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Новости и СМИ
Фильтр публикаций

Le Canada se réjouit des consultations avec l’Australie, le Royaume-Uni et les États-Unis en vue de trouver des façons de collaborer au développement des capacités avancées dans le cadre du deuxième pilier de l’AUKUS. 1/2

Défense nationale

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Canada welcomes consultations with Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States to find ways to collaborate on advanced capability development under Pillar II of AUKUS. 1/2

National Defence

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

NEWS: 'One Air Force' Concept Key to Service's Reoptimization, Chief of Staff Says

Department of Defense 🇺🇸

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @USUN: Today, @USAmbUN laid out the United States' three policy priorities during #UNGA79.

1: Addressing threats to international peace and security.

2: Revitalizing an overstretched humanitarian system.

3: Creating a more inclusive and effective international system.…

Department of State

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

📺 In case you missed it:

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield @USAmbUN discussed the future of multilateralism and U.S. commitments to reforming the UN Security Council to be more inclusive, representative, and legitimate.

Watch below ⬇️

Council on Foreign Relations

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @UMEgob: Unidades del Primer y Quinto Batallón de Intervención en Emergencias de la #UME salen desde sus bases de Torrejón de Ardoz y de León para colaborar en las labores de extinción de los incendios forestales que asolan Portugal 🇪🇸🤝 🇵🇹

Ministerio Defensa

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

In response to 🇨🇦GAC's post ("Despite claiming that it defends the freedom of its citizens, Russia has..."):

The 🇨🇦Canadian cabinet's obsession is no news (🇷🇺Russia couldn’t care less).

Mr.Trudeau’s team better look into 🇨🇦Canadian domestic affairs.

Its attempts to mentor other countries are unacceptable in principle (and futile, anyway 😹😹😹).



Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

NEWS: Military Leaders, Industry Partners Brainstorm Solutions to Logistics Challenges

Department of Defense 🇺🇸

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Tariffs are a form of tax applied on imports from other countries. Economists say the costs are largely passed on to consumers.

Learn more from our backgrounder:…

Council on Foreign Relations

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

STARTING NOW: @CSISHealth welcomes Dr. @HananBalkhy, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean, to discuss her evolving vision for the region during humanitarian operations in Gaza, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, and beyond.

Tune in:…


Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Saperzy zaangażowani w akcje ewakuacyjną Lewina Brzeskiego wspólnie z @PolskaPolicja zatrzymali szabrowników.
Ratujemy, pomagamy, pilnujemy mienia!
@SztabGenWP @DGeneralneRSZ @terytorialsi @IWsp_SZ @Polska_Zbrojna @PremierRP @MSWiA_GOV_PL @PolskaPolicja @KGPSP

Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej 🇵🇱

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

- Jesteście prawdziwymi bohaterami, którzy nie szczędząc sił pomagają potrzebującym. Nigdy nie dość podziękowań – za to, co robicie na co dzień oraz teraz, w tych trudnych chwilach. Dziękujemy - powiedział wicepremier W. @KosiniakKamysz, który spotkał się w okolicach Oławy z żołnierzami i strażakami umacniającymi wały przy Odrze.
Mieszkańcy Oławy na Dolnym Śląsku przygotowują się na nadejście fali powodziowej, która przesuwa się przez Odrę. Fala ma być najwyższa w środę nad ranem.

Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej 🇵🇱

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

The UN Security Council is the premier global body for maintaining international peace and security, but it faces steady calls for reform to better meet twenty-first-century challenges.

Get the latest:

Council on Foreign Relations

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Track 10 leading foreign policy areas for former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, including China, climate change, and AI:

Council on Foreign Relations

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme


1️⃣ @CVN78_GRFord #FLTOPS in Atlantic Ocean
2️⃣ Navy diver training during ex. Sea Breez inVarna, Bulgaria
3️⃣ #USSNewJersey #SSN796 is commissioned at @NWSEarleNJ
4️⃣ #USSRoosevelt #DDG80 returns to @NAVSTA_Rota

U.S. Navy

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Navy ships participating in Ex Kakadu 2024 have conducted a multilateral cooperative activity off the coast of Darwin, with the exercise drawing on this year's theme of regional cooperation through trusted and proven partnerships. 🤝#StrongerTogether #YourADF

Defence Australia

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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La plaza de armas del @Reg1Patricios fue el escenario para celebrar un nuevo aniversario. Se homenajeó a los caídos y se reconoció al personal destacado, con la música de la banda "Tambor de Tacuarí" y la fusilería iluminando la noche. ¡Es el Uno Grande, entre los grandes!

Ministerio Defensa

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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🗓 On September 17, 1939, the Red Army launched a military operation in Poland’s eastern regions, preventing the genocide of the population of Western Belarus and Western Ukraine.

MFA Russia 🇷🇺

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

On Thursday at 2 pm ET, @CSIS_PPD hosts a panel of leaders and business experts to examine the strengths and weaknesses of GSP renewal and how the U.S. can affirm its leadership in global trade.



Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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