Lawyers of Light

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A channel with template letters and useful information from lawyers dedicated to helping bring the truth and who wish to serve the people of the UK and the world, protect god given rights and promote justice for all

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Part 2 of looking at legalising Euthanasia in the UK. I examine how in Canada those opting for state sanctioned death are disproportionately represented by the poor and vulnerable groups.

I also ask, given that a miniscule number of British people travel abroad every year to die, why should the law be changed for such a minority?

If there is one thing, if I may beg, for subscribers to get involved in, it is the debate about assisted dying. We will end up like Canada if we allow the state to get engaged in this.

I'm not telling anyone whether they should agree with assisted dying or not. But I am asking people to think through the ramifications of having the state get involved by 'law' in this area. Please consider what has happened over the last 5 years, and how much things have expanded. I showed you yesterday in my article, Matt Hancock lying in parliament about the jabs being for adults only. What then happened?

I would also ask people to consider the widespread use of unlawful DNRs over the last 5 years. We have laws that prevent this but it didn't matter, it still happened, and there has been ZERO accountability for it.

We also have to consider the end of life protocols used over the last 5 years (and this goes back years) and ask what guidance, if any, NICE will put out about assisted dying. I'm all over their site like a rash looking at stuff.

And lastly, do you trust doctors over this? Do you trust politicians with this? What if the process is abused like DNRs?

Let's all lend our voices to the debate. If enough people do, we can have a conversation about what is a difficult and complex area. Personal choice is everything. I don't want to stop people doing what they want with their own bodies, but the fact is that no one needs the state to get involved in this area. There are ways for people to plan this 'intervention' early enough if they wish.

We don't need state sanctioned euthanasia on top of everything else.

I'm considering putting together some basic responses that people could use to lobby their MP's with.

This is particularly meaningful for me as I've always said we should be using their laws in pushback. Data protection is another area where this can be done. The Equality Act too in some cases. I'm sure there's loads of others.

If you are an independent journalist please consider the call to join with UK column to challenge this area. Wouldn't it be great to see success using their very own widely drafted (on purpose) legislation. There's nearly always a loophole....

"Senior government sources said cutting-edge technology could be deployed to monitor offenders released into the community. An insider said: “We need to learn from the surveillance states who spy on their own citizens and use the same tactics....

I am now fully understanding why they were so keen to release criminals from jails. Watch everyone applaud this, ignoring the fact it will be rolled out on all of us. Because for this to work, they would have to scan everyone's faces

Heads up on the Data (Use and Access) Bill. It's not good news as it seeks to advance the digital ID framework

Press release

Bill details here

But not drop:

The genocide
The arms sales
The funding of Ukraine to the billions
The removal of winter fuel allowance
The raping of the poor through high taxation
The globalist agenda
Stupid net zero
Locking up dissenters
The recording of non crime 'hate' incidents
The jabbing of people with a dangerous substance
The lies

Yep, this guy has really got his finger on the pulse with this row back 🙄

The woman that actually said the unvaccinated didn't deserve hospital treatment wants us to feel sorry for her that she might have to fly to dignitas alone.

1. If she wants to die then why does the state need to legalise the process for her?

2. Moreover if she wants to die why was she so bloody concerned about catching 'deadly Covid' from the unjabbed?

Esther - I will book the seat for you - hell I will even PAY FOR IT, so you go alone to Dignitas to die. Don't ask for the law to be changed to suit you - although I wouldn't expect anything less from someone that pushed the last state narrative so hard

But off you can fuck Esther. Alone to die. Because that is your choice. Don't drag the rest of us into it, you selfish old woman

As you know, a few people have asked me to write about trusts - after 25 years advising on them I can verily say that one article will not cover what is needed - hence the Part 1 of a series. I hope that people can see there is alot to think about with trusts, but that they can be a useful tax planning tool, for both Inheritance tax and Capital Gains tax.


There's a video in the above 👆 of Matt Hancock that everyone should have (in my opinion) but it doesn't show up in instant view. I don't know why. So use the long link and you will see the video. Important from the perspective of lies by the state

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Assisted dying. A slippery slope?

Of course the think tank of Satans spawn would want to raise 10bn tax by charging us motorists a fee for every mile we drive. That's the kinda thing Satan's spawn would enjoy 😈

6k 2 120 154

A Netherlands district court has ruled that Bill Gates can stand trial in the Netherlands in a case involving seven people injured by the jab. The other defendants in the case are Albert Bourla and the Dutch state

This is a private international law case and last week's interim hearing was regards an argument over jurisdiction. The court ruled they had jurisdiction due to an "anchor defendant" meeting jurisdictional rules and the claim by the plaintiffs that all defendants are linked

This is bona fide. I checked it myself and then Alex Thomson also checked it out for me

Judgement linked below. The case continues

My predictions for the budget, if you are interested are:

She's going to hammer CGT, (capital gains tax) and raise the tax rate thereon. She might also remove some reliefs

She's going to hammer farmers and restrict APR (agricultural property relief)

She's going to hammer private pensions as noted above, but also likely take other pension tax breaks away for the private sector - it's why I haven't bothered to write about salary sacrifice schemes for income tax efficency yet

She's going to remove or restrict some IHT (Inheritance tax) allowances

Fuel duty & tobacco duty will go up

In a throw back to times gone by Reeves might also chuck a curve ball and tax windows again. Or maybe long or short hair. Or log burners. Or pets. Maybe even blades of grass

Or, scarily, she could bring in a swear tax - I will be fu**ed then

"Ms Reeves could put the country on track to pay the highest tax as a proportion of GDP since comparable records began nearly eight decades ago"

It will only become paying the most tax as a proportion of GDP if people actually pay it.................

Budget warning⚠️

Private sector pensions likely to be hammered under NI changes BUT public sector pensions - including already gold plated civil service pensions - to be left alone

How. Much. More. Obvious. Does. It. Need. To. Be. To. People

It's Government by the Public Sector, for the Public Sector

As we reflect on the death in prison of grandfather Peter Lynch, I have alot of questions - notably why Ricky "cut their throats" Jones is out on bail before his trial (if this post is true), given how various protestors have been treated - Lucy Connolly was held on remand before her trial, (she was found guilty and sentenced)

Also, how is it that Ricky Jones' trial isn't until January but all the 'far right' working class protestors had their trials within days or weeks of their arrests?

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