Eternally : BUKAAAA

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Категория: не указана

Bawa kami kepada rahasia kalian, kita akan keluar dari mimpi buruk ini
Status : mari send format kk
Working hours : 08.00 AM - 09.00 PM
Order : @EternallyBot
Mutual/fw : @EternalfBot

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Untuk mutual yang liat ini bisa bantu forward ke channel kalian? Feedback nya bisa ke @EternalfBot, TIA!


@Soodaem based on Soodam Secret Number 55k
@KellyTribe based on Kelly Tribe (OP with Group) 50k
@Yyeonjeong based on Yeonjeong (Seline real name) Cignature (SOP) 40k
@eundji based on Eunji Apink & Eunji Everglow (Mia real name) 25k
@baalap based on balap (SOP) 10k
@NiziiU based on NiziU (SOP) 7k
@Tebrry based on Terry (Taehyun English name) 7k

@KangTaehyufn + @KangTaehdyun 20k
@LeeChaeroyeong + @MashiroSakameoto 15k
@LeeChaercyeong + @MbashiroSakamoto 10k
@nJeonSoyeon + @HinaNagiai 7k
@JeonSoyfeon + @NagpaiHina 5k

Username paketan bisa take salah satu, all still negotiable and 💰Dana & Qris. Please contact @ChaerNaBot if you interested

Kebanyakan pilih promo ya, oke nanti hari * kita promo sedikit 🤩

Eters enaknya yang mana nihh
  •   Promoo
  •   GA yuk
8 голосов

Репост из: Cindercella : Open terus
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🗣️ admin apa aja kak yang dibutuhin? aku bisa di wording sama moodboard :D
: yeaa tepat sekali kami sedang mencari admin divisi wording & moodboard. itu kamu? segera daftarin diri kamu disini!

🗣️ maauuu kak!! gimana caranya?
: kamu salin format yang tertera baru send ke bot.

Supaya kamu diterima harap sudah memenuhi syarat - syarat dibawah ini yaa.

✦ subscribe @CindercelIa terlebih dahulu.
✦ Akun BA/CA/PA/FA diperbolehkan.
✦ Niat bukan minat.
✦ Tidak menjadi admin distore lebih dari 3 termasuk Cindercella.
✦ Tidak terlibat dalam kasus penipuan.
✦ Dapat berbaur dengan owner.
✦ Tidak cepu dan bukan mata-mata.
✦ Mempunyai rasa bertanggung jawab yang besar.
✦ Siap diberi arahan oleh owner.
✦ Memiliki E-Wallet Premium.

🏰.. Format Hiring Admin.
nama + username :
akun :
divisi :
e-wallet yg dimiliki :
menjadi admin @.sebutkan :
siap diberikan wwc : yes/no

n. tap auto copy send ke @cindercellarobot.


Репост из: Eternally : BUKAAAA
Hello Dreamers, finally @iEternally open to help you get out of your nightmares! See our regulation and our catalogue start from here and contact us at @EternallyBot, We'll be waiting for you!

Waktunya Eternally close. Oh ya besok Eternally tutup dulu, nanti buka lagi di hati rabu. Selamat beristirahat dan Happy Chinese new year untuk eters yang merayakan 🎋🎎

Репост из: kedai cayle [ open ]

Halo semuanya, @floowieworldshop sedang hiring admin nih. Jika kamu berminat untuk mengikuti hirmin disini, baca syarat dan ketentuan dibawah dan tentukan divisi yang ingin kamu ambil.🤩


⭒𖠗 upmemb reg / main acc
⭒𖠗 upfoll ig rp / rl
⭒𖠗 uplike ig
⭒𖠗 upvote
⭒𖠗 upbbc
⭒𖠗 ramein board/sc
⭒𖠗 bf / gf rent
⭒𖠗 jaseb list sfs reg / ma
⭒𖠗 jaseb list biasa
⭒𖠗 jasa tulis
⭒𖠗 jasa ketik
⭒𖠗 joki tugas
⭒𖠗 convert ewallet
⭒𖠗 convert pulsa
⭒𖠗 sticker pack
⭒𖠗 jasa edit
⭒𖠗 topup game
⭒𖠗 icons cutesy / classy
⭒𖠗 setup ba
⭒𖠗 yearbook
⭒𖠗 manips
⭒𖠗 moodboard
⭒𖠗 coret-coret
⭒𖠗 magazine
⭒𖠗 jasa rapihin ava
⭒𖠗 jasa rapihin ch

⿻꧇ RULES :

01. wajib subs @floowieworldshop (di ss).
02. niat, bukan sekedar minat.
03. sebar list hirmin ke @Hirminstorebagroup dan lpm minimal 20 lpm (di ss).
04. paham dengan sistem kerja divisi yang diambil.
05. bisa absen dan sebar pl setiap hari.
06. bisa bertanggung jawab dengan orderan yang diambil.
07. bisa menjaga nama baik store.
08. bisa membagikan waktu antara BA dan RL.
09. siap patungan atau donasi untuk kebutuhan store.
10. tidak ada niatan untuk hiatus/rest/lba.
11. siap memberikan jaminan rl.
12. bisa berbaur dan rajin nimbrung di gc trainee & admin.
13. wajib menggunakan akun BA/CA/CBA/PBA, bukan akun RP.
14. bukan penipu dan tidak ada niatan untuk menipu.

— ✦ FORMAT HIRING ADMIN @floowieworldshop
๛ nama :
๛ username :
๛ divisi (max 4) :
๛ payment :
๛ siap di wwc dan trainee? siap/tidak
๛ siap memberi jaminan rl? siap/tidak

kirim bareng ss an yang udah digrid, jangan dipisah.

kirim format hirmin ke @hirminfwsbot.

Репост из: Eternally : BUKAAAA
Hello Dreamers, finally @iEternally open to help you get out of your nightmares! See our regulation and our catalogue start from here and contact us at @EternallyBot, We'll be waiting for you!

Close lebih awal buat hari ini, selamat beristirahat eters 👋

Репост из: Peaceful : OPEN
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[ to all my mutuals ba, can you help me to share this post to your channel? thank you. if you need any helps, kindly text our drill @peaceffulbot, we will be glad to help you ]

🕹☠️ Fast asleep accompanied by a terrible nightmare. For the first time we will open 30 January at 20.00, the official @peacefful. Don't be late to send the form let's take a look inside:

└——————— - [ :💀: ]. +

Don't think too long or you will run out of something very important in your life, which is getting out of the dream. (+💸) starting from 250p you can live contentedly and happily.

Репост из: Forelsket, TODAY AT 20.00 WIB!
[For our mutuals and anyone who seeing this, would you help me forward this message to your channel please? Thanks a bunch!]

Hi, Folies! @Forelsketrent will open for the second time at January 31 2022, on 20.00 WIB. Start only from 4.000 IDR, you can spending time with our professional confident talents and have the best feeling of relationship. Just in case you're pondering for affection, check out our regulations and talent's slots, then get your order form and fill it out to @Forelsketrentbot. See you on top!

Репост из: joulysite: 31th! ‎♡ミ
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gratify help us to spread previously mentioned message to your business stonewall. tons of gratitude in advance! 💐

sugariness whose subsidize zeal to every milieu being the whole pie in the sky. thus on this unfathomable shot, we invites you to throw overboard thru @joulysite, most fortunately place to treasure trove your needs. nourish umpteen tee off, booty a voyage of our purlieu. kindly read the terms and conditions scrupulously and directly relinquish your orders over @joulysitebot.

Репост из: Moucca Store : Open

Netflix sharing 1 bulan = 35k
Netflix private 1 bulan = 150k
Pembelian netflix 1 bulan free viu sebulan, chat @merlisbot

Spotify famplan 1 bulan = 9k
Spotify famplan 2 bulan = 15k
Apple music all ios aktivasi/ppj harga sama = 19k

Disney+ sharing 1 bulan = 13k
Disney+ sharing 3 bulan = 21k
Disney+ private 1 bulan = 25k
Disney+ private 3 bulan = 55k
Disney+ private 6 bulan = 80k
Disney+ private 1 tahun = 110k

Send your '' rel='nofollow'>form to @merlisbot, grab it fast!

Репост из: 𝙃APPiNEEDS: 14.00
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[ joyful day indeed, we surely hope to have our mutual’s cooperation in helping us spreading this message! ♥ ]

drenched in majectic beams of lilac light, we hereby proudly announcing that @theHappineeds is officially opening its doors for the preliminary time in history. make sure to read our posted regulations and carry on by viewing our catalogues and the pricelist which were placed here if you need to peek them for the last time before submiting your format instantaneously to our beloved side-kick to retrieve out uttermost nourished benevolence. 🎀

Репост из: Moon Glade, Ordal.
[For mutuals and anyone who see this. Can you help forward this message? It will be great if you want to help us. Thank you]

Sunshines, good news! Moon Glade will open tomorrow at 14.00 WIB. Matthew, Hazel, Diaranggara, and Noah just available for one slot. Go check @MoonGladeos for profiles and prepare your form from now and get our slot asap! We would love to wait for you, Sunshines.

Moon Glade.

Репост из: LULLABY : CLOSE.
[ To all my precious mutuals or anyone who read this message. Can you help me to share this message to your channel? Thank's a lot! ]

Hello, there! Pleasant attention to all beings who read this in a state of well being. We have good news for all of you! We are sure you will like it. Now, @LULLABYRENT is HIRING NEW FE/MALE TALENT!!

1. Already subscribe @LullabyRent
2. Not having more than 4 agc including Lullaby.
3. Using main account, and make sure you are not an intruder. C/F/P/BA only, roleplayer strictly prohibited.
4. Able to liven up the group as well as mingle.
5. Not in busy times.
6. Berusia minimal 15 tahun.
7. Jika avail nsfw, wajib berumur legal (17+).
8. Ready to do interviews and also trainees for a few days.


Nama & Username :
Masuk ke agensi mana saja :
Available :
Alasan ingin bergabung disini :

Kirim ke @Lullarentbot.

See you, guys!!

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