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‘Important Moment’: The Rock Reflects on Trump Standing Up Shaking Fist After Assassination Attempt

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson condemns the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, emphasizing it’s wrong regardless of political views and doesn’t reflect America’s true nature.

“… if a centimeter in a different direction or less, that would have been a different story… the fact that he came up out of that, that was a big deal. And that was a big I think, regardless of who it was, whether you love Donald, you don’t love Donald, it doesn’t matter somebody tried to assassinate him… there’s no room for that…

…so him standing up in that moment, you wanted to see that and it was also, it was an important moment for everybody to see, regardless of who it was for that person to stand up”

Johnson views Trump’s resilience as essential, a testament to American values, and crucial for national unity against political violence.



19.4k 2 137 9 107

'Ryan Routh Should Top the List of Dangerous Americans': Nurse Recounts Multiple Encounters with Routh in Kyiv

Chelsea Walsh, a nurse who had several encounters with Ryan Routh in Kyiv in 2022, said his threats of violence worried her so much that she conveyed her concerns to a Customs and Border Protection officer during an hour-long interview at Washington’s Dulles Airport in June 2022.

His erratic behavior and threats of violence in Ukraine led to multiple reports to US authorities, including the FBI, Customs and Border Protection, and the State Department.

Routh's activities in Ukraine, which included false claims of working with the Ukrainian government and attempts to recruit foreign fighters, raised significant concerns among volunteer aid groups and individuals he encountered.

Despite numerous warnings and reports, it appears that no substantial action was taken by US authorities until his arrest in Florida.



3k 0 43 11 104

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Ryan Routh: From 74 Arrests to Attempted Presidential Assassination

A man with an extensive criminal history in North Carolina has been accused of attempting to assassinate former President Donald Trump for the second time.

Ryan Routh, 58, amassed 74 arrests and over 100 charges in Guilford County between 1996 and 2014. His offenses include serious crimes like manufacturing weapons of mass destruction and possessing stolen property.

Despite living most of his life in North Carolina, Routh moved to Hawaii six years ago, returning briefly in May to clear out his former residence.

A former neighbor described Routh as "wild" and confrontational, expressing surprise at his arrest in West Palm Beach for the alleged assassination attempt.

As investigators delve deeper into Routh's background, including a brief stint at North Carolina A&T University, questions arise about the path that led from his troubled past to this high-profile arrest.



5.6k 1 122 11 115

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‘The Craziest Election in History’—RFK Jr. Sounds the Alarm on 2024 Presidential Election

RFK Jr. criticizes the Democratic Party for abandoning its roots and becoming a force for war and censorship and declares that under Biden-Harris, Americans are undeniably worse off—financially and socially.

“The Democratic Party has dramatically changed. It's become the party of war, the party that I grew up with, the party of Robert Kennedy and John Kennedy is gone. That was the party of peace. It was the party of civil rights, constitutional rights, free speech and awards of censorship.”

“This is the craziest election in history. Is the craziest election that you've ever seen, and I've ever seen, it's topsy turvy.”

RFK Jr. predicts the 2024 election will be the most chaotic and unpredictable in modern history.



8.4k 0 81 7 173

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Harris’ Border Policy: 85,000+ Children Missing, Communities Devastated

Kamala Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, has worsened the border crisis by removing key Trump-era security measures.

Stephen Miller points to Kamala for the border crisis, calling it her “individual responsibility.”

“… the root causes of illegal immigration, that was the Biden Harris policy of resettlement, when they terminated all of the Trump repatriation and removal policies, there is no citizen in this Republic who bears more personal, individual responsibility for the border invasion that has taken place these last Nearly four years than Vice-President Harris.”

Under her oversight, over 85,000 minors have vanished, victims of a surge in human trafficking fueled by weakened border protections.

The ramifications are severe, and Harris stands at the center of it all.



6.1k 0 60 5 149

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TrueMed Co-Founder Calley Means Unveils Three-Pillar Strategy to 'Make America Healthy Again'

➡️ Remove corruption from scientific guidelines
➡️ Stop incentivizing unhealthy products for children
➡️ Increase healthcare flexibility for Americans

“Americans aren't trying to be overweight, diabetic. Have heart disease, we have orders of magnitude higher rates of those conditions than people in Italy. We're not lazier than Italians. We have the bad incentives.”



7.5k 0 92 7 169

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Bret Weinstein Warns of Wokeism’s Impact on Academic Freedom How it Stems from Systemic Betrayal

Dr. Bret Weinstein argues that the rise of wokeism and the “woke revolution” is rooted in educational institutions’ systemic betrayal of students.

“The woke revolution, I think, is a tragic story… I was chased out of a job that I loved by a bunch of people who accused me of things that I wasn’t guilty of… how did they end up there? They ended up there because they were betrayed.”

He contends that universities and colleges have failed to deliver on their promise of providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the real world, instead offering programs and ideologies that leave them ill-equipped.



7.5k 0 58 16 175

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Dr. Kat Lindley: Healthcare Becoming Politicized as Doctors Now Registering Patients to Vote

Epic’s MyChart app now offers voter registration assistance through doctors. Dr. Kat Lindley criticizes this blend of healthcare and politics, and issues warning of potential misuse.

“… they started registering the patients in that psychiatric hospital in Pennsylvania, the ones who are not necessarily there for the in-house treatments, the ones that were going to be discharged. But then they continue that practice and register patients who are in-house… they help them obtain mail in ballots and other things…”



13k 1 156 9 195

Adam Carolla: Progressive Left Trying to Start a Race War in 2024

“The progressive left wants to divide us into as many groups as possible for political gains. They think by segmenting society, they can control the narrative and maintain power.”

WATCH: https://x.com/UngaTheGreat/status/1818662064904454264


9.3k 0 29 10 177

7.1k 0 124 3 108

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Senator Ron Johnson: 'I Don't Trust the FBI, DOJ, or Secret Service'

“I don't trust the FBI. I don't trust department justice. I don't trust the Secret Service. They'd give me all kinds of reasons not to trust them. I have first hand knowledge, not to trust them…

… you know, the Warren Commission was by and large set up to cover up what happened and I would hope the president Trump, who said that to Mike Pompeo talked him out of releasing all the documents that were supposed to be released on the Kennedy assassination.

I would hope the first day in office, he released the truth to the American public in terms of what happened, because I think that will probably also open up people's eyes and help us ask some questions that people don't necessarily want to have asked.”



8.6k 0 109 14 310

I’ll unite with anyone who puts America First. This condition alone disqualifies many on the left who resist prioritizing our citizens.

You're not ready to unite if you can't proudly display the American flag.

Unity requires a shared belief in this country's immovable foundations, providing a strong basis for coming together.

America First 🇺🇸



8.1k 0 14 9 256



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‘Trump Deserves Another Term’: Sacks Defends Trump Against Relentless Attacks From Democrats

David Sacks on the Democratic Party’s ongoing pattern of deception, with Biden’s cognitive state as the latest example:

“… can these guys [Democrats] even run a presidential campaign without hoaxes? … is this a party who deserves the trust of the American people? I think that Trump deserves another term, just as a rebuke to all of the misinformation and lies that the Democratic Party has told about him.”



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‘They Sacrifice People for Money’: Joe Rogan Slams American Food Industry

Joe Rogan and Rampage Jackson discuss the adverse health effects of American food.

ROGAN: “American food is terrible terrible terrible just fill with preservatives and bullshit and seed oils and corn syrup.”

Jackson reveals how he effortlessly shed pounds in Colombia while enjoying his meals, highlighting the struggle with preservatives and additives in American food that hinder weight loss.

JACKSON: “Why they us doing us like that?”

ROGAN: “… they make money. They don’t give a f**k . The same thing is why they over prescribe medications, the same thing why they send us off to war: They don’t give a f**k.”

Rogan then unveils the food industry’s murky history, exposing how the sugar industry paid off scientists to push sugar over saturated fats.

ROGAN: “They bribed scientists rather to say that sugar is good for you and saturated fats are bad for you. They tried to say that all these people are having heart attacks and all the cardiovascular issues that people have that this is actually because of of saturated fat, which is just not true.”



9k 2 101 3 196

During the American Revolution, people were divided into two main groups: Patriots and Loyalists.

The Patriots were united by a common goal: championing individual freedom and self-governance.

Loyalists, steadfast in their allegiance to the British Crown, were united by a shared mission to maintain the status quo and uphold big government.

Today's political establishment thrives on Loyalist backing, while Patriots naturally diminish their influence.

This explains why Democrats, RINOs, and corporate media demonize phrases like "Make America Great Again" — They dread a resurgence of the Patriot values that secured our independence in 1776.

Happy Independence Day, Patriots! 🇺🇸



61k 6 631 6 276

WSJ: Instagram Algorithm Connects Young Female “Influencers” with Predatory Men

This story is incredibly disturbing, but what I find more unsettling is the mother's response: “You have to accept it.”

A Midwestern mom started an Instagram account for her preteen daughter to share dance photos, but it quickly attracted adult male followers.

Despite the disturbing trend of inappropriate comments and messages from men, the mom continued to manage the account to help her daughter pursue her “influencer dreams,” believing it could help pay for college and bring them closer together.

“If you want to be an influencer and work with brands and get paid, you have to work with the algorithm, and it all works with how many people like and engage with your post. You have to accept it.” – Mother of influencer

Instagram’s algorithm exacerbates the problem by recommending child accounts and sexual content to users who show interest in children — at the same time, young girls’ photos are traded and fetishized on encrypted messaging apps.



10.3k 0 81 17 275

Ellison: ‘The Way You Get Power Is by Feminizing Men’

Vince Everett Ellison pulls back the curtain on the civil rights movement, exposing how “all those communists and Marxists got involved with all these counterculture people, the feminist.”

Their ultimate goal? Power.

Ellison reveals, “the way you get power is by that is about feminizing men,” with the LGBTQ movement serving as a key weapon in their arsenal.

WATCH: https://x.com/ungathegreat/status/1801648396404404657


10.3k 0 102 8 246

Did the CIA Use Gangster Rap and Rock’n Roll to Destabilize Inner Cities? Rogan and Rick Ross Weigh In

Joe Rogan and Freeway Rick Ross discuss the CIA’s potential involvement in promoting rock‘n roll and gangsta rap to keep society in a state of unrest.

“… they wanted to keep people in a state of unrest and promote criminal behavior and criminal activity and gang activity and to do it in popular music… that would make more crime and make more things happen and that they can get away with more levers of control.”

WATCH: https://x.com/ungathegreat/status/1801283696424628292


17.1k 2 221 5 234
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