Den of the She-Wolf

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Cultivating Wild Femininity for a Better Future.

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Men see women as they see the rest of the world.

Nature that needs to be tamed.

They are correct to see women as wild.

You can see it from the way our bodies are synced with the moon to the way we give you a rundown with way too many details of what we did at the grocery store (Meadow Report)

Women are wild, and that scares men.

Men who want nothing more than to be in control of their own destiny vs. women. Who just want to do as wild things do, and be free

But since when has taming nature done anything good for us?

Through man's need to dominate and tame, our people now rot away in multicultural cities, making just enough to live, but not to prosper.

Our children no longer play in fields of flowers on the sides of hills. But play on slabs of concrete on plastic slides.

Plastic is being found in our blood. The ocean is being filled with it, too.

Does the male need to take nature and "tame" it really benefit us at all?

Return to Nature.

Return to the Wild Feminine.

But most importantly.
Become a She-Wolf and support the She-Wolf inside every woman.

Our future depends upon it.

Репост из: Racist Feminism
Giving birth is probably the epitome of feminine behavior. It isn't makeup, heals, a type of dance, or really anything that might be sexually arousing. It is free of male definition and opinion.

It is painful.
Potentially violent.

It requires an absurd amount of strength.
Will power.
And courage.

And the end result is the most beautiful thing known to mankind- the continuation of our link in eternity... the re-manifestation of ourselves and our ancestors in the flesh.

Femininity is the demiurge reenacting itself over and over again through us- creating a new world with each life we bring into it.

It's no wonder so many modern men are spiteful and jealous that we can do this as well as compete intellectually. Men viewing us from a "traditional" lens feel we encroach on their own outlets for creation.

Where does this desperate emotional need to be better than woman come from?

Репост из: 𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔫 𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔖𝔬𝔦𝔩🌙
On the real definition of Feminism:

Forget all of your preconceived ideas of what feminism is and what it entails. Feminism is simply advocacy for women and girls. That’s it.

National Feminism is the advocation of white women and girls.

Feminism itself is a response to trauma, and a refuge from an unnatural, unaligned world. It’s an immune response. Wherever violence and harm towards women and children prevails, feminism will manifest in some form or another.

What the uninitiated think when they hear the word “feminism” is most likely the Jewish co-opted form of third wave feminism known as “liberal feminism” that we’ve all grown to hate. The liberal form is not actually feminism at all since it’s been forcibly expanded into “intersectional feminism” which is supposed to include the gays, trannies, nonwhites, etc. first before finally getting to nonwhite women, then last on the list of importance is white women; since we are the most “privileged” and thus the least important to fight for. When feminism grows to include anyone besides women and children, it ceases to have any meaning. Liberal feminism is one of the many ideologies we National Feminists are fighting against, to protect white women and girls first and foremost.

Anyone who still calls Feminism “Jewish” or “communist” after learning the true definition is either a retard or an admitted misogynist who does not want women and girls to have rights and does not view them as human.

Themistoclea of Delphi (or Aristoclea or Theoclea) lived in the 6th century B.C. and was a priestess in Delphi.

Themistoclea distinguished herself among the women philosophers for her knowledge on mathematics and she taught inside the temple of Apollo in Delphi to whomever had the willingness to learn. According to the tradition she loved geometry so much that she decorated the Temple of Apollo with geometric shapes.

Pythagoras referred to her as his teacher and she is believed to have taught him ethics, geometry and numerals. He had such respect for his teacher Themistoclea that later on he accepted women in his School as students and teachers as well. Although Themistoclea was well known during her time there is barely any information about her that has survived.

Репост из: Racist Feminism

Репост из: The Apollonian
Illustration from 1913 showing Pythagoras teaching a class of women.

Репост из: Right wing feminism ⚡️
A female train conductor in London, 1916.

With men off to fight in the Great War, women picked up the slack at home.

The principles are important. First, the interest of the state or society counts for everything, that of the individual for nothing.
Second, the only difference between men and women is one of physical function- one begets, the other bears children. Apart from that, they both can and should perform the same functions - though men on a whole, perform them better and should receive the same education to enable them to do so; for in this way society will get the best value from both.

Those who abuse political power create a debt of hatred that almost certainly brings them to a bad end.

Isabella of Castile


Make women rational creatures, and free citizens, and they will quickly become good wives;—that is, if men do not neglect the duties of husbands and fathers.

Mary Wollstonecraft

Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all.


No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Men fight wars. Women win them.

Queen Elizabeth I

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