The United Nations 1963 Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination was basically a blue print for subsequent racial Civil Wrongs acts passed across the West (e.g. Canada 1977, Australia 1975, New Zealand 1971, Britain 1965).
Summary of relevant points:
Article 1: Racism is a violation of "human rights."
Article 2: Affirmative action is necessary to compensate for "institutional discrimination."
Article 3: Discrimination in housing, employment, education, public space access etc. must end.
Article 4: All UN member states must immediately repeal policies that discriminate based on race.
Article 5: Apartheid/segregation must end.
Article 8: Education systems must promote racial "tolerance" and "understanding."
Article 9: "Hate speech" and "racist organizations" must be criminalized.
Summary of relevant points:
Article 1: Racism is a violation of "human rights."
Article 2: Affirmative action is necessary to compensate for "institutional discrimination."
Article 3: Discrimination in housing, employment, education, public space access etc. must end.
Article 4: All UN member states must immediately repeal policies that discriminate based on race.
Article 5: Apartheid/segregation must end.
Article 8: Education systems must promote racial "tolerance" and "understanding."
Article 9: "Hate speech" and "racist organizations" must be criminalized.