Tasman Forth

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Tasman Forth, Tassies premier fascistic fitness club.
Contact: @Rollosweight

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Репост из: Black Swan Uncensored
Yesterday the lads from WA had their monthly meet, coming together for a boxing session and a BBQ.

From the South West to the North and everywhere in between, we are organising and continue to grow.

This is only the beginning.


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Victorian activists keep it routine🥊. Get active. Join the club

APPLY NOW: @NSNcontactbot


Репост из: Crow Eater2
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Northern Suburbs Action.

Members of the Northern Queenland chapter of EAM recently met to hike and train together.

Members of Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, and surrounds gather regularly to train, network and build a community of high calibre men.

Get involved, EAM is active in your area.



Get active and get involved with your local Nationalist Network. There’s things happening in almost every city and town in the country. If not YOU, then WHO?

NSN: @nationalsocialistnetwork
EAM: @EuropeanAustralianMovement

From Perth to Melbourne we are one!
If your area isn’t represented then stand up and be counted, make your own today!

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Anzac Day Victoria- 2024


Репост из: Tim Lutze
Lest We Forget

Репост из: Joel Davis (censored)
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Blair and I interviewed Thomas Sewell and Jacob Hersant after their success in the Victorian Supreme Court this morning. We needed to do this because the Australian media is not reporting to the public what actually happened in this case.

Thomas and Jacob were the victims of an attempted entrapment scheme by a conspiracy which seemingly included the Australian security services, exonerating evidence was withheld from the court by the federal government's use of a highly illiberal act which permits them to do so in order to protect public confidence in the government - an implicit admission of wrongdoing and an egregious violation of the liberal democratic principles they claim to uphold (ironically, against people like Thomas and Jacob).

Juice it on X

On the 20th of April the greatest man of the European race, Adolf Hitler, was born.

We celebrate this day every year as dedicated National Socialists to honour him and his sacrifice.

This year both South Australia and Victoria came together as a community to celebrate by singing songs, sharing a meal and drinking delicious German beer. Having a great time with comrades and families as we payed respects to our spiritual leader.

We will never let his sacrifice be in vain!

Happy Birthday and Hail Hitler!


Репост из: Crow Eater2
Gather Round 24'


The modern world is abound with the worship of false idols, of extravagance and depravity. But for those men among the ruins we pay homage to a true hero of the modern age. Happy birthday uncle H, may we carry the torch onwards.

Репост из: European Australian Movement
Members of the European Australian Movement in New South Wales met up to celebrate Hitler’s 135th Birthday. His spirit lives, burning in the hearts of those still loyal to him and his vision.

Hail Hitler! Australia for the White man!

Репост из: Crow Eater2
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South Australia for the White man!

Get involved now! @NSNcontactbot

Members of Victoria and Riverina converged on a country town to attend the annual 'Off-Grid Festival'.
The festival - while gayer and more jewish than last year - was met with EAM fliers, followed by some interesting and supportive conversations with festival-goers.

The jewish organisers called police and had us removed from the event.
More information on the behaviour of the scumbag cops to come.


Now is not the time to sit back and relax. As the world around you becomes browner, weaker and gayer, you must, at the same time, become bolder and stronger. The survival of our people depends on it. Join your local active club today. Tribe and train.

Репост из: Crow Eater2
Crow Eaters

Tribe & Train

Recently I visited Tasmania to inspect the State and catch up with our community down there.

One of the highlights of the trip was visiting Port Arthur and seeing the old convict camp and prison.

I thought it interesting the long displays about the horrible treatment of political prisoners and petty criminals who found their way in solitary confinement.

The plaques around this cell speak in a way of these by-gone days, that we as a society have moved past such cruel and unusual punishment.

But here I am, and it's near indistinguishable  from my fond memories at another convict camp at Port Phillip Prison 150 years later.


The white revolution is coming to every neighbourhood. There will be no stone left unturned.

Aus day 24' - Sydney

The boys celebrate Aus day with blood and honour despite harassment from Minns and his rainbow army of system pigs.

To the dismay of NSW Police, Raptor Squad, The NSW Premier and the Australian Prime Minister; EAM chapters Australia wide converged on Sydney for the Australia Day long weekend, and completed in a 10KM run followed by boxing and MMA fights.

Members demonstrated their endurance, skill and dedication in the ring and out, resulting in a great day for all, pushing our limits and forging bonds.

No matter the circumstance, no matter the harassment, we will persevere until Australia is for the White Man.

Tribe and Train, Get Involved:

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