🇺🇸 Trump signs decree to create a strategic Bitcoin reserve -
sourcePresident Donald Trump has approved an executive order to establish a "Strategic Bitcoin Reserve" and a "Digital Assets Reserve."This is the beginning of what I’ve been telling you about all fall and what we’ve been working on. The "turbulent push" of the cryptocurrency market has begun, and while you may not hear about it from every driver and waiter just yet, it's already started. And when you do hear about it from them, it will already be too late to act.Recently, I’ve been developing new products and connecting my AI to the spot market, and I’ve decided to make the final set for the auto-trading robot in the history of this channel.
Together with Gotrade, I’ve prepared something for you that will either change your life forever or make you pull your hair out when you miss it. 😉
We live in times when speed outpaces everything. Crises no longer last for years – they last months. Booms no longer last for months – they last just days.
Success often comes down to "being in the right place at the right time." Well, you’ve found yourself in the right place. Now all that’s left is to act at the right time. 🦅
Stay tuned.