If you’re using a Linux based operating system, it is vital to port forward ports that are deemed useless in the means of communication.
In order to have good privacy, one must sacrifice speed and efficiency. This includes common ports that have common vulnerabilities. Some common ports must be open always such as port 443, port 53, Port 80, and sometimes port 22. The only way to prevent further exploitation of these common ports is encryption.
We cannot block these on a publicly broadcasted IP address as this would only cause problems, so we must encrypt them and implement Iptables or UFW rules to prevent further attacks or vulnerabilities getting in the hands of the adversary. For further details, read into Ubuntu’s official documentation page.
In order to have good privacy, one must sacrifice speed and efficiency. This includes common ports that have common vulnerabilities. Some common ports must be open always such as port 443, port 53, Port 80, and sometimes port 22. The only way to prevent further exploitation of these common ports is encryption.
We cannot block these on a publicly broadcasted IP address as this would only cause problems, so we must encrypt them and implement Iptables or UFW rules to prevent further attacks or vulnerabilities getting in the hands of the adversary. For further details, read into Ubuntu’s official documentation page.