National Feminism

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Репост из: Den of the She-Wolf

Репост из: Racist Feminism

Репост из: Resilience: Nervous System + Emotional Wellbeing
Left-brain, right-brain relating

We carry within us two kinds of consciousness, two ways of knowing:

1. Lunar - instinctive and participatory, mediated through feeling (the heart) and the right hemisphere of the brain

2. Solar - rational, intellectual, mediated through thinking (the mind) and the left hemisphere of the brain*

Modern society and therefore, the field of psychology elevates solar relating. This includes talk therapy and other top-down modalities. We are only recently seeing more focus placed on lunar relating. This includes bottom-up (body based, intuitive) modalities.

In the end, we need both. However, because of the importance placed on the left-brain approach and the tendency for those in the western world to disconnect from our bodies, many of us would benefit from strengthening the right-brain way of relating to ourselves and the world.


*words in italics taken directly from Anne Baring, “Reconnecting with the Feminine

Imagine thinking identifying as "right wing" or "dissident right" was cool but identifying as a "feminist" is bad. 🤡🤡🤡

Репост из: WhiteFem
I love the double standards in the retarded WN movement, where Savitri Devi and open race mixer is hailed as a queen, but random White girls who dates Black guys should be raped and murdered. You are all fucking retarded.

Репост из: 𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔫 𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔖𝔬𝔦𝔩🌙
The fact that an “anti pedo bot” even needs to exist on telegram to prevent the spamming of CSAM should be proof enough that there is something deeply wrong with this community. As much as the “normal” people like to pretend those subhumans have nothing to do with us, unfortunately they do. They are often the loudest voices too, much like how the deformed purple haired zippertits antifas are the loudest among the opposition.

Репост из: The Rational Sex
“A serial rapist who targeted female victims in toilets and changing rooms is trying to force a move to a women’s prison, insiders claimed.
Jonathan Mallon, 40, told jail bosses he now wants to be called Charlene and has been bragging to fellow lags that he will be in a women’s nick by Easter.”

Репост из: Racist Feminism
You want to make pro white politics better?
Stop platforming known mental cases and abusers just because they say some "based' things and have a following. That's it. That's all you have to do. You don't have to make a big show of anything. Just cut them off from your own audience.

But they don't do that, because the character of the men they promote isn't actually a priority.

Репост из: Den of the She-Wolf

Репост из: Den of the She-Wolf

Репост из: EarthlyElementss
Haha, BrO, we can't let these coloreds take over and threaten our womens' safety, they have toxic ideologies, and just don't have the morals and decency tHaT wE Do! We don't have to live up to any kind of standard personally, nor attempt to make our ancestors proud, cause we were born special; my forefathers died to give me the freedom to ruin their legacy !! Not only that, but after a lifetime of degenerate behavior on my part, I deserve a Nationalist 18yo Dimepiece Virgin gf who acts like a 50s housewife on benzos, and since I refuse to let her work, she costs me a ton of money which I resent her for. So fuck it, the world is my oyster bro, let's go force some young unsuspecting White women to live like Muslims or Orthodox Jews! No agenda here, I'm way too based and Redpilled to be used as a 92 IQ pawn! Who cares if my actions sabotage the movement and I become the evil names they called me, which I initially wanted to disprove! I'm different than a leftist even though we both want an apocalypse! Rapesquad!

Репост из: WhiteFem
THIS is what White feminists are doing to protect our children. And many of you are bitching that they're "destroying the family unit" as you reamin silent about the erasure of girls and women.

Репост из: Racist Feminism
Giving birth is probably the epitome of feminine behavior. It isn't makeup, heals, a type of dance, or really anything that might be sexually arousing. It is free of male definition and opinion.

It is painful.
Potentially violent.

It requires an absurd amount of strength.
Will power.
And courage.

And the end result is the most beautiful thing known to mankind- the continuation of our link in eternity... the re-manifestation of ourselves and our ancestors in the flesh.

Femininity is the demiurge reenacting itself over and over again through us- creating a new world with each life we bring into it.

It's no wonder so many modern men are spiteful and jealous that we can do this as well as compete intellectually. Men viewing us from a "traditional" lens feel we encroach on their own outlets for creation.

Where does this desperate emotional need to be better than woman come from?

Репост из: 𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔫 𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔖𝔬𝔦𝔩🌙
To the men in the movement who think they’re innocent:

You are guilty of allowing misogyny to run rampant with little to no resistance for years.

You are guilty of being so scared of being called a “simp” or “white knight” that you’d rather let women be harassed, doxxed and chased off for good.

You are guilty of being naive and completely unaware of the multitude of problems women face in this movement.

You are most likely guilty of never speaking up during the dozens of “age of consent debates” that occur daily.

You are most likely guilty of being friends with rapists and abusers because you allowed their enablers to convince you “his wife exaggerated” or “it was actually mutually abusive” or “he was going through a hard time and she abandoned him when it got tough” or the worst, “it was the Jews/feds with false evidence trying to take him down!!”.

You are most likely guilty of telling women who voiced concern over these problems to shut up... UNTIL more and more of us started standing up, and now you’re finally changing your tune.

You’ve been given the entire floor for years, we gave you every chance imaginable to stand up for us against the misogynist hordes. And what did you do? Absolutely fucking nothing.

You are guilty of being an enabler. You are guilty of allowing white nationalism to be a cesspit of misogynistic trash and degeneracy. But don’t worry, just because you may be guilty doesn’t make you a complete failure. We’re all in this together and we white feminists are going to tell you how you can help fix it before it’s too late, so stay tuned.

Репост из: Racist Feminism
In case you needed another reminder that pornography is literally an Israeli weapon of 5G warfare.

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