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Active Club is a worldwide brotherhood of white men, dedicated to promote physical training, self improvement and white identity
Contact : @Active_division_Bog

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The expression of art is a sample of bravery, it is an expression of our blood, it is an example of combat, art is measured by the quality captured in any way by the spirit!

799 2 16 2 19

And wanting to be a hero, as the gods would have foreseen, move the rocks and forge my own path, but every time a path deviates it narrows with the same one that saw me destroyed; , being an angry dissident in the face of false smiles that correct you even of norms with which you were not born ...a misunderstood; and rules that only serve to mold beasts into a fold of the meaningless... a corral of beings that were born without a purpose

Active club Bogotá

Active club Bogotá

Your bones will be made of silver, honorable slender knight, may the dreams of your heirs run through the river for the land you conquered for them.



Репост из: Movimento Identitário Paulista
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Nosso sangue é guerreiro, nosso atavismo é bélico, nosso espírito é marcial e nosso povo raíz é bruto, guerra e conflito é tradição. Esse é o nosso povo, gente e estirpe, aí está o paulista pleno, originado e relativo à Paulistânia e sua hinterlândia por completo. Mantenha o sangue e tom assim, e passe esse valor e privilégio para frente e o futuro, então assim somos e assim há de sermos até o fim nessa Terra. Non Dvcor Dvco.

Sangue e Solo.


Defend your temple, son of the undefeated sun, that with your weapons, like the wolf chained with poison, you will destroy your adversary, an infallible enemy

Defend your traditions
Get active!

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Un niño encuentra
una medalla de guerra
bajo las baldosas del viejo patio.
Se la prende sobre el pecho
y renueva los poderes
de su raza.
Están demoliendo
todas las casas
de la zona,
para que los niños no posean
los talismanes perdidos
y la sangre no vuelva
del pasado.

Juan Pablo Vitali

Art is immutable and in a single sense if it is the reflection of an era, whose objective is to explode all temporal obstacles, of the factions that burst into the decadence of their environment, still renewing the heroism of yesteryear, but elevating it to The transgression of the established order by those who hate beauty is only tolerated if they have realized in their creations the greatness of that objective, the eternal action by their moral principle in the dissent of the awakening of man surpassing their own creations; renewed towards tomorrow to his fight for the future

🜨Action today, victory tomorrow🜨

Репост из: Atlas Active Club
"Not everyone is able to take up the sword, and fight with it, remaining in this struggle at a spiritual height. For this, the best people are needed, who combine nobility and strength, because the weak will not bear this burden, and will betray the very calling of the sword."

⁃ Ivan Ilyin

📍 Active in Atlanta, Athens, and the north Georgia area.

⚔️ Don’t be a victim, our race has a right to exist!

🖋️ Bring your skills, strength, and experience to the 3.0 nationalist movement. Don’t have any? Get started today.

Get vetted today at
@connenrad on telegram

Репост из: 𝐓𝐀𝐂-𝐀𝐙
Telegram: @TAC_Arizona_3
/ contact bot: @TACVetBot

"No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone."

For "the higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly."

As "the snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind."

- Friedrich Nietzsche

* REMEMBER to check our pinned messages for a general 101 of who and what we are!

Репост из: Aryan Archives 🗡️🌿
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Get active⚡️

Bootcamp is coming soon
Get ready
Get active!

🜨 Recognize your humanity with the senses of a hero, be happy and lead a life like someone who dies from fighting but deserves it by surviving. subtle in the honeys of war admire your gallantry without abandoning your mind The flowers that you planted on the canvas of other beings, honored the scars on your forehead, those sayings that deafen the heads of the faithful, those who respected your ideals until the last day, until that day you were enough.

Our brothers in Spain have opened an ACTIVE CLUB, let's help spread their activities!!!


Репост из: Gym XIV (Banned on Apple)
“National revolution, yes. Social revolution, yes. European revolution, yes. But above all else a spiritual revolution a thousand times more necessary than external order, than external justice, than fraternity in words alone.”

- Leon Degrelle

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Репост из: Aktivklubb Sverige
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WBFC 2 🇸🇪

Репост из: Kampf der Nibelungen
🏆 Day of Glory- Frankreich

Am Wochenende war es soweit, Pride France lud zum "Day of Glory". Bereits zur Vorbereitung zeichnete sich ab, dass einige hochwertige Kämpfe zu erwarten seien. Gruppen und Gyms entsendeten ihre Starter erneut aus weiten Teilen Europas.

Vor Ort bestätigten sich diese Erwartungen, es waren wirklich einige bekannte Kämpfer vor Ort. Und eine prall besuchte Veranstaltung ließ auf einen glorreichen Abend hoffen.

Geboten wurden dann wirklich erstklassige Kämpfe, von Amateur bis hin zum Profi wurde alles in den Cage geladen. Ob ein Knockout beim Boxen oder eine Submission beim MMA, war alles dabei, was das Kampfsportlerherz erfreut.

Die Stimmung in der Halle war klasse, sportlich, aber laut und bestimmend gab es für einige Athleten den Support ihrer Bande. Es war uns mal wieder eine Ehre, mit unseren Freunden aus Frankreich gemeinsam die Matten des Cage zu betreten und sportliche Wettkämpfe zu führen.


Репост из: Active Club France
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🏴 Support your local street fighter !

🇫🇷 Tomasz

🇸🇰 Panzer

🇫🇷 Orsu Corsu

Репост из: SoCal Active Club
There's standards and bylaws to follow if you want your club to be recognized as an official Active Club. In reality we can't stop anyone from starting a page and calling themselves an Active Club. The only punishment is exclusion, which in reality is quite effective, considering what the greater community has to offer in yearly events, networking and potential resources.

No matter the reason, rather it be you’re just a new club or maybe you have issues with someone in the scene or even an entire organization you dislike etc, it's in your best interest to reach out and see what can be done to get your club on the right path, help correct any misunderstandings and what not. If you're an isolated AC, you and your members are missing out on so much.

Today's a new day, let's get you guys involved!

Reach out at

SoCal Active

Pennsylvania Active

NorCal Active

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