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Репост из: — N'00
H🅰pPy birthday to you, happy b!rthday to you, Canada boy!¿!
hAPpY bIRthdAY to Mark Lee from NCT! 🤩 and also to the Mark duplicates; Kresno, eric, Aji, Javie, athlas, mark, jares, jerlangga, agra, gian, sean, markley, karel, tama, jegar, mareshtian, pawdizzle, madrizer, rama, kalenzo, joraz, bayu, gasta, saddam, asher, abigar, jayden, miracle, javier, miguel, malvis, Mark, azra, atlas, bian, raden, malik, margo, jidan, gana, malviano, bumi, Malik.

congratulation for your birthday! wish you all the best, semoga hidup kalian dipenuhi dengan kebahagiaan dan hari-hari yang baik and I hope y'all have a pleasant day, thank you for being in this world. Be happy and enjoy your special day guys🥂

Репост из: accie's
2nd August, such a beautiful day for this gorgeous man that is going to turn 22 at this date and time. Happy bday to mark irl & mark rp ers , esp ;

Mafka, Tama , Miracle , Marka , Rafdan , maraka , Taka , Razen , Gasta , Athala , Theogarz , Gian , Markavian , Kale , Bian , Fraksa , Malve , Aksara , Raheja.

with lovee accie.

Репост из: Janu's
It's August 2nd, 22 years ago a geogeous boy was born. Happy Birthday Mark Lee! May the almighty shower your life with lots of happiness and blessings, wishing you a great birthday and resourceful life ahead. Also happy birthday for all Mark Lee Rp-ers! Especially for:
Malek, Razen, Miko, Lavanaa, Naven, Maheza, Gedzar, Draxelion, Bian, Rayven, Ragos, Dexter, Raheja, Raden, Aufa, and Pascal.
May God bless you all.

Sincerely, Janu

Репост из: West Side
ෆ 2nd Of August. Finally the Day has been come. Happy Bornday to Mark Lee and all Mark rp-ers

especially :: Rayven, Markavin, Jaxen, Bian, Raska, Kalenzo, Mareshtian, Ravaeenzy, Miko, Maheza, Raheja, Raden, Ryan, Ezekiel, Calvin, Rakas, Dean, Arsyad, Malden

May their birthday bring more smiles that won't lost from this world. Enjoy your special day and please take care of yours. Once again, Happy Birthday.

With Love, Shannora.

Репост из: West Side

Репост из: Breaking Free.
Happy level up for mark lee in real life, i wish the best for you. Thank you for motivating so many people and giving a positive vibe. May your birthday be filled with happiness as you make people's happy.

And also happy birthday for mark lee rpers especially for Me, Miracle, Naven, Miko, Maheza, Atlas, Raja, Ejaz, Ravaeenzy, Malek, Morgan, Dexter, Raheja, Raden, Maraka, Ryan, Aufa, Gian, Markana, Rafdan, Karelio, Markavin, Markaiden, Marenzo, Marcell, Mareshtian, Theogarz, Genta, Rajendra, Jonathan, Mrave, Albin, Dion, Bian, Sean, Malva, Meradipka, Miguel and others mark lee rpers.

Репост из: same $hit.
𝓑low the candle and make a wish!

FINALLY! The day we've been waiting for has come! Which is celebrated on August 02. It's Mark Lee birthday! Happy birthday to Mark Lee! May you having you greatest birthday, and i’m always wishing the best for you! Once again happy level up Mark Lee, and also to all Mark rp-ers especially Damar, Markavi, Malva, Markaiden, Tama, Dama, Drazhan, Raka, Markavin, Max, Maresthian, Rafdan, Zeroune, Naven, Mahendra, Theogarz, Razen, Maraka, Malek, Ragas, Nahen, Markavian, Morgan, Jordan, Markabhivan, Jegar, Bumi, Zavian, Saddam, Abian, Joraz, Kale, Raga, Gana, Dergana, Draxelion, Malvian, Malv, Aiden, Malvian, Athala, Miracle, Daffin, Raja, Dikta, Azra, Gian, Zaki, Gavin, Tama, Dipta, Juan, Rion, Resa, Arkan, Dean, Marka, Hema, Gideon, Muel, Rixie, Matheo, Kevin, Galang, Hikaru, Joshka, Ravaeenzy, Raga, Dito, Sasta, Miko, Marenzo, Jerlangga, Aldio, Marvelous, Dhino, Max, Erlano, Sadam, Mahes, Elden, Malvin, Jeon, Justin, Maraka, Arsey, Amar, Mave, Miracle, Malviano, Ghaffa, Aksara, Rama, Dean, Atlas, Matthew, Malvis, Kalenzo, Harlen, Sena, Noah, Mahen, Ejaz, Razan, Jaxen, Raska, Mavierth, Marvin, Bian, Adrian, Saddam, Raden, Arvino, Gavinliel, Jerano, Mahesa, Rayven, Jevandra, Margo, Aezrand, Elang, Aarav, Michael, Reksa, Jonathan, Jayden, Erik, Barga, Jayendra, Farrel, Jeon, Ragas, Matthew, Karelio, Margo, Akandra, Arjun, Arsyad, Raka, Ryan, Joraz, Astalingga, Navandres, Raheja, Nevan, Tirta, Bagja, Zeorgan, Mikey, Karrel, Aditama, Jagsa, Rezvan, Eddjiè, Mrave, Gavien, Aufa, Vegas, Rakas, Damar, Jeremy, Agra, Syarief, Jake, Ryder, Harvey, Kofar, Jasper, Reganta, Danuar, Maguel, Reyhandika, Ibam, Hansen, Aldegaf, Rajef, Vilon, Joriffer, Sagara, Genta, Dion, Ellard, Madakavi, Marxie, Fraska, Jegas, Rajendra, Kaisan, Rashkel, Rialam, Madrizer.

Wish you guys all the best and may God Bless you. Enjoy your special day!

— Sincerelly, Aksara.

Репост из: same $hit.

Репост из: Sanctuary
August 2, Finally! Happy level up! to Mark Lee and all Mark rp–ers. Especially for :
Danuar, Reganta, Marcus, Arsey, Markavin, Joriffer, Farrel, Atlas, Marka, Galatra, Kofar, Adjie, Dion, Karrel Marakha, Nahen, Marcell, Marxie, Rakas, Kale, Mahendra, Jonathan, Bian, Kadeto, Maraka, Marka, Rajendra, Abay, Miguel Athala, Jake, Kenandra, Mrave.

Wish you guys all the best and may God bless you. Enjoy your special day!
– Sincerelly, Anya.

Репост из: 𝒮erendipity
FINALLY!! today is special day, happy bornday to our precious boy, Mark Lee. who has a cute, cool, and very great personality, i’m very proud of his hard work so far. Everyone will sending best wishes for you. And also happy birthday to our Mark Lee rp – ers! ☆___☆

esp; Marka, Mar, Kale, Joraz, Miracle, Sadam, Malv, Rafdan, Jegar, Azri, Markaden, Moran, Pandu, Agra, Sena, Atlas, Mason, Karel, Mavis, Bian, Mada, Raka, Raden, Maraka, Mario, Markus.

May your days always be filled with happiness and lot of love. and i hope you guys can be the best owner to use Mark Lee’s face. Thanks a lot for entertaining everyone. once again happy birthday to all of you guys.

– with love, Joella.

Репост из: Rêveuse // Actv
Happy birthday Mark Lee from NCT! Thank you for working hard to get here and thank you for giving positive things to many people. Also happy birthday to Mark Lee Rp-ers especially Sagara, Kale, Adef, Gaffa, Rezvan, Matthew, Theogarz, Sadam, Jaxen, Kalenzo, Rama, Bian, Aften, Dhino, Elden, Marvin, Cakra, Raden, and all Mark Lee Rp-ers. Stay healthy and always happy ya, enjoy your special day guys! ♡

With love, Kheina.

Репост из: に属する– 𝐑
ㅤon 1999, a man named 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝕷𝖊𝖊 was born.
a person who brings joy, a strong person and encouragement to us, everyone loves him.
who celebrates his birthday, today on August 2nd. happy birthday to you, Mark Lee. and thanks for working hard. Your 22st birthday should make you a better, stronger, and healthier person. Don't let your sweet smile fade from your face, keep smiling for a long day. Have a nice day. May good things always be with you, wish you all the best and God bless you always.

Also Happy Birthday to Mark lee rp-ers especially
Malvian, Dean, Miko, Harlen, Maheza, Matthew, Mrave, Naven, Agra, Barga, Atlas, Bian, Devaz, Malik, Malek, Marvel, Rayven, Abyan, Mahendra, Dexter, Ryan, Rian, Nepan, Raheja, Raden, Theogarz, Garel, Miguel, Aufa, Karelio, Markana, Keenandra, Abri, Jendra, Marchell, Albin Langit, Maraka, Marka, and me. God Bless y'all!

with love, Ragos.

Репост из: anzealous.
Many happy returns to this watermelon guy, Bian, Eizar, Marakha, Atlas, Dean, Marcus, Malv, Rezvan, and Razen. 🍻

Репост из: J NASA
Yoit, today is Mark birthday, right? Happy birthday to Mark lee and all Mark Lee rp-ers, especially for

Jadep, El, Jerano, Ardana, Sadewa, Meraki, Joan, Aska, Kenzie, Agas, Langit, Marvin, Rayyan, Jaxen, Matthew, Arsey, Bian, Devon, Markavin, Mahesa, Raheja, Raden, Nanta, Marvin², Marcos, Will, Ganan, Arion

thank u for using Mark Lee for a face claim and i hope u use it better. have a very amazing birthday! enjoy all the cakes, hugs, love and happiness today. ur deserve it, my friends. all the best for u!

with love,

Репост из: midnight
ㅤㅤTwenty two years ago, a warmest boy was born with beautiful soul and a beautiful eyes. this is our precious boy day that you've been waiting for.

ㅤㅤHappy level up for Mark Lee and also for all Magu's rpers especially for Me, Dipta, Jayden, Rayven, Mahendra, Ghaisan, Agra, Galatra, Marcos, Markaiden, Reksa, Naven, Margo, Malvian, Regan, Abigar, Sean, Jesse, Jonathan, Rezvan, Bian, Erzayn, Eddjiè, Dean, Erik, Vegas, Zeandra, Jeremy, Varen, Afrizal, Farrel, Razen, Arjuna, Jeon, Markavin, Raden, Mahendra, Hikaru, Sagara, Aksara, Malvindra, Travis, Karelio, Damar, Bian, Zeorgan, Fillan, Pian, and Mrave.

ㅤㅤWarmest wishes for a Mark Lee and All Mark Lee's rpers. hope today’s filled with all your favorite guilty pleasures, a lots of love, laughter, and happiness. God bless you all.


Репост из: Bohemian rhapsody
・ ・ ・ ✦ 𝐓oday, on August 2 is a shining day! then i will say happy birthday to mark lee of nct and to all mark Lee rp-ers especially for malva and bian

★ ... I hope you're always 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲, and excited for the day! take 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 of you're 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 too, don't forget to 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞 and spread 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 to those around you!

Репост из: %
☆★✩. Happy level up to Mark Lee and all Mark Lee roleplayer! especially... :

Naven, Aiden, Gavin, Tama, Dipta, Juan, Rion, Resa, Arkan, Athan, Dean, Markavanca, Hema, Gideon, Muel, Rixie, Dama, Matheo, Kevin, Galang, Hikaru, Joshka, Ravaeenzy, Raymond, Raga, Dito, Naren, Adif, Agra, Alvano, Bumi, Markavian, Maheza, Asher, Mahendra, Johannes, Tama, Areksa, Bandung, Dhino, Rafin, Zavian, Rafdan, Draxelion, Marvel, Arga, Malv, Adirga, Sarex, Alfan, Miko, Jerlangga, Ardito, Razen, Josa, Ojan, Arvino, Varen, Malvian, Afrizal, Ghaisan, Karel, Mako, Malek, Mahes, Sadam, Justin, Derpan, Januar, Shaka, Ragos, Tirta, Atlas, Sena, Azra, Noah, Kalenzo, Rayven, Jaxen, Mara, Javier, Saddam, Raden, Malvino, Maxime, Abim, Rama, Fikar, Nevan, Pragas, Ryan, Michi, Jinoo, Alfixy, Eric, Marik, Raven, Lenggara, Darryl, Aldino, Matthew, Jjiero, Juste, Andrew, Arkan, Ajas, Dirga, Aji, Marco, Ben, Abidzar, Saka, Regas, Albert, Flyann, Javi, Jordan, Jion, Zaka, Abriel, Biantara, Rajaska, Ghifar, Jaska, Marvin, Agam, Asep, Drexas, Darega, Saga, Iden, Syarief, Aldo, Jendra, Sasta, Sastra, Dapta, Matheo, Raja, Rajendra, Ragaska, Kaivan, Farel, Athala, Abijar, Aksara, Andra, Raheja, Jagsa, Ryan, Markavin, Braxion, Dika, Ryder, Aldegaf, Abri, Marakha, Arsey, Morgan, Marcus, Abian, Zavian, Bian, Rezgav, Marakew, Markji, Marvin, Azka, Malva, Alaska, Andez, Arjuna, Marcell, Abin, Raskala, Adit, Rio, Rakan, Aron, Aldan, Ian, Elhast, Rakha, Nakko, Haikal, Jaki, Alvin, Jezrome, Agan, Dimas, Rigel, Ragas, Agam, Dirgas, Renzo, Raka, Nolan, Jaden, Liam, Jerano, Pascal, Jonet, Rashkel, Albin, Rajef, Kenandra, Danuar, Abay, and Mikey.

☆★✩. wishing u an extra special birthday. i hope u be better, more successful, always be healthy. hopefully in the future it will be even better and of course always in the protection of god.

ー Navendra.

Репост из: Lembaran baru.
Happy birthday SM's beloved tiger. I hope on your birthday you get love from family, friends and people who love you, including me. facial expression and age are getting younger fading mountain peaks rising higher seas and my love for one, Mark Lee.

Esp ; malvian, gana, daniel, rajen, matthew, arxen, maguel, harlen, miko, adip, rava, bian, mahesa, theo,malviano, adi, raden, maheka, Kemal dan miracle.

Репост из: Price Tag.
ෆ 𝐇appy 𝐁irthday to 𝗟𝗘𝗘 𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗞
And He's rp-ers! especially for my Handsome boy ﹔Aldegaf, Jayden, Genta, Rialam, Ragaska, Jasper, Derry, Rendy, Max, Rama, Bumi, Razan, Karsa, Dipta, Matthew, Rezvan, Jarkav, Adicakra, Adimas, Ardhito, Fabian, Galih, Melvin, Aldyth, Javier, Malden, Agra, Teduh, Michael, Kalenzo, Raihan, Marka, Dikta & Bian.

𝒜ugust, with Love 𝓗.

⚘ 𝓣oday is your day. A joy for all of us when you are one year older, a woman with all the advantages to be proud of, a talent developed for all smiles. Beautiful woman with Cancer zodiac sign, has unlimited charm in the eyes of the world, best wishes for you. ℳay your dreams come true soon, remain someone who is cheerful and spreads a smile.

𝓐 sign where you are already quite skilled in dealing with all situations on your own, getting older makes you stronger and believing that the 𝔰upporter in all our ups and downs is only yourself. 𝔅e healthy and strong under any circumstances, because you are deeply 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙙 and worthy of all forms of happiness in your life. 𖦹﹏♡‌

Репост из: Price Tag.
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