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Help fw, thank yoou

Rp chaewon & mark absen kesini dong


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41 голосов

📝 Moots, drop @ dong. Nanti sy hit

👤 @tuntivejakul

👤 @sukarnjun

👤 @LsiuYangyang!!!

👤 @knoweunbin

👤 @yeahdamie

👤 @haibarha

👥 6 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

the universe works like magic. you pay a price for something, you get it back and ten times more. so hold into your goodness, try be as positive as you can. smile at your haters. and think about something that makes you smile or feel better to keep yourself distracted from the negativity. you might not be able to do it all in one go, but taking it slow, step by step, is still good enough as long as you’re moving forward. but know this: you are destined to have a happy ending after everything you’ve been through.

its not easy to be positive all the time. some days you will feel like you just can't do it anymore. you want to give up on everything. you feel like you have nothing to live for. you feel negative emotions. you are around people that make you feel negative. and you just think, “how am i going to ever handle all this?” but wait .. if you take a moment to think about bigger picture, you'll understand that you’ve fought for will never go to vain.

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