Nick Griffin

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Репост из: Traditional Britain Group
National Trust members can vote in their AGM to try to roll-back Wokeness in exhibitions and other poor decisions. More information below:

Today is the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto, when a united Christian fleet destroyed a much larger Muslim one, saving Europe in the process.

The background deserves to be better known:

The Ottoman emperor Selim Ii was persuaded by his advisor, the banker Joseph Nasi, to seize Cyprus in an effort to turn it into a Jewish homeland.

This proto-Zionist aggression led to a massacre of Christian Cypriots which so outraged Christendom that it led to the creation of the Holy League.

Nasi then urged Selim to send his fleet to crush the League, after Nasi's cousin had tried to sabotage the Christian fleet in Venice.

When the Ottoman fleet was crushed, Selim complained bitterly that Nasi had tricked him into going to war.

So, you see, the problem of Zionist expansionism and deception sparking terrible conflicts is nothing new.


When we suffer a terror attack, our leaders tell us we must light a few candles and sing "Don't look back in Anger".

But when Israel demands missiles for 'revenge' instead of teddy bears, it's out with the taxes chequebook.

There, in one farcical, utterly pointless, 'green' scam is the £22 Billion financial black hole which Labour blame for their decision to freeze thousands of pensioners to death.

Beirut tonight as the world's biggest and most dangerous (nuclear armed) terrorist organisation steps up its mass murder campaign.

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"Never again".

Репост из: Wide Awake Media - Official Channel
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RFK Jr: "Autism has [increased] from one in 10,000 in my generation, to one in 34 in my kid's generation."

"If you were born prior to 1989, which is the year they changed the vaccine schedule, your chance of having a chronic disease is 12%. If you were born after 1989, it's 54%."

"And all of the diseases that have become epidemic... every one of them are listed as side effects on the manufacturer's inserts for the 72 vaccines that are now mandated for our children."

"The four companies that make all 72 of those vaccines... in the last 10 years, collectively, have paid $35 billion in penalties, damages [and] fines for falsifying science, for defrauding regulators, for lying to doctors, and for killing hundreds of thousands of people."

"It requires kind of a cognitive dissonance to believe that these companies, that are lying and cheating on every other pharmaceutical product... somehow found Jesus with vaccines and aren't lying to us."

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Репост из: Lord Bebo & Friends
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"You are Amalek"


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Репост из: UNN
If you claim to be a 'patriot' that 'stands with Israel', then you are fully on board with Starmer and the military industrial complex.

You are also supporting a war that will see TENS OF MILLIONS of refugees come to the West.

In short, you are no 'patriot' at all.

I also cover the chicken ID licence farce on my show at 5p.m today!

Greater Israel patch on the arm of an IDF fighter. Join me at 5 p.m today on the British Freedom Party channel on as I discuss how the Zionist plan for the Middle East threatens the entire West with a flood of millions more refugees.

Plus, my review of the National Memorial Arboretum and more on the unseemly greed of #TwoTierKeir

The borders of "Eretz Israel".

Mr Netanyahu and the Zionists just want peace. A piece of Lebanon; a piece of Turkey; a piece of Syria; a piece of Iraq, a piece of Saudi Arabia, and a big piece of the eastern Mediterranean.... and the whole of Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

And if you're in favour of, or unconcerned by, this gigantic land grab by a bunch of anti-Christian, Brit-killing psychopaths, don't start complaining when millions of their victims end up coming here as angry and radicalised refugees.

Israel and International Terrorism During the Month of September, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review

Ron Unz launches a devastating critique of Israeli and neo-con terrorism. The most important sources quoted in his broadside are Jeffrey Sachs and Seymour Hersh.

What do these three very well-informed and courageous friends of peace and humanity have in common?

All are Jewish, which punches a very large hole in the liberal elite lie that criticism of Zionism and the consequences of Talmudic supremacism are 'anti-Semitic'.

If you only read one serious piece this week, make it this one!

It would indeed be very symbolic....

But be careful to blame the people who deserve to be blamed: wicked and ambitious politicians like Jenrick and Netanyahu. Zionism isn't something people are born to, but a choice. Like being a Communist or a Nazi, but far more dangerous.

Репост из: Vanessa Beeley
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When they claim Nasrallah was driven by antisemitism, watch this clip. He was driven by an anti-imperialist understanding of Israel’s place in the world system. That is simply a fact.

Ignore the lies and misinformation from the know-nothing pundits.

Yet another BBC nonce walks free with a suspended sentence.

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