The Nordic Witch

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A community for those interested in Northern Germanic paganism, folk practices and culture with some mysticism thrown in.
I am a devotee of Frija so a lot of what I share will be around her. Enjoy!

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Репост из: Thoughts from the Fyrgen
Here's something to try next Yule: There's a belief among some Heathens (particularly Theodsmen) that dreams you have on each of the twelve nights correspond to each month in the upcoming year, offering clues as to how one might navigate the times ahead.

I managed to note down 19 dreams across 11 nights (I missed Mother's Night), several of which seem significant.

Репост из: Hammer and Vajra
It is interesting, or rather sad, how modern people, and European Pagans, have more desire to connect with a tribe that could be the most distant of ancestors instead of their own direct heritage, nations, and tribes.
People who can't tell you their great great grand parent's names but can rattled off potential connection to ancient times.
I, too, am guilty of such at times as well.

Maybe it speaks to the state of the West and how deteriorated understanding and pride in one's heritage has become.

Spiritually, as Pagans we have to look to the ancient past, but that doesn't mean not having pride in one's more direct heritage.

Venerating the recent ancestors as well as the older ancestors should be a massive part of any spiritual practice, far more important than the gods. It’s saddening how people cling to an ancient culture that isn’t really a part of their background.

Happy new year to all of you.

2023 was a year of abundant spiritual growth. 2024 is the year in which you graduate from being saplings and flourish on you path. Whether it’s the ancient ash of the Norse, the olive tree of the Hellenic path, or the wise oak of the Celtic and Slavic path, tread on her branches like you were made for it, as this journey was forged for you by your ancestors.

Репост из: Pagan Revivalism
When one lives in accordance with nature, don't be surprised when nature takes notice and rewards you with beautiful and magical experiences

Репост из: Pagan Revivalism
The Pagan peoples in antiquity were far ahead of judeo-christianity in knowlege.

This is also why 99.99% of flat earth guys today are judeo-christian

Репост из: ☀️The Sun Riders☀️
"I feel awe of the gods, I love, I revere, I venerate them, and in short have precisely the same feelings towards them as one would have towards kind masters or teachers or fathers or guardians or any beings of that sort."- To The Cynic Heracleios by Julian Flavius

Emperor Julian Flavius, known as Julian the Apostate by Christians, was an Emperor who tried to restore the Pagan cults of ancient Rome amidst the Christian rule of his family, the Constantinians. He favored the metaphysical doctrines of Plato and his students, including the practice of theurgy and magic. He was well acquainted with some of the last magicians and philosophers, who helped him understand the deep inner-truths of the Roman tradition. He was a part of many Mystery Religions such as the Cult of Mithras which certainly inspired his panegyric: Hymn to King Helios. He was mortally injured during a campaign on the Sassanid Empire and like Socrates, he philosophized about the Gods until his death.

- Kalin, The Sun Riders

Репост из: EarthlyElementss

Репост из: THE OLD WAYS

Репост из: Hwitgeard
Also, as some people have previously asked me about the word Wassail;

Old English had two verbs for 'to be', these were wesan (Dutch wezen, Frisian wêze, Icelandic/Faroese/Swedish vera, Danish/Norwegian være) and of course bēon (German still uses its cognate forms bin and bist). Much like the word 'to go', OE gān, which has taken the past tense 'went' from 'wend', OE wendan, modern English 'be' is a suppletive verb. Thus it has merged the infinitive of bēon (along with the past participle been from OE gebēon) with the regular forms from wesan; am, art, is and are (from Old Norse eru > earon, replacing the earlier sind), was, wert and were.

The imperative form is wes, equivalent to 'be!', so it seems that the phrase 'wassail' comes from Anglo-Saxon wes hǣl, 'be healthy!' One can also add pronouns; wes þū hāl 'be thou hale' or plural wesað gē hāle, 'be ye hale' (both of which are attested in Old English). However there is a problem...

Most spellings of hǣl were hāl, which became northern English 'hale' and southern 'whole' (with an excrescent W for disambiguation with 'hole'), but all are related to words like 'health', 'heal' and even 'holy' and 'hallow'. While it is possible that the phrase descends from dialects using wes hǣl, it is equally likely that the same phrase in Old Norse, using the more familiar vowel sounds in ves heill (attested 1275), replaced earlier Old English forms.

Absolutely abhorrent - much like the sycamore gap felling, the felling of these beech trees is marked as “environmental vandalism”… by whom?

Репост из: Survive the Jive: All-feed
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Folklorists in 19th century England and Sweden recorded ancient pagan rituals of hanging animals in trees, in accordance with known ritual sacrifices for the Viking god Odin. The pagan rituals survived for much longer than people realise!


Репост из: Mana of Moria
"The appearance of Santa Claus or Father Christmas owes much to Odin, the old blue-hooded, cloaked, white-bearded Giftbringer of the north, who rode the midwinter sky on his eight-footed steed Sleipnir, visiting his people with gifts." -Folklorist Margaret Baker

My personal reflection on the question: If all these attributes of Santa doesn't come from Odin - then from where? From who?

Everything you enjoy about this season comes from Northern European myths. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Enjoy your feasting, drinking and gift-giving on these magickal days of yule!

Репост из: Mana of Moria
Dwarves forging Mjölnir. Other known creations by the dwarves are Gungnir, Gullinbursti, Skidbladnir and Draupnir.

Репост из: David Avocado Wolfe

Репост из: Folk Wisdom & Ways
The Holly King handing over his crown to the Oak King.

Репост из: European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival
"The sonargǫltr or sónargǫltr was the boar sacrificed as part of the celebration of Yule in Germanic paganism, on whose bristles solemn vows were made, a tradition known as heitstrenging."

"And they would sacrifice a boar in the sonarblót. On Yule Eve the sonar-boar was led into the hall before the king; then people laid their hands on its bristles and made vows."

#Yule #paganism @EuropeanTribalism

Репост из: Thoughts from the Fyrgen
As the sun sets here, in Britain, marking the start of Mother's Night, the Yuletide, and the new year, I offer this. I share it every Yuletide so many of you already know it, but some might not. Enjoy.

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