Be not adrift in the Modern World young Folkman and Folkwoman where you are denied your identity or any sense cultural existence until the enemies of our Folk and the unJust mastErs of the modern World need to place blame upon Someone and then suddenly it is only our culture held responsible for conquests and empires.
You have an identity fellow Folk!
You have a heritage!
You have cultural traditions!
You have ancestral lineage!
No matter where you are among the realm if you are of the Folk you have a People to whom you belong, an Identity which is your's, and a culture and spirituality to inherit.
There are Folk whom already practice our ways despite the Modern World's haze.
Arise and Stand With Your Folk.
The Existence of our People is NOT Negotiable.
#WOTANNETWORK - a participatory activist network project.
Pass it on!
Wotan Network on Gab - On VK at and MeWe, search and you will find us.
Wotan Mit Uns!