Гео и язык канала: Таджикистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

The best way to improve your English is to learn phrasal verbs idioms and collocation inshaallah we will help you to do that
💬 For any kinda inquiries: @Sadi_Sheroziy
Second channel: @english_advise
Ads: @Rek_Info

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Таджикистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

🎄Happy New Year Dears🎄

Let us celebrate this exciting, colorful, grand, magical New Year with a great big smile. We would like to wish you a year full of happiness, prosperity, may this year give you the opportunity to follow your dreams.

🎄🎄Happy New Year!🎄🎄


🇺🇸 Highly strung
🇺🇿 Asabiy, ko’ngli nozik

➪ I try to be patient with my girlfriend, even though she is quite highly strung at times

Men sevgilimga nisbatan sabr-toqatli bo'lishga harakat qilaman, garchi u ba'zida juda qattiq asabiylashsa ham❤️

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🇺🇸 Courteous
🇺🇿 Xushmuomala

➪ I’m very courteous with my girlfriends

➪ Men jonkalarimga judayam xushmoamalaman ❤️

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6.8k 1 75 13 80

🟣 Xullas menga ko'pchilik Speakingga Duxx yetmayapti deyotgandi.

Men oʻzim shaxsan Speaking uchun zoʻr kanal ochdim.😁👇

Yana guruhiga kirib 24 soat Speaking qilishingiz mumkin!

🛸 Hozircha qoʻshilish bepul, keyinchalik kanalga kirish pullik boʻladi.🤫

🇺🇸 Profitable
🇺🇿 Foyda keltiradigan, serdaromad

➪ My girlfriend started a small business, and it has become quite profitable

Qiz do'stim kichik biznesni boshladi va u juda daromadli bo'ldi❤️

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Joke time

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5.7k 1 67 10 195

🇺🇸 Have a finger in every pie
🇺🇿 Hamma narsaga aralashavermoq, burnini suqmoq, suqilmoq

➪︎ He very much likes to have a finger in every pie
➪︎ U hamma narsaga burnini suqishni yoqtiradi

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7.6k 0 127 14 90

Joke time

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8.1k 0 33 3 188

Joke time

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6.3k 0 21 6 161

🇺🇸 Happen to
🇺🇿 Mabodo

➪︎ Did you happen to see Nozila ?
➪︎ Mabodo Nozilani ko'rmadingizmi?

➪︎ Do you happen to know where the nearest coffee shop is?
➪︎ Mobodo, eng yaqin qahvaxona qayerda ekanligini bilasizmi?

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9.3k 0 139 19 63

Joke time

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7.4k 1 41 9 192

🇺🇸 Top-notch
🇺🇿 Obro’li, eng yaxshi, yuqori darajali

➪ I was lucky and got myself a job with a top-notch company

Menga omad kulib boqdi va yuqori darajadagi kompaniyada ish topdim❤️

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Writing muammo bo'lmaydi endi bizga qoshiling 👇

Writing | Writing | Writing
Writing | Writing | Writing


7.4k 0 145 1 16

🇺🇸 Allergic to something
🇺🇿 Alergiyasi bor

➪ My girlfriend dreading her upcoming exam, she’s sure she’s going to fail

Sevgilim yaqinlashib kelayotgan imtixonidan xavotirda, u imtixondan o’tolmasigini oldindan biladi 😂❤️

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Joke time

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10k 0 11 20 172

🇺🇸 Allergic to something
🇺🇿 Alergiyasi bor

➪ My girlfriend is allergic to cats

➪ Sevgilimni mushuklarga alergiyasi bor❤️

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Joke time

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9.9k 0 34 1 158

🇺🇸 Pros and cons
🇺🇿 Yaxshi va yomon jihatlari, ijobiy va salbiy tomonlari

➪︎ I want to weigh up all pros and cons before I decide whether to take the job
➪︎ Ishga kirishish yoki qabul qilish to‘g‘risida qaror qabul qilishdan oldin barcha ijobiy va salbiy tomonlarini o‘ylab ko‘rmoqchiman

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