting about "Known Issues" that is written in each README of modules!

For audio mods, you have to install AML, dirac misoundfx Remover, AOSP soundfx Remover (except for Lineage AudioFX), & Sound Alive FX Remover Magisk Module (for Samsung device except you are using Sound Alive Magisk Module), do not use NLSound nor Ainur Narsil Magisk Module, otherwise not apporoved!

Read #global_troubleshootings and #global_optionals first to fix some issues before reporting!

1) If it's a Magisk module, disable any other else module first (except the module you want to report, AML, dirac misoundfx Remover, AOSP soundfx Remover, Sound Alive FX Remover, Moto Core, & Miui Core Magisk Module. But if you are reporting for AML Ryuki Mod, then you need to enable all audio mod module you have), only use latest version can be approved (IF THE LATEST IS ALPHA/BETA, THEN USE ALPHA/BETA INSTEAD!  Search #alpha or #beta at finder if there!), explain what's not working, and send required files bellow via PM.

2) Take a MAGISK/KERNELSU INSTALL LOG #magisk_install_log (NOT MAGISK/KERNELSU LOG) if it's about Magisk module tap here: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/74720
If you are still sending Magisk log instead of Magisk Install Log, you will receive a warning until you send the right Magisk Install Log.

3) Take a full #logcat tap here: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/74699

4) Take #zfolder tap here: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/51138

If you PM me without doing above, means no fixes and no answers or you may be blocked. You can only report 1 module per report. If you miss any file, you may be ignored.

------------- Any missing stuffs --------------
------------ will not be approved -------------

Bug report contains 7 stuffs:

1) Explanations
2) Magisk/KernelSU install log if it's a Magisk module
3) Disabled any other else modules (except the module you want to report, AML, dirac misoundfx Remover, AOSP soundfx Remover, Sound Alive FX Remover, Moto Core, & Miui Core Magisk Module. But if you are reporting for AML Ryuki Mod, then you need to enable all audio mod module you have.)
4) Full logcat
5) Z folder #zfolder
6) Screenshot all super user lists for KSU users
7) Send bug report via PM

If you miss one of them, re-read above please. If you don't understand, learning is the best you can do. If you feel that this is too complicated, then just go out from here. Thank you.

If facing brick/bootloop/auto reboot/forced reboot to recovery/stuck after boot, go to #bug_report_bootloop instead: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/51257

If your report is not answered immediately, then be patient because I only have one brain while there are so many of you.

Asking fixes without doing above or sending bug report without disabling any other else modules are REJECTED/IGNORED. If you still nagging, then you will get warns.

Hi-Res Audio Enabler Troubleshootings

- You can check via logcat and search bitwidth  and play music to confirm is your ROM supported or not. If you see 24 bitwidth or 32 bitwidth and no any resetting to 16 bitwidth, that means your ROM is supported, otherwise it's not supported.

- To check is your ROM already applied 24 or 32 bit width, run this terminal command:

su -c getprop persist.vendor.audio_hal.dsp_bit_width_enforce_mode

If there is no 24 or 32 output then the ROM is not applied Hi-Res yet. (This is not for checking that the ROM supports Hi-Res or not, use logcat instead!).

- Don't trust any other apps

- If accidentally deleted /data/adb/modules/HiResAudio folder manually without removing the module via Magisk app, you have to run this after reboot:

su -c resetprop -p --delete persist.vendor.audio_hal.dsp_bit_width_enforce_mode

and reboot again.


You can create /data/media/0/optionals.prop file yourself if it's not exist yet (if you are not in user 0, then change the 0 to your current user) using @mtmanager or any file manager and write any modified settings bellow inside the optionals.prop file BEFORE INSTALLING/REINSTALLING THE MODULE:

- To enable 32 bit width instead of 24 bit width:


- To keep 16 bit width on loudspeaker:


- To keep 24 bit width on loudspeaker if hires.32=1:


- You can enable audio format PCM 24 bit packed/32 bit patch to audio output flag deep buffer playback. But it causes low sound issue or even no sound issue at all in some devices. This even doesn't work in most Android 13 and cause some audio mods doesn't work:


You can check is it applied or not via Terminal Emulator (sample rate will be showed here also):


dumpsys media.audio_flinger | grep -B31 AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DEEP_BUFFER

If the Hal Format: is not AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_24_BIT_PACKED/AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_32_BIT, that means it doesn't work and will cause some issues.

Audio Compatibility Patch Magisk module is disabling audio output flag deep buffer and redirecting to audio output flag primary, so not recommended to use Audio Compatibility Patch Magisk module if there is no problem with deep buffer.

- You can
also enable audio format PCM 24 bit packed/32 bit to audio output flag primary (low latency playback). BUT THIS OPTION IS ONLY IF hires.pcm=1:


To check in terminal (sample rate will be showed here also):


dumpsys media.audio_flinger | grep -B35 AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_PRIMARY

- You can enable audio format pcm float instead of 24 bit packed/32 bit like on Pixel 6 Pro. BUT THIS OPTION IS ONLY IF hires.pcm=1:


- You can change the sample rate BUT THIS OPTION IS ONLY IF hires.pcm=1.

To enable sample rate 44100:


To enable sample rate 88200:


To enable sample rate 96000:


To enable sample rate 128000:


To enable sample rate 176400:


To enable sample rate 192000:


To enable sample rate 352800:


To enable sample rate 384000:


Some sample rates may be unsupported by device. DTS soundfx only supports default sample rates 44100 and 48000. Sound Enhancement soundfx doesn't support sample rate greater than 96000.


Do not asking which option you have to use! Just experiment it by yourself!

Post Process Stream Mode

These optionals turns any global type sound effects into post process type sound effects.

You can create /data/media/0/optionals.prop file yourself if it's not exist yet (if you are not in user 0, then change the 0 to your current user) using @mtmanager or any file manager and write any modified settings bellow inside the optionals.prop file BEFORE INSTALLING/REINSTALLING THE MODULE:


m = music stream (no need to use this on DTS modules because it's already enabled by default)
r = ringtone stream
a = alarm stream
s = system stream
v = voice call stream
n = notification stream
b = bluetooth_sco stream
f = dtmf stream
e = enforced_audible stream
y = accessibility stream
t = tts stream
i = assistant stream
c = call_assistant stream
p = patch stream (no need to use this on DTS modules because it's already enabled by default in newer version)
g = rerouting stream (no need to use this on DTS modules because it's already enabled by default in newer version)

- p & g is for game apps
- Using "m" option is NOT RECOMMENDED because the music FX chain will be DOUBLE CHAINED into both global type FX and post process type FX (except for AudioFX LineageOS, Sony Sound Enhancement, Sound Alive, & Audio Effect Deep Field). Actually, global type soundfx can be chained together with post process type soundfx by enabling the global type soundfx BEFORE PLAYING MUSIC. Disabling it while music is playing causes it cannot be enabled again except you stop the music first, enable it, and play the music again. But if Global type FX is not chained with post process FX even though you have done the trick above in your ROM, "m" option could be the workaround. This bug will be fixed soon in the next version. All new versions of Dolby modules are already fixed so double chain will not gonna be happen.

The usage is:


Example for enable music stream only:


Example for enable, ringtone stream, & alarm stream:


Example for enable ringtone stream, alarm stream, & voice call stream:


Example for enable ringtone stream, alarm stream, voice call stream, & notification stream:


Those options above only for example. You can modify values based on your needs.


Audio Effect Deep Field Optionals

You can create /data/media/0/optionals.prop file yourself if it's not exist yet (if you are not in user 0, then change the 0 to your current user) using @mtmanager or any file manager and write any modified settings bellow inside the optionals.prop file BEFORE INSTALLING/REINSTALLING THE MODULE:

- If you want higher volume gain of voice call, tts, assistant, call assistant, and accessibility:


- libvafx_gfx.so is applied to rerouting and patch stream by default. If you don't want it, you can disable it:


- VAFX new mode is activated by default. If you have any issue with that, you can disable it:




- If VAFX app or vafx command doesn't work, probably you have to turn your device to permissive. Read #global_optionals!

OZO Widening Audio Optionals

You can create /data/media/0/optionals.prop file yourself if it's not exist yet (if you are not in user 0, then change the 0 to your current user) using @mtmanager or any file manager and write any modified settings bellow inside the optionals.prop file BEFORE INSTALLING/REINSTALLING THE MODULE:

- The sound effect is applied to rerouting and patch stream by default for game apps. You can disable it if there is a problem with it:



Magisk Delta is now Kitsune Mask

What is Kitsune Mask? Go here instead: @huskydg

Please don't asking question about Kitsune Mask furthermore here because this is not Kitsune Mask support group.

How to move to Kitsune Mask from Magisk Official?

- If you have Dolby module installed (except Magic Revision), remove it and reboot first! Otherwise, Dolby early/pre init mount manifest.xml writes installation may fail.

- Download the latest version of Kitsune Mask here: https://huskydg.github.io/magisk-files

- Normal install the app

- Copy the .apk and rename the copied to .zip using any file manager

- Install the .zip via the official Magisk app or via custom recovery

- Reboot

- Uninstall the official Magisk app

- Open the Kitsune Mask app

- Click OK if there is "Requires Additional Setup" pop-up, it will reboot automatically. If you don't click OK, sepolicy.rules dir and early/pre init mount dir will not be working.

- If you face root detection issue, then use the Magisk Hide or even SUList feature

Bug Report for Brick/Bootloop/Forced Reboot to Recovery/Auto Reboot/Random Reboot/Stuck After Boot

- At the first time, you need to install this module: https://github.com/reiryuki/Boot-Logcat-and-dmesg-Magisk-Module

- For Magisk users, let it bootloop and wait about 3 minutes. After that, go to Recovery and run terminal in Recovery:

touch /sdcard/disable

Copy /sdcard/disable file to the module folder that causes bootloop inside /data/adb/modules/ and /data/adb/modules/BootLogcat/ also. (This method cannot be working if your /data is encrypted and your custom recovery can't access it. So, you need to decrypt your data or find custom recovery for your device that can access your encrypted /data. How to decrypt? Ask Google.) Some custom recoveries has a feature to disable module so you don't need to do above. Do not remove the module nor installing Uninstaller.zip, just disable it!

Reboot system

For KSU users, use /data/adb/ksu/ modules/ instead. If you don't find it, then flash your original boot.img then just do bellow even no disabled module ↓

After the module is disabled, then send #zfolder to @reiryuki via PM. Tap here: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/51138

Send also #magisk_install_log to @reiryuki via PM. Tap here: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/74720


For HyperOS users, read this: https://t.me/androidryukimods/2218

360 Reality Audio Upmix Optionals

You can create /data/media/0/optionals.prop file yourself if it's not exist yet (if you are not in user 0, then change the 0 to your current user) using @mtmanager or any file manager and write any modified settings bellow inside the optionals.prop file BEFORE INSTALLING/REINSTALLING THE MODULE:

- The sound effect is applied to rerouting and patch stream by default for game apps. You can disable it if there is a problem with it:


- There is a setting for mono speaker devices although I don't see any difference with that:



Miui Apps Optionals

You can create /data/media/0/optionals.prop file yourself if it's not exist yet (if you are not in user 0, then change the 0 to your current user) using @mtmanager or any file manager and write any modified settings bellow inside the optionals.prop file BEFORE INSTALLING/REINSTALLING THE MODULE:

- To fix Miui Screen Recorder doesn't work with skiagl nor skiavk in some ROMs :


- If you are facing bootloop with Miui Core, you can disable public.libraries.txt patch, but you will not be able to normal install Miui apps:


- To turn any Miui App Magisk Module into Global mode instead of original China mode:


- To activate recents provider of Miui Home Magisk Module:


Don't use quickswitch app/module!

- If you have display brightness issue:


- To show Sky feature in Miui Gallery AI:


(Delete any other else miui.features)

- If there is no playback while recording with system sounds, you can change gallery mode to lavender instead of cepheus:


(Delete any other else miui.features)

If system sound option is gone, that means your framework.jar is not supported. To check is your framework.jar support system sounds playback or not, run terminal:


grep -E 'createAudioRecordForLoopback|FOR_LOOPBACK' /system/framework/framework.jar

If there is no output, that means unsupported.

- Global optionals tap here: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/60861

Miui Apps Troubleshootings: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/64467


KernelSU/SUList/APatch Issues

- Many KernelSU/SUList/APatch users don't want to READ the installation guide says my module doesn't work/force close but they don't even disable Unmount Modules by Default in their KSU app settings nor include their launcher app & package names in the superuser list/whitelist. If they have included launcher & those package names but they don't reboot. It has been explained in the README Installation Guide but many users don't even want to read anything.

- This is how to mount modules in Apatch: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/228103 or https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/228128

- For Apatch Next please read this: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/270068

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PM @reiryuki

Global Optionals

You can create /data/media/0/optionals.prop file yourself if it's not exist yet (if you are not in user 0, then change the 0 to your current user) using @mtmanager or any file manager and write any modified settings bellow inside the optionals.prop file BEFORE INSTALLING/REINSTALLING THE MODULE:

- Some modules requires sepolicy patch to be working properly in Enforcing mode. sepolicy.rule file will be installed to sepolicy rules dir. But if there are still denials even the sepolicy.rule is installed correctly, you can use this instead:


- If sepolicy patch still not enough caused by denials that are not already allowed by sepolicy patch, you can turn your device to Permissive state instead:


PLEASE REMOVE permissive.mode=2 IF USING THIS!

This option will not be working if your kernel does not support permissive state.

- To use Magisk Permissive mode instead of device Permissive mode:


PLEASE REMOVE permissive.mode=1 IF USING THIS!

- In some devices, using dirac & misoundfx Remover Magisk Module causes the *Parts.apk (Advanced settings app) loop crash. To fix that, you can hide the *Parts.apk:


or you can simply disable the *Parts.apk using any root disabler/freezer and reboot afterwards. Usually *Parts.apk not only contains equalizer but also contains some other ROM features. Hiding/disabling it will also remove those ROM features.

If dirac or misoundfx not working after re-enabling/removing/disabling modules, wipe dalvik cache and run:


rm -rf /data/system/package_cache/* /data/dalvik-cache/* /data/user*/*/com.android.settings/* /data/user*/*/com.miui.misound/* /data/user*/*/se.dirac.acs/*


- If you have dual speaker issue or stereo issue or earpiece issue or speaker not balanced or right and left not balanced with any of audio mods or if you want to enable auto rotation feature in Dolby Moto:


- If you faced no sound or low sound issue on some apps while using any audio mod modules or you don't want audio mod affects your game app and notification/ringtone sound:


- You can use any modified or themed UI apk for any audio mod modules: Place the modified UI apk to your /data/media/0/ (if you are not in user 0, then change the 0 to your current user) first!


(you may need use dolby.mod=0 also in Dolby modules)

For APK UI (User Interface) modder, you can share your modded UI apk only and you have to use this feature instead. Not allowed to duplicate my modules.

- If you don't want system apps of modules keeps running in background/draining battery too much:


Then you can also restrict background of those apps in the app info. This option may reduce applications performance or even makes crash because some apps requires running in background to be working properly.

- To clear all data of a module:


(After installing with that, the value 1 will be changed automatically to 0)


Global Troubleshootings: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/29836

Global Troubleshootings

- Kitsune Mask latest version known has a bug that it doesn't run uninstall.sh of any removed modules. Use this module https://github.com/reiryuki/uninstall.sh-Executor-Magisk-Module to fix that.

- For HyperOS users, please read here: https://t.me/androidryukimods/2218

- "Unable to find pre init dir" means you haven't completed the Magisk installation yet and the early/pre init mount will not be working in Magisk Delta/Kitsune Mask. But if you sure it's not then use #global_optionals sepolicy.sh=1 instead. But if it's showing in recovery, then it's normal.

- If module installation is freezing, probably your ROM doesn't have a complete toolbox, then you need to install busybox first: https://github.com/Magisk-Modules-Repo/busybox-ndk/blob/master/update.json (Go to the zipUrl link)

- All system apps from module will not be allowed to network access by default in some Android 13 and above ROMs. You need to manually allow it in the app info.

- Notifications cannot be turned off? If you just have disabled your Android Signature Verification, then that's the cause. But in Android 12 and up, you can't disable platform_app type notifications. You can minimize it instead. The notifications of system_app type and persistent app type also cannot be disabled in any Android version.

- If using 2 or more audio mod Magisk modules, then you must install Audio Modification Library Ryuki Mod (AML) Magisk Module also: https://github.com/reiryuki/Audio-Modification-Library-Ryuki-Mod-Magisk-Module (use with the latest #magiskdelta is recommended).

- If using 2 or more audio mods with different soundfx type, read here also: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/26764

- NLSound & Ainur Narsil causing some Audio Mods not to work.

- If you are using KernelSU/APatch or SuList, you have to include your launcher app & all package name from module (listed in package.txt) to the whilelist/superuser list and reboot, otherwise apps/icons will be broken https://t.me/androidryukimods/1096. But exclude your launcher app and any package name from module to Zygisk DenyList or Xposed or Riru LSPosed or Riru EdXposed or Taichi Magisk Module then reboot!

- Sometimes built-in soundfx makes audio mod doesn't work properly. AOSP soundfx Remover, dirac misoundfx Remover, & Sound Alive FX Remover Magisk Module may solve with AML.

- If app force close or shows blank only/error, try to reboot twice without reinstalling.

- If you have a playback issue like no sound or volume getting max, maybe it's caused by Mediatek ALSA audio playback https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/135457. Then you need to change ROM. Sound Enhancement, AudioFX LineageOS, & Audio Effect Deep Field also unsupported with ALSA playback.

- If you're using Island app or Work profile, disable apps that are cloned in the Island or the Work profile to prevent conflict.

- If you have deep sleep issue with official Magisk, then you need to move to #magiskdelta instead.

- If anything is not working after installing/uninstalling any Magisk module, run:


rm -rf /data/system/package_cache/* /data/dalvik-cache/* /data/user*/*/com.android.settings/* /data/user*/*/com.android.musicfx/*

Reboot after.

- If wired/headset is not detected, it's probably the ROM bug using deprecated android.media.AudioSystem method in Android 11 and up instead of android.media.AudioManager method. https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/85275

- If any module is turning your device to permissive state, you can turn it back your enforcing state automatically after device boot using this app: https://github.com/reiryuki/Sound-Mods-Automator.

- If you have dual speaker but the left speaker has lower sound than the right speaker, try run this on terminal:

su -c settings put system master_balance -0.5

If the right speaker has lower sound than the left speaker, change -0.5 to  0.5. If you want to revert it to the default, change it to 0.0.

One UI Optionals

You can create /data/media/0/optionals.prop file yourself if it's not exist yet (if you are not in user 0, then change the 0 to your current user) using @mtmanager or any file manager and write any modified settings bellow inside the optionals.prop file BEFORE INSTALLING/REINSTALLING THE MODULE:

- Global Optionals: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/60861

- To fix crashing issue while you are using Samsung app ports that's not from mine with my One UI Core module:


But this option will disable some features.

- To enable recents provider (for Android 11 and up only):


Don't use quickswitch app/module!

Swipe down for notification panel doesn't work except the recents is activated.



- Global Troubleshootings: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/29836

- SPLIT SCREEN in One UI Home 31 can be activated by opening your first app, then tap and hold the second app via recents then swipe to the upper or lower screen https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/187355.

- You may need to disable your built-in launcher if it's conflicting with OneUI Home recents provider.

- To enable double tap to sleep on home screen:

su -c settings put system double_tap_to_sleep 1

- To disable double tap to sleep on home screen:

su -c settings delete system double_tap_to_sleep

- To enable dark status bar:

su -c settings put system need_dark_statusbar 1

- To disable dark status bar:

su -c settings delete system need_dark_statusbar

- To enable dark font on home screen:

su -c settings put system need_dark_font 1

- To disable dark font on home screen:

su -c settings delete system need_dark_font

- To enable dark navigation bar:

su -c settings put system need_dark_navigationbar 1

- To disable dark navigation bar:

su -c settings delete system need_dark_navigationbar

- To enable easy mode:

su -c settings put system easy_mode_switch 1

- To disable easy mode:

su -c settings delete system easy_mode_switch

Frequently Asked Questions

- Which module is best?

Nothing is best. Every module is unique.

- Is the module working for my device/ROM? Which module for my device/ROM? Can I install it to my device/ROM? Is this module better than other module? Is the module support my device? What's the different between modules? Does the module compatible with my device? Can I use this module with other module? Is this module universal?

You think I have all smartphones in the world? Give it a try/find it yourself instead and tell us after. I never create module only for a specific device/ROM.

- Does the module make bootloop or brick?

DwYOR. Every system modification has risks. If you don't know what are you doing, then don't root your device. If you didn't backup your data, that is your fault.

- This module is not working for me.. Help..

Send #bug_report. Otherwise, no helps.

- What device that you are using?

Xiaomi Redmi 4A (rolex) for now.

- What module is recommended? Any suggestion?

I will recommend and suggest you to install and try all of my work one by one and find out which is the best for ya.

- When you will update the module (ETA)?

When there is an idea and I want to update the module, I will update the module. This is not official job, so there is no ETA.

- Is there any rootless?

So many at Playstore. If there isn't, ask to their corporations, not me.

- How can I make a Magisk Module?


- What is this feature? How it works?

Click here google.com and type your question there. The artificial intelligence will tell you the best answers.

- Why don't you reply my question?

Don't PM me unless you follow #bug_report. Otherwise, no reply. If I don't reply even you sent the #bug_report, that means I don't know.

- Can you port this app Sir? Is it possible to port this app Sir?

Maybe yes, maybe not.

- Is there a module for 32 bit architecture? Is there a module for Android 8/8.1/9/10/11/12/12.1/13/14/15? Can it be installed for non-rooted? Is this working with enforcing? Can it be installed via Recovery without Magisk?

READ REQUIREMENTS at README.md! If there is no 64 bit only written, then it supports 32 bit. If there is no Android version written, then it's working in any Android version. If there is no Magisk only required then it can be installed without Magisk. If there is no permissive only written, then it's working in enforcing.

- Can you add/fix a feature of audio mods?

I only port the already existing soundfx from a device, not creating a new one. Any addition or fixation about soundfx is from the product itself.

- What is your favorite audio mod module?

Moto Waves

- Is it possible to update your module via Magisk/KernelSU app (add update.json support)?

Not possible because update.json doesn't support pling.com

- How do I know the audio mod works or not?

Use your ears. But in programmatically, read #global_troubleshootings.

- Does this module spoof ro.product.name or ro.product.device or ro.product.model?

I always write it at README.md descriptions if a module is spoofing anything.

- Why sometimes the apk is treated as malware/trojan/virus?

Please read #false_positive notes!

- Unzip error? Error while installing?

Make sure you are read the installation guide. Check how much your internal storage free left. Check is the zip corrupted or not. Check are you using deprecated Magisk version or not. Don't change download saving files to external storage. Try to install again.

- Why no module is loaded?

Because you are activating Magisk core-only mode.

- What Magisk version I should use?

Use any version you want.

- How to integrate the module to ROM?

I've never even build a ROM not even kernel

- After uninstalling modules, does everything role back to original state?

Yes. Except manifest.xml patch that Dolby does.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.