Train The Mind™

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Психология

🔺 Know About Mind For Personal Growth
🔺 It's Small Effort To Spread Positivity
👌 Meditation
🎆 Positive Affirmation
🌍 Universal Laws
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✌️ Winning Habits

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

🧞‍♀ All is within, and you have the power to heal your life

Give yourself the love you deserve. Place one hand over the area of discomfort and one hand over your heart. Feel the love within your heart growing stronger and radiating outwards towards the area of concern. Tell your body and this area that you love it and are ready to listen to the inner messages and take action toward balancing yourself.💎

Pause for the simple moments
and breathe them in.
Love each one unconditionally
neither grasping nor clinging
to what fills you up
neither rejecting nor suppressing
what challenges you to grow.
Since every moment is like water
let us breathe and let it flow.

~ Lisa Jayne ✨💜 💫💎

On this auspicious occasion, may the divine blessings of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi be with you and your family, bringing prosperity and good fortune.

Shubh Deepavali...

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"God supplies quickly any need of His devotees, because they have eliminated the thwarting cross -currents of ego," the Master said.

"In the early days of the Mt. Washington Center, a mortgage payment was due; but we had no money in the bank. I prayed very deeply, telling the Lord, 'The welfare of the organization is in Thy hands.'"

"The Divine Mother appeared before me. She said in English:
'I am your stocks and bonds; I am your security.' A few days later I received in the mail a large donation for the Center."

"Make an effort to earn more so that you can be the means of helping others to help themselves; There is an unwritten law that he who helps others to abundance and happiness always will be helped in return, and he will become more and more prosperous and happy. This is an infallible law of happiness."

---Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda,"Self-Realization Lessons"

Courtesy: Shri Raghubir Singh Jamwal in his post of 11 Aug 2016 🌺

“You say you love rain, but you use an umbrella to walk under it. You say you love sun, but you seek shelter when it is shining. You say you love wind, but when it comes you close your windows. So that's why I'm scared when you say you love me.”

~ Bob Marely

Cosmic Yoga

खुद को फिट कैसे रखें ?

इसके लिए हम योगा क्लासेस शुरू कर रहे हैं
जिसमें हम आपके लिए Yoga, Meditation, Zumba,जैसी इस तरह की एक्टिविटी करने वाले हैं तो नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें और हमारे व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप से जुड़ें।

Prevention Is Better Than Cure...

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विचार जादूगर की तरह होते है, जो एक ही क्षण में आपका जीवन बदल सकते है, इसिलिये जो भी विचार करो, सदा सकारात्मक और अच्छा ही सोचो।

Thoughts are like magicians, they can change your life in a moment, so whatever you think, always think positive and good

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Happy Independence Day...🇮🇳

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At the sunset of the year passing by at the birth of new one the memories created by last one and anticipation of the new one

May they all culminate, in flavouring your life, with love, joy, health, wealth may the new year 2023

Bring all awesomeness and bestest of all wishes.

Wish You Happy New Year All Of You 2023.

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Let us celebrate the Deepawali festival with smiles on our faces and joy in our hearts. Deepawali greetings to everyone...

Shubh Deepawali...

Happy Independence Day 🇮🇳

#IndiaAt75 🇮🇳

All is within, and you have the power to heal your life

Give yourself the love you deserve. Place one hand over the area of discomfort and one hand over your heart. Feel the love within your heart growing stronger and radiating outwards towards the area of concern. Tell your body and this area that you love it and are ready to listen to the inner messages and take action toward balancing yourself.

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