Word wars

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

All we think

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Гео и язык канала
не указан, не указан
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Фильтр публикаций

#Patience ft.Damian Marley

People who wear eyeglass pay to see z world!
They said....
Wait ..wait ...
I mean....seriously??😳

"In fairytells the princes kissed z frog nd he was changed to a handsome man,but in real life she kissed him nd he changed to a frog."
Paulo Coelho-By z river piedra I sat down and wept


She is clothed with strength and dignity

Hah^! I wrote zis in 9th grade I mean...how lit was I...👳‍♀

Funny listening to that song
I mean the song!
And it takes u back way back n lets u remember wat u forgot wat happened how ur brain used to function. ..wat ur thoughts were on society...how u repeated z same song insanely. ..but then again fuck being sensitive.

When People flirt online
Call each other names
And broke up with out even meeting up be like

"Ummm that's my digital ex"😗

Why are we scared to die
Is it cuz it's painful
(Life is painful too)

Is it cuz we dont know what's after death

(We don't know what happens tomorrow too)

Is it cuz we want forever

(We don't know how long forever is)

So whyyyyy🤔

I think the only hope in dis country is

Hopeeeeeee entertainment

10 members and we start postin yo

Показано 18 последних публикаций.


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