That Ancient Faith :: Biblical, Scripture & Church History Study

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"The tyrant of old was drowned in the sea; and this present one disappears in the water of salvation." — Cyril of Jerusalem


An Examination of Conditional Immortality (Part Two)

This is a second part to a blog series in doing on the topic of hell in the Bible, re-examining the long held doctrine that has centuries of baggage with it!

In part one, I covered a lot of New Testament texts, a few Old Testament passages, plus a look at what some of the earliest church leaders also wrote on the topic. In this one, we will be looking at a few more Old Testament examples and how they relate to the imagery used in Revelation, amongst other things.


Just an FYI


"This might be the most amazing data picture you see in a lifetime! It shows the 63,779 cross-references in the Bible. The white bars along the bottom represent each Bible chapter, Gen. 1 - Rev. 22. The line’s colour shows the reference’s distance from the other. A cross-reference is a scripture that references another scripture. Had the Bible been written by one person or at one time this would still be amazing; however, the Bible was written by 40 authors over the span of 1500 years on 3 different continents.
The Bible is complex, diverse, and intricate, and yet it has one unified message: God lovingly is redeeming all who believe!"


Репост из: Armageddon News

Something to think about


Репост из: Λουκάς
What is the pillar and foundation of truth?
  •   The Bible
  •   The Pope
  •   Jesus/God
  •   The Church
  •   The Holy Spirit guiding you
  •   Your pastor
  •   Calvin
  •   Luther
  •   Truth is relative
76 голосов

#shotsfired 😂


What's everyone's thoughts on this statement?


I recommend anyone to read the Martyrdom of Polycarp:


Which colour best represents your views?


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