Marathon results. 🚀That's the end of our 5-day trading marathon, during which I showed all the mastery of my knowledge, and not only mine... But more about that later!
Let's summarize it in numbers.
— 10 signals. 10 profits.
— $500,000 personal profit on my account. 💰
— 100+ people have tried out the signals and made money from it 💸
— 70 people tried autotrading instead of signals 🤖
I was writing about how you have to act fast and grab it. Only people like that break through and become really successful. That's exactly the kind of people I need on my team.
And it does not matter what business - trading, medicine or business. Everywhere the main thing is to be in the right place at the right time. The fastest of the eagles always gets the booty. 😉I got a lot of nice feedback. It's really inspiring when people of different countries/professions/ages write to you and they are all united by a common cause, a common goal. I really want to thank you all.
Well, now that you have gained more knowledge and skills in trading this week, it's time to move on to the next stage.
Several people during the marathon wrote me. "Richard! Why are all your trades successful? Isn't there a single mistake?" Well, there really aren't many traders who can make a week-long series of trades with just one slip-up.
But what if I told you it wasn't me at all? I did not participate in any market analysis before the signals. I was not involved in analyzing the market before the signals. Well, I'll tell you about it tomorrow and give you the opportunity not only to receive data on trades, but also to have a trained AI robot do them for you.
Uncle Richard always has a trump card to play. Stay tuned. 🦅