Breaking News War in Gaza - Palestine / Israel on Telegram : Hamas Ḥarakat al-Muqāwama al-Islāmiyya חדשות חמות מלחמה בעזה-פלסטין

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They’re really trying to portray Hezb-Allah as ISIS in the west, mind boggling.

War Monitor

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @Defensa_Israel: Guerra en las sombras entre #Israel e Irán
🇮🇱🔥🇮🇷 - Parte 1
- El Shabak frustra un complot iraní para asesinar al Primer Ministro Binyamin Netanyahu, al Ministro de Defensa Yoav Gallant, y al director del propio Shabak, Ronen Bar.
- El Shabak (Shin Bet) es el servicio de Seguridad Interna de Israel y realiza funciones similares a la del FBI y otras organizaciones del estilo, distintas a la del Mossad, que es más similar a la CIA en sus funciones.
Sigue Parte 2 👇

Israel Defensa 🇮🇱 Gabriel Yerushalmi

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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The Adelson Effect

Censored Men

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Guerra en el norte, Líbano
- Tal como se viene observando desde el lunes pasado, la guerra en el norte sigue escalando día a día hasta llegar aun máximo hoy jueves, el día de mayor intensidad desde el inicio de la guerra, hace más de once meses atrás.
- Es de esperar que la presión militar contra el Líbano continúe creciendo en los próximos días y semanas, hasta forzar a Hezbollah a aceptar una solución diplomática que claramente aún no estan dispuestos a aceptar.
Fin del Comunicado ✍️

Israel Defensa 🇮🇱 Gabriel Yerushalmi

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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"these are great people miriam"

Censored Men

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Is this true, @elonmusk?

Censored Men

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

#BREAKING: Groundbreaking new report from @ADL's @jlensnetwork proves that BDS isn't just antisemitic — it's bad for business.

The 100 largest US university endowments could collectively forgo $33.2 billion in returns if they adopted BDS-aligned investment strategies.

Israel War Room

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @jewhatedb: 🚨Chaos at UNC:
Pro-Jihad protesters storm campus

Rioters marched through campus unobstructed, replace American flag, and deface buildings with violent messages

Over 150 wannabe Jihadists at UNC Chapel Hill decided to do what they do best, disrupt classes for everyone else while calling for the “Death to US” and “Death to UNC”

After defacing the ROTC building, Pro-Jihad rioters replaced the American flag outside with the PLO flag.

The rioters forced their way into a campus building where they made it impossible for other students to work, before they began vandalizing the building.

‼️‼️ Universities must take a stand against Jihdadi students terrorizing campus

Israel War Room

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

#BREAKING: Following a wave of attacks against Hezbollah targets, the IDF releases photos of their fighter jets taking off.

Israel War Room

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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🚨Since this afternoon, the IAF has struck approximately 100 rocket launchers and additional terrorist infrastructure sites, which contained approximately 1000 rockets that were ready to be launched at Israel in the immediate future.

Israel War Room

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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🔥 Since this afternoon, the IAF has struck approximately 100 launchers and additional terrorist infrastructure sites, consisting of approximately 1000 barrels that were ready to be used in the immediate future to fire toward Israel.

Israel War Room

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

🚨 Initial reports on airstrikes in Baalbek, Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley.

Israel War Room

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Israel did this…

War Monitor

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

وإنا لمنتصرون…

War Monitor

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @Defensa_Israel: Guerra en el norte, Líbano - Las bajas de Hezbollah
🇮🇱🔥🇱🇧 - Parte 1
- A pesar de que Hezbollah informa de solo 34 muertos y 3.400 heridos durante los ciberataques a los beepers y walkie-talkies, en el establishment de defensa israelí se estima que Hezbollah oculta las cifras reales para mantener la moral.
- En #Israel también se estima que los comandantes de la fuerza de élite Radwan, la mayor parte de ellos con experiencia de combate adquirida en la guerra en Siria, fueron diezmados.
Sigue Parte 2 👇

Israel Defensa 🇮🇱 Gabriel Yerushalmi

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @Defensa_Israel: Guerra a #Israel en los foros internacionales - La ONU
🇮🇱🔥🇺🇳 - Parte 1
- La Asamblea General de la ONU aprobó el miércoles por la noche una propuesta palestina que "obliga" a Israel a:
1. Aplicar las decisiones de la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya.
2. Fin de la presencia israelí "en el territorio palestino ocupado" en un plazo de seis meses.
3. Fin de la presencia judía en Judea y Samaria (Cisjordania).
4. Retorno de los palestinos "a su tierra", o sea que nos exigen que millones de palestinos viviendo por todo el mundo se nos metan dentro de las fronteras de Israel.
Sigue Parte 2 👇

Israel Defensa 🇮🇱 Gabriel Yerushalmi

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

#BREAKING: IDF issues new instructions to residents of northern Israel:

בהמשך להערכת המצב ובכפוף להנחיות פיקוד העורף ופיקוד הצפון
19/09 23:15

הנחיות לישובים מרום גליל
גליל עליון
מבואות חרמון
יסוד המעלה
ראש פינה
>> - צבא ההגנה לישראל

Israel War Room

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

FYI, most Zionist terrorists look like this nowadays.

War Monitor

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

ICYMI: Iran was plotting to assassinate a senior Israeli official — either Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and/or Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar — in an apparent attempt to retaliate for the assassination of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran in July.

An Israeli civilian was arrested last month after reportedly being recruited by Iran to help advance the assassination plan. According to Israeli security forces, the suspect was smuggled into Iran twice and was paid to carry out tasks on behalf of the Iranian regime to help advance the attempted assassinations.

Israel War Room

Israel Gaza War News by @IsraeliWarNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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