Nathan Damigo

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All regimes have technocrats. Blaming “technocrats” for our woes is stupid and misdirects the conversation away from those who actually hold power and whose values the “technocrats” are implementing through institutional force/coercion.

Репост из: Write Winger
Do not allow TV, the Internet, or government schools access to your children

I remember listening to Metallica as a kid and feeling deeply moved by the long instrumentals like Orion. This new track by Polyphia, Ego Death, is the first instrumental I’ve heard in decades that matched that energy. Though of a different genre, it is truly inspiring.

How do “conservatives” expect us to believe they will conserve anything when they can’t even conserve their own bloodline.

Репост из: Joel Davis (censored)
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I listened to this whole interview and Ye spent most of it criticizing the relationship between his people and the Jews, but towards the end when he was defending his White Lives Matter t-shirt he talked about the 'white voice' being suppressed by liberals and the Jewish media. If only a white cultural figure as prominent as he is would say that. If only we had a white celebrity billionaire who understood who the real enemy is and loved our people as much as Kanye loves his people and had the balls to speak his mind publicly.

The dude isn't a political genius obviously but who cares, you can tell his heart is in the right place and I respect that. All the people moaning about our guys enjoying this are cringe and don't get it.

Unless a White billionaire is willing to fight for our people the way the Kanye is for his, they do not deserve your support.

Репост из: NSC 131
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Massachusetts 131 Activists marched through and demonstrated at the site of a recent blatant Anti-White attack by a black female named Rakeima Norris and her children.

They also demonstrated outside of the Quincy Police Headquarters to raise awareness and demand hate crime charges for Rakeima Norris.

The activists were confronted by 2 individuals, one brandishing a pair of scissors. Despite this they received overwhelming local support.

[ Context: ]


Imagine hating your own people so much you pull out a pair of scissors and threaten to stab a groub of young men demanding justice for a young girl who was brutally beaten in an anti-White hate crime.

Репост из: The Western Chauvinist(Uncensored)
Regardless of how you feel about Putin, he is not Our Guy.  He is basically Donald Trump if Trump was a dictator.  A multiracialist conservative who assassinates opposition to his power.  He'll throw the far right a bone every once in awhile like Trump did in his campaign runup, but he is NOT Our Guy.

Look no further than Maxim “Tesak” Martsinkevich to prove that.  Tesak was the leader of the National Socialist movement in Russia.  He was locked up for "inciting racial and ethnic hatred" by the regime.  He also faced legal trouble for setting up and beating pedophiles.  Once even catching a Russian official with a minor.  Tesak went to jail for enforcing the values of National Socialism.

On September 16, 2020 Tesak was found dead in a pre-trial detention center.  Despite signs of being tortured, his death was ruled a suicide.  The cameras in the detention center "malfunctioned" that night.  It was obviously a political hit.  Putin is not a White Nationalist, neither is his regime.


Репост из: Haist
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Alex Jones continues to convolute the situation. "Actually there's so many good Jews".

For all you shedding crocodile tears over misinformation agent Alex Jones over the last week.

The Jewish media isn’t going to dissasemble itself just because Kanye West is calling them out. It won’t melt away into oblivion if we all shout “Jews control the media” at the same time on social media. It will have to be painstakingly pulled down brick by brick, but that requires you to actually do something other than get your panties wet because an obnoxious Black billionaire is calling them out. That means that you are going to have to do a lot of hard work and take a lot of risks.

I’m not going to say that we don’t need political commentators, we certainly do, but I believe there is a problem in that such individuals feel the need to spend far too much time commenting and arguing over things that we can’t effect, and little to no time providing guidance on things we can. This should be acknowledged and rectified.

Imagine if all the time that has been spent by commentators arguing what would be the better outcome of the Ukraine war had been spent instead on figuring out ways we could build institutions and services in our country to liberate ourselves from ZOG instead.

Репост из: Church of Spooky Spectral Combustion 2
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This is what White Unity against the system pigs looks like. Imagine having White Unity like this with something that matters. It’s coming, and when we do finally achieve it, our destiny will then be ours.

Репост из: Pax Tube
Western political discourse atm is conservatives simping for an establishment that's genociding them vs liberals who are the establishment LARPing as plucky underdogs fighting the power.

The masses are asses

That being said, imagine believing that capitalists are White supremacists and then consistently running to corporations to get their White workers fired for racism.

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