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ZamZam Academy was established in 2003 to help disseminate knowledge of the Islamic Sciences

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*Final few days before bookings close*

Perform Umrah with Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf and his family ( in February 2018 inshaAllah.

5* package provided in Feb half-term holidays. Full details on posters.

Please contact Nasir at Alif Tours on 07890315747 for more information.

Please forward so others may benefit.

Comfort in Allah's Remembrance
Comfort in Allah's Remembrance | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
The speaker mentions the fruits of success which entail due to a consistent stream of dhikr in a persons life. The act of dhikr, a form of worship which is c...

Deeds must be Based on Sound Knowledge

By Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
Deeds must be Based on Sound Knowledge | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
Reading from Imaam Muhasibi’s, Treatise of the Seekers of Guidance, the speaker imparts advises highlighting the intimate relationship between Allah Most Hig...

In this talk, Mufti Abdur-Rahman reveals the lofty status regarding those mentioned in the Qur'an who swallow their anger and mentions how one should deal with the deadly condition of anger. However, it should be understood that anger is a natural faculty within oneself the speaker goes on to mentions why it is necessary for one to express this emotion appropriately for the sake of the religion and in marital relationships.

Practical advises are given on how to deal with an angry person and for the one who becomes angry, physical, spiritual and psychological cures are given.

Practical Guidance on Anger Management and Marital Conflicts
Practical Guidance on Anger Management and Marital Conflicts by Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
Title: Practical Guidance on Anger Management and Marital Conflicts Description: In this talk, Mufti Abdur-Rahman reveals the lofty status regarding those me...

The speaker discusses the quality trait of Sidq (Truthfulness). A key defining personality trait of a righteous believer. The believer being such that when they realise the truth they rush towards it and when the falsehood becomes clear in their heart, they move away from it.

The speaker then goes on to mention numerous benefits of dhikr as listed by ibn Qayyim al-Jawzi.

Developing True Honesty
Developing True Honesty | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
The speaker discusses the quality trait of Sidq (Truthfulness). A key defining personality trait of a righteous believer. The believer being such that when t...

Al-Zubayr ibn al-'Awamm: The Prophet's Hawari

By Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
Al-Zubayr ibn al-'Awamm The Prophet's Hawari | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
Al-Zubayr was born in Mecca. His father was Al-Awam ibn Khuwaylid of the Asad clan of the Quraysh tribe, making Al-Zubayr a nephew of Khadijah. His mother wa...

Life after Death
Life after Death | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
The following talk covers life after death and what the soul will experience. You can also like us on facebook: or Fol...

In light of the prophetic narration when the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) advised a sahabi: 'O Waabisa, ask your heart, ask yourself... even if people pass fatwa for you and give you verdicts' Mufti Abdur-Rahman highlights the advantage of a strengthened heart in helping one distinguish the good from the bad and directing towards the most fruitful thing.

The speaker then explains how the absence of good moral ethics and religious values are the reasons as to why many are falling prey to the challenges of todays society. One particular challenge mentioned in the talk is Peer pressure which adults too are finding themselves in.

This talk takes you to the ultimate question of what would you do in a situation where the recognised good is being confronted with the bad?

*Social Pressure & Peer Pressure*
Social Pressure & Peer Pressure | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
In light of the prophetic narration when the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) advised a sahabi: 'O Waabisa, ask your heart, ask yourself....

This talk covers the beauty of dhikr with a special focus on the significance of knowing those basic prophetic supplications which involve our day to day mundane tasks.

Closeness to God through Daily Supplications
Closeness to God through Daily Supplications | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
This talk covers the beauty of dhikr with a special focus on the significance of knowing those basic prophetic supplications which involve our day to day mun...

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Fatima al-Zahra Daughter of the Prophet (s)

By Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
Fatima al-Zahra Daughter of the Prophet (s) | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
The following talk covers the life of this amazing woman Fatima al-Zahra bint Muhammad (S). You can also like us on facebook:

Story of Jesus (Isa) and Mary as Told in the Qur'an
Story of Jesus (Isa) and Mary as Told in the Qur'an | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
Jesus is believed to be a Prophet, who neither married nor had any children, and is reflected as a significant figure, being mentioned in the Quran over 20 t...

In his early life Fuḍayl led a group of bandits, or highwaymen, in Syria and Khorasan, raiding caravans and robbing travellers.

Even during this time, he was a Muslim. He was deeply in love with a woman, and would often send her tokens from his stolen treasures. 

Fuḍayl was once climbing a wall simply watching a passing caravan, when he heard someone reciting the Quranic chapter of Al-Hadid. When he heard 57:16, which reads "Has not the Time arrived for the Believers that their hearts in all humility should engage in the remembrance of Allah and of the Truth which has been revealed (to them), and that they should not become like those to whom was given Revelation aforetime, but long ages passed over them and their hearts grew hard? For many among them are rebellious transgressors", this became the turning point in his life and he later became the one named as Abid al-Haramayn. This talk covers the life of the great Imam Fudayl ibn Iyad.
Imam Fudayl ibn Iyad (Abid al-Haramayn) | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
In his early life Fuḍayl led a group of bandits, or highwayman, in Syria and Khorasan, raiding caravans and robbing travelers. Even during this time, he was ...

Don't Compare Yourself to Others
Don't Compare Yourself to Others | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
A short talk on why not to compare yourself to others. You can also like us on facebook: or Follow us on twitter: http...

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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