Joel Davis

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Репост из: Ultras Not Reds
18.6.2024 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England fans at #EURO24 in Frankfurt against invaders on boats.


821 0 6 12 90

Evola makes the point in his 'Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race' that you need a spiritual concept of race in order to fully account for the pertinence of the Jewish Question.

Jews being the most closely related non-European ethnicity to Europeans should from a purely zoological materialist standpoint predict that they would be the most sympathetic group to our Civilization. Yet they are the arche-subversives, no encounter with non-Europeans is more destructive than our encounter with the Jews.

From a metabiological standpoint however this makes complete sense as Jews are Aryan-Semite cross-breeds. The Jewish unconscious is a field of spiritual warfare between the Semitic and Aryan archetypes - a field where the Aryan archetypes are attacked, debased and perverted by the Semitic archetypes. This is what makes them so uniquely subversive, they aren't merely an alien force, they are themselves debased and perverted Aryans with an innate spiritual determination to debase and pervert Aryanness.

The macrocosm of the Jewish attack on Aryan Civilization emanates from the microcosm of the unconscious Semitism raping the remnants of the unconscious Aryanness deep within the Jewish psyche.

1.1k 0 31 35 105

In just under 4hrs time I will be joined by Uberboyo for a twitter space on the notion of 'spiritual race' and its implications

3.1k 0 17 6 123

According to the racist doctrine, humanity, the human race, is an abstract fiction — that is, the final phase, imaginable only as a limit, but never entirely achievable, of a process of involution, disintegration, collapse. In the normal way, human nature is instead differentiated, a differentiation that is reflected, among other things, precisely in the diversity of blood and races. This difference represents the primary element. It is not only the natural condition of beings, but also an ethical value, that is to say something which is innately good and which must be defended and protected.

Racism, in this regard, presents itself as a will — which one could well call classical — of “form”, of “limit”, and of individuation. It exhorts us not to consider as essential everything that, representing the generic, the formless, the unidentified, actually counts as a “less”, as a residue of matter not yet formed. Everything common comes to the fore, as a “value” and as “immortal principles”, only in periods of regression and ethnic-cultural decomposition, where precisely “form” is relegated to the formless. In this way, “universalism” — understood, in a rather abusive sense, that has unfortunately become current, as internationalism and cosmopolitanism — should not be judged as one opinion among many others, but as the echo and almost the barometric index of a precise climate of ethnic chaos and distortion of types.

It is very evident that racism, in this respect, strengthens nationalism in its positive aspects. Both represent a healthy reaction against both the democratic and the collectivist myth, against the myth of the proletarian mass without homeland and without face; they have the meaning of affirmation of quality against quantity, of the “cosmos” against chaos and, as we have already said, of form against the formless.

From a political point of view, then, the awakening of the feeling of the nation and of race is one of the essential preconditions for the task of resuming in a well-articulated organism all those forces which, through the crisis of the modern world, were about to disperse and sink into the quagmire of a mechanical-collectivist and internationalist indifference. And this task is a matter of life or death for the future of the entire European civilisation.

~ Julius Evola

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Trump says all foreign US college graduates should automatically get a green card with their diploma.

Democrat strategy: replace Whites with Mexicans

Republican strategy: replace the Mexicans replacing Whites with Indians instead

4.7k 1 68 37 396

Репост из: Dissident Thoughts
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Biden's State Dept Official Admits Great Replacement is Real; ‘They Want to Change the Demographics of the United States’

“Traditional, standard Americans are not leftists. Latin Americans are all leftists. This is just to try and change the demographics [of the United States]." - U.S. Consular Officer

“I wish people knew we were letting in criminals [to the United States] daily.”

🔗 Project Veritas

3.3k 0 79 4 214

If you haven't trained your Dad/Mum/Aunt/Uncle/mate at work to get their news from wtf are you doing seriously

4.5k 0 20 3 135

GBNews poll that just dropped has Nigel Farage's Reform Party at 24% of the primary vote, 9% ahead of the Tories for the upcoming 🇬🇧 election.

4k 0 23 17 248

3.7k 0 65 4 174

The best rhetorical bridge from a general anti-leftist sentiment to a specifically pro-white sentiment is to explain that leftism is not simply a set of bad ideas the ruling class have come to believe for some bizarre reason - but that it is an ideological weapon used by the ruling class to break down the familial and ethnic bonds of loyalty from which resistance to their power could arise.

Once they disconnect you from blood (family and folk), they disconnect you from the primary and perennial human inspiration to willingly accept sacrifice. Once you become a mere individual with ideas you like and dislike, politics becomes a mere opinion not a duty.

Politics for me is not a debate and it's not an opinion, it is simply the field where I can either fight or submit to the forces that are destroying my people and stealing the birthright of my progeny. And if enough White men felt like I do with the same clarity, we would become ungovernable by any alien force.

5.1k 1 112 12 344

I will be attending this event this evening, if you're in Melbourne come say hi

4.9k 0 28 13 243

4.5k 0 83 11 197

Just found out it's legal for Australians, New Zealanders and Canadians to vote in British elections if we happen to be in the UK during the election

So if any of you are over there, make sure you cast a vote for Nige 🇬🇧

In fact why not drive around and cast several votes for Nige, in minecraft 😁

5k 1 51 53 464

5k 0 74 14 355

My basic view of what is happening in Ukraine strategically is that the Russians are holding out to see if Trump wins the election, which I predict he will, in the hopes his administration is more willing to negotiate for peace.

Ultimately Ukraine is dependent upon US protection so if Washington demands they accept a peace deal they have no choice but to accept it. I would anticipate they'd be willing to hand the 4 oblasts Russia has claimed + Crimea over to the Russians but will try to integrate what remains of Ukraine into NATO. I see the Russians taking that deal so long as Ukrainian territory east of the Dniper is demilitarised.

Basically a really boring and anticlimactic end to a really boring and anticlimactic war. All that suffering and bloodshed for that. Absolutely tragic. But that's how I see it playing out strategically.

I am quite excited to see how Ukrainian politics goes once they have peace though, I would anticipate that the level of militancy and patriotism their population is now used to will translate into political inclinations completely at odds with whatever gay libtard bullshit the West tries to impose upon them. I think radical Nationalists could be extremely successful under such conditions and that this will have quite a positive influence on European politics broadly.

But yeah I just don't see it as in either the Russian or American strategic interest to escalate the conflict further or drag it out much longer. The Americans have a more important theatre of conflict to focus upon in East Asia, and the Russians only started this war because if they allowed Ukraine to be taken from them without a fight it would have delegitimised the credibility of their threats to react against NATO expansion for the foreseeable future.

Boring take perhaps but I haven't commented on it in awhile so I figured I'd give you all my assessment.

4.9k 1 36 103 244

I have to say though, I don't think Braun's concerns with the Ukraine War being expanded to include Poland are all that justified.

The fundamental difference between Ukraine and Poland is that Poland is in NATO and Ukraine isn't, a Russian-NATO direct war is not in the interest of either party especially considering the 14,000 nukes pointed in each direction. The United States is also committed to defending Taiwan, the US cannot afford to face a situation where it could be fighting Russia and China on two fronts.

So his fixation upon some conspiracy to "use Poland" to provoke war with Russia seems like kinda retarded sensationalism to me.

His complaints about Judeo-American influence in Poland promoting "diversity" and "LGBT rights" however I obviously understand, and it's great to see him he putting forward his "Judeo-realist" perspective to electoral success. But yeah this fearmongering about a potential NATO-Russian war is somewhat goofy.

5k 0 17 57 163
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