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Репост из: Joel Davis
If they pass these laws, they are unconstitutional, and we will fight them all the way to the High Court.

These state laws are far far more concerning than the federal laws passed recently, this is a direct attack on political speech in the state of Victoria.

Репост из: Jacob Hersant
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The ABC’s hit piece on our organisation was incompetent

Репост из: Joel Davis
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Sewell's key takeaway from the failed hitpiece - the official law enforcement-run 'deradicalisation program' only had 6 people referred to it in the past couple years and they sent one of the autistic teenagers in it to a mosque and then he did an Al Qaeda stabbing attack in a bunnings carpark and got shot by police and died

Meanwhile we've recruited hundreds of autistic teenagers over the years and absolutely none of them have stabbed anyone or done any other type of terrorism

So maybe the government should start sending their autistic teenagers to us so we can keep them out of trouble

Репост из: Joel Davis
>ABC documentary just aired about how we're "terrorists" apparently

>no actual terrorism mentioned, because we aren't terrorists

>a bunch of random Islamic terrorism mentioned like as if it's somehow relevant

>some fat fucks seething that Gabe impregnated their sister and that the government can't force her to break up with him just because they don't like him, with some chad selfies of Gabe looking looksmaxxed af

>this kid's annoying crazy mother (who came to one of our houses and physically threatened two of the women when the men were at work and had a violent psychotic breakdown in the front yard btw) trying to control her son's life and stop him from hailing Hitler with the boys

>videos of us doing peaceful street demonstrations, no evidence of us advocating for terrorism

What a huge L for our state broadcaster the ABC (aka Aboriginal Bum Cleaners)

Репост из: Joel Davis
If you thought 1933 went hard

Just you wait for 2033

Репост из: Noticer News
New opinion from Joel Davis, who was recently banned from X, on a series of media hit pieces on his activist group.

"This isn’t simply about the demonisation of my colleagues in the National Socialist Network, but of White identity politics in general"


Follow: @NoticerNews

Репост из: Joel Davis
The ABC said that most families of "radicalised youths" who join us refused to "speak out" lmao..

Yeah that's because most of our families aren't pieces of shit who would participate in media hitpieces against their own flesh and blood.

We could create our own documentary with hundreds of our family members expressing their support for what we do, but then our family members would be attacked by these same scum in the media and face all kinds of personal and professional strife.

These piece of shit journalists are so out of touch its genuinely unbelievable, they seriously think Australians are a pack of retards with no sense of familial loyalty who will blindly trust the integrity of the same journalistic class that just lied to us on an industrial scale to defend the egregious tyranny of the plandemic.

Every hitpiece only generates more recruits. Keep advertising us to your audience that hate you more and more everyday, agitprop scum.

Репост из: Joel Davis
Aussies #1 vrilmaxxed ethnicity on the planet confirmed

Репост из: Joel Davis
I welcome Andrew Bolt pre-emptively condemning ABCs hitpiece on us which will air tomorrow night in today's Herald Sun. Bolt is no fan of our national socialist sympathies, much like we are no fan of his race-cuckholdry and philosemitism. Nevertheless he accurately pointed out that we present zero terrorist threat to the Australian people, unlike the Muslims who the left-wing media guard from criticism whilst baselessly concocting absurd hysteria about us.

It's time for conservatives to follow his lead and start defending us from the clearly disingenuous terroristic portrayal of our lawful and peaceful activities. The media does this for one simple reason, it has an ideological bias wherein White guys have to be the bad guys regardless of the facts. And they're responsible for redirecting the fallout from an ethnic squabble that should be confined to the Middle East onto an agenda to strip the rights of White Australians.

What conservatives like Bolt who may get this but need to start coming to terms with and speaking up about however is the role the organised Jewish community is playing in the demonisation of White Nationalists. Jews don't get to pick and choose to hold liberal democratic principles when it suits them. If they want to claim to share and defend Australia's Western values, they need to accept that speech critical of Jews is free speech. And also that if Jews get to practice identity politics, so do Whites.

Репост из: Joel Davis
Can you all jump in the replies of this wog fagget and explain to him that the Jewish community doesn't own Elwood Beach (I actually used to live there myself, it's one of the most Anglo suburbs in Melbourne), that White Australians can exercise at whatever parklands we want to, and that if he doesn't like it he should piss off back to Cyprus.

In fact screenshot this message and post it in his replies with kiss emojis from Joel Davis, even better.


Репост из: Jimeone Roberts
Josh Burns explicitly states that what we are currently doing is not illegal under existing laws, so his intention is to make new laws that outlaw what we are currently doing.

It's almost like they hate freedom.

Репост из: Joel Davis
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The boys training in the park like they do every Saturday was the first story on the evening news tonight lmao

Jews kvetching demanding that White dudes who like Hitler should be thrown in jail for boxing at the park, what a nonsense

Anyway cheers channel 9 for the free advertising

376 0 11 1 29

Репост из: Joel Davis
The political victory condition is your opposition being forced to adopt your positions and your radicals being given free reign to drag political institutions and social attitudes in your direction. This is basically what the postwar Left has been enjoying for the past 6 decades.

Conservatives who try and police their own radicals and submit to an ideological status quo dictated by their political opposition are primarily responsible for the situation we find ourselves in. Leftism was only able to win because the Right handicapped itself and stood down. If the Right truly took on the Left, it would have won, and it still will if it unshackles itself.

The way you move the center in your direction is always to run away from it, the Left has demonstrated this time and time again. If you run towards the center, you push it in the direction of your enemies. The Right had demonstrated this time and time again.

Conservatives operate with a completely inverted political strategy, this is partially by design, but also just as much due to stupidity and cowardice.

Репост из: Joel Davis
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I fucking hate conservatives. Here is Connor Tomlinson shitting all over the Homeland Party for being too radical and baselessly fearmongering about them being proscribed as a terrorist organisation to dissuade recruitment.

What end is this supposed to achieve? If Homeland are too radical to ever have success, what is the point of smearing them? His actions betray the opposite, he's afraid of people actually embracing real Nationalism - otherwise why say anything?

Every punch conservatives throw right is an action that holds the center in place, in a status quo set by leftists which is genociding our race.

Conservatives are allergic to political victory, a victory which will only arrive for the true right if right-radicals are permitted to stretch the Overton Window and force the center-left to start adopting conservative policies to hold onto position.

If your society isn't right-wing enough, appealing to the status quo is surrender.

Репост из: Joel Davis
Elon Musk is part Jewish confirmed

Uncommon Sense (@Uncommonsince76)
Errol Musk- “The Jewish people are so heavily integrated into western society. 50 percent of my friends are Jews. I’m about 1/8th Jewish or something like that, so Elon is part Jewish as well. So we favor the Jewish people very much.”

587 0 14 2 23

Репост из: Joel Davis
It's absolutely true that we don't give a fuck about your desert squabbles on the other side of the planet. But also everything isn't about you. People don't join us because we "exploit antisemtism" - people join us because our race is being genocided and country is being stolen from us.

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