The political victory condition is your opposition being forced to adopt your positions and your radicals being given free reign to drag political institutions and social attitudes in your direction. This is basically what the postwar Left has been enjoying for the past 6 decades.
Conservatives who try and police their own radicals and submit to an ideological status quo dictated by their political opposition are primarily responsible for the situation we find ourselves in. Leftism was only able to win because the Right handicapped itself and stood down. If the Right truly took on the Left, it would have won, and it still will if it unshackles itself.
The way you move the center in your direction is always to run away from it, the Left has demonstrated this time and time again. If you run towards the center, you push it in the direction of your enemies. The Right had demonstrated this time and time again.
Conservatives operate with a completely inverted political strategy, this is partially by design, but also just as much due to stupidity and cowardice.