Репост из: Hearth_and_Helm
With the crack down of jabs we must look at this as an opportunity to revive our folks vitality and reinvent what it is to be a community and what we invest our energy in.
I’m sure many may be facing termination from their employer and unsure where to turn. I feel in some cases we must look at this as a blessing in disguise. Perhaps this is the drive that will force some of us that have been longing to move cross country to be with folks who share the same values. Perhaps you find yourselves in a career that is financially fulfilling, but mentally draining to where your spiritual and emotional energy is drained; leaving little time for your family or to peruse skill building.
We are more stressed and anxiety ridden than any other generation and I believe the work/life balance is such huge factor in that. We can have a nutrient dense diet and nontoxic home, but if our mind is tainted, we are no better off than the average lemming. We are so easily accessible via phone, email, text, etc to where you never are truly “away” from work. Affirmative action hires and outsourcing over seas are closing in on your job and now trying to compensate your health and livelihood through bullying.
Now is our opportunity to not only circle the wagons to form stronger communities, but also revision where we focus our energy. Perhaps we can reinvent the “40 hour work week” and bring back the days where our work was a labor of love for our families because we were collaborating as a community with common goals to create a society we found endearing and that we could envision passing onto our children and grandchildren. We can begin to employ people that maintain our folks values. We can have men of different trades collaborate to form their own businesses. Women can have “the village” that is lacking. Our children can grow amongst each other and carry torch to keep the flame of truth alive. We can make nuclear families great again.
As the modern world crumbles (and no doubt it will fall upon its own sword) we have to go outside our comfort zone. We have to stand strong, act bravely, honorably, and capitalize on this jab the powers at be are making to make us fold as “Renaissance period” for our folk.
No doubt it is not easy to pick up and start over—have it be starting from the bottom of a new career, working an apprenticeship to gain a new skill, relocating to be with like-minded folk, etc. Thankfully, the European spirit is strong and will adapt and preserve forward.
I’m sure many may be facing termination from their employer and unsure where to turn. I feel in some cases we must look at this as a blessing in disguise. Perhaps this is the drive that will force some of us that have been longing to move cross country to be with folks who share the same values. Perhaps you find yourselves in a career that is financially fulfilling, but mentally draining to where your spiritual and emotional energy is drained; leaving little time for your family or to peruse skill building.
We are more stressed and anxiety ridden than any other generation and I believe the work/life balance is such huge factor in that. We can have a nutrient dense diet and nontoxic home, but if our mind is tainted, we are no better off than the average lemming. We are so easily accessible via phone, email, text, etc to where you never are truly “away” from work. Affirmative action hires and outsourcing over seas are closing in on your job and now trying to compensate your health and livelihood through bullying.
Now is our opportunity to not only circle the wagons to form stronger communities, but also revision where we focus our energy. Perhaps we can reinvent the “40 hour work week” and bring back the days where our work was a labor of love for our families because we were collaborating as a community with common goals to create a society we found endearing and that we could envision passing onto our children and grandchildren. We can begin to employ people that maintain our folks values. We can have men of different trades collaborate to form their own businesses. Women can have “the village” that is lacking. Our children can grow amongst each other and carry torch to keep the flame of truth alive. We can make nuclear families great again.
As the modern world crumbles (and no doubt it will fall upon its own sword) we have to go outside our comfort zone. We have to stand strong, act bravely, honorably, and capitalize on this jab the powers at be are making to make us fold as “Renaissance period” for our folk.
No doubt it is not easy to pick up and start over—have it be starting from the bottom of a new career, working an apprenticeship to gain a new skill, relocating to be with like-minded folk, etc. Thankfully, the European spirit is strong and will adapt and preserve forward.