European Australian Movement

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Victorian activists keep it routine🥊. Get active. Join the club

APPLY NOW: @NSNcontactbot


Some families of the Victorian Chapter went for a hike and picnic recently. We unfortunately have to report back that we were unable to fulfil "our sole purpose of existence to inflict violence and terror on the broader community" for absolutely no reason.

Jews and Marxists have repeatedly tried and failed to lobby the Government to have us banned on these lies, while we just keep moving forward.

We can take our country back one community at a time, if we simply band together and have the courage to stand up to the systems lies and treachery.

Members of the Northern Queenland chapter of EAM recently met to hike and train together.

Members of Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, and surrounds gather regularly to train, network and build a community of high calibre men.

Get involved, EAM is active in your area.

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Anzac Day Victoria- 2024


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Anzac Day Victoria- 2023


Репост из: Crow Eater2
Gather Round 24'


On the 20th of April the greatest man of the European race, Adolf Hitler, was born.

We celebrate this day every year as dedicated National Socialists to honour him and his sacrifice.

This year both South Australia and Victoria came together as a community to celebrate by singing songs, sharing a meal and drinking delicious German beer. Having a great time with comrades and families as we payed respects to our spiritual leader.

We will never let his sacrifice be in vain!

Happy Birthday and Hail Hitler!

Репост из: Tasman Forth
The modern world is abound with the worship of false idols, of extravagance and depravity. But for those men among the ruins we pay homage to a true hero of the modern age. Happy birthday uncle H, may we carry the torch onwards.

Members of the European Australian Movement in New South Wales met up to celebrate Hitler’s 135th Birthday. His spirit lives, burning in the hearts of those still loyal to him and his vision.

Hail Hitler! Australia for the White man!

Members of Victoria and Riverina converged on a country town to attend the annual 'Off-Grid Festival'.
The festival - while gayer and more jewish than last year - was met with EAM fliers, followed by some interesting and supportive conversations with festival-goers.

The jewish organisers called police and had us removed from the event.
More information on the behaviour of the scumbag cops to come.

To the dismay of NSW Police, Raptor Squad, the NSW Premier and the Australian Prime Minister, EAM chapters Australia wide converged on Sydney for the Australia Day long weekend, and completed a 10KM run followed by boxing and MMA fights.

Members demonstrated their endurance, skill and dedication in the ring and out, resulting in a great day for all, pushing our limits and forging bonds.

No matter the circumstance, no matter the harassment, we will persevere until Australia is for the White man.

Tribe and Train, get involved:

The fresh EAM Riverina chapter met with Victorian leaders for its first gathering. Our organisation is growing rapidly across the nation and with more men of action embracing their duty, we are one step closer to securing the existence of our people and a future for White children.

To Join, Contact:

On the back of another successful interstate campaign, the lads continue to tribe, train, and grow their ranks. This week welcoming new members with a hike in Morialta Sixtythousandyearsstillchuckingspears National Park.

Police harassment, media slander and efforts at legal entrapment have only strengthened the movement.
Adelaide still is, always was and always will be a fascist town.

Репост из: Jacob Hersant
Victorian National Socialists on the bus home with 4 NSW police cars following them. This Australia Day long weekend was a massive propaganda triumph for our movement. We have cost the state unfathomable amounts in resources and legitimacy. We have received great publicity for our movement. The honourable people still left on this continent are with us.

The NSW police will have spent millions of dollars this Australia Day weekend on us alone. They had the police helicopter, Raptor Squad, Riot Squad, regular police members and senior police members chase around 70 racists for 96 hours. We’re sure this hurts the taxpayer generally more than it did us as individuals, as we will not be paying a single dollar of these fines handed out to us merely because we’re political activists with a view the government has made it fashionable to target.

We are growing and they are scared. That is why the system is resorting to naked, brute force in an attempt to keep the White majority scared and scattered. This is the beginning of the end for them.

Join the black battalions! Join the White revolution!

White man, fight back!

Репост из: Jacob Hersant
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White revolution is the only solution!

Victoria and New South Wales police forces cannot stop destroying the government’s legitimacy through their heavy-handed selective policing. A big thank you to them for illustrating to the public that the Commonwealth is not a liberal-democracy, it is an anti-White tyranny.

National Socialists are the true opposition to this government which is hellbent on waging genocide against the White Australian nation through replacement migration and degenerate social conditioning.

Australia for the White man! The rest must go!

Репост из: Jacob Hersant
Australia for the White man! White revolution is the only solution!

Репост из: Jacob Hersant
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White Australians march on their national day despite the efforts of the NSW police traitors to suppress genuine political opposition to this anti-White government

Репост из: Jacob Hersant
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2024 Australia Day—NSW police mercenary scum in a helicopter hunt down proud White Australian men on behalf of the Jews

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