Kelly Brogan MD

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Психология

Curated resources for those passionate about bodily sovereignty, health freedom, and embracing the body’s innate healing capacity. A Mind of Your Own, Own Your Self, and A Time for Rain. Founder: Vital Mind Reset and Vital Life Project.

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Весь мир, Английский
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Репост из: Dr. Tom Cowan
Can we raise healthy children in a toxic world?
Yes, we can!
We are excited to announce, that Tom’s new book “Commonsense Childrearing: Unconventional Wisdom for a Nourished Childhood” will be released this January.
We are asking all of our supporters to promote the new book by purchasing it on Amazon through this link: on Saturday, January 18th at 12 noon Eastern. We are asking everyone to purchase 2 copies, one for themselves and one for someone who has children & who would benefit from reading this. We are hoping that if everyone purchases at the same time on January 18th, the book will be added to Amazon’s best-seller list.

@12p eastern TODAY, grab your copy of my friend and ally, Tom Cowan’s incredible book on parenting. It’s SOOOOO refreshing, inspiring, and deep. ❤️🥰❤️

Self-husbandry is the art of maturing a strong masculine container for yourself so that you can feel well-resourced, no matter what comes up. 🪁

A good inner husband creates the conditions to hold fear and shame so that a little Yes can be born despite inner resistance and a little No can be honored despite go-on-just-push-through-it programming. ⚖️

The unspoken script quiets and the “ugh why did I do that” reflex extinguishes, as does chronic resentment, complaints, bitterness, and victim stories, because now responsibility, choice, clarity, and discernment oversee the aliveness that animates every moment. 🌟

Here's your daily plot twist… 🌀

You’re feeling the call to woman with more wildness, authenticity, enthusiasm, creativity, and pleasure, but what if you don’t need help cultivating those feminine qualities? ⚡

What if the first and most essential step on the path home to your feminine nature is actually conferring safety to your system? 💌

To reclaim your feminine nature, engage in the art of self-husbandry, which looks like “I am here for me, in devotion.” 🩷

Let me be clear: self-husbanding isn’t about becoming the man you need. 💪

Instead, it’s about learning what you want and asking for it while standing in fierce alignment with yourself, assessing, discerning, and creating the conditions for those needs, preferences, and desires to be honored. 🗻

The work begins by acknowledging there's somewhere you haven't wanted to look. There's some primal fear you've been running from your whole life. 🫣

And, yes. Facing your childhood wounding is the hardest work you'll be asked to do in a lifetime. But it's also some of the most freeing. 🪽

It's the work that breaks familial cycles of disempowerment and sets you, and the rest of us, free. ✨

Here's how your inner child runs your life. 🪁

We carry unprocessed & avoided emotions in our bodies, and our bodies show us we can run but we can't hide. 🙈

The suppressed emotions, when they erupt, are called symptoms, illness, and disease. 🦠

In this way, an internal child runs our lives until we turn toward her, acknowledge her, honor her needs, feel her feelings, and translate her truth through our loving, self-possessed, and clear adult consciousness. 💎

One of the cardinal ways our unseen & unsupported internal children rage is through victimhood: when we search fruitlessly for reasons we are right about being wronged. 😠

Healing this program involves facing anything & everything that feels like, looks like, or behaves like the characters from our primary childhood injury. 🔍

This practice is your invitation away from avoidance and into choice so you can courageously embrace a different story... A narrative that does not require anyone or anything to be wrong and does not lead to blame or finger-pointing. ✍️

Unobstructed by your shame wall, your channel of vital force energy will be restored, and you’ll experience yourself as a conduit for expansion, joy, and peace. 💐

As a collective, THIS is the most essential advocacy we can do. ❤️

Everything that tests and triggers you is an occasion for alchemy. 🪄

But how exactly can you take this remembrance into your trial-by-fire moments? 🔥 

I love the “Feel It, Face It, Free It” order of operations. ✨

👉 “Feel It” is about fully feeling your unwanted, inconvenient, and uncomfortable feels so you can alchemize those sensations in your body through somatic experience. 🌷

👉 “Face It” asks that you explore the mirror, projections, and how you can see yourself in the perpetrator role of your story, find meaning in your stuckness, and then choose what’s in front of you (also known as shadow work). 🪞

👉 “Free It” is making art out of your shit and expanding your capacity to have and hold what you say you want. 🎉

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Today’s episode is with my Advisor-In-Chief, Dr. Tom Cowan. 😉

Dr. Tom and I have connected on our mutual interest in myth busting around dominant health narratives. He also happens to be a close friend, father figure, and one of the most discerning reality sorters I know. ✨

Today, we explore why traveling through the world with water in hand has become so normative for younger generations. 💦

We discussed…

💧The hydration habits that (probably) aren’t serving you & how to establish an optimal relationship with water 💧

💧 Why dehydration isn’t what you think 😶‍🌫️

💧 The psycho-emotional implications of our collective belief in water as a scarce resource ⛲

💧 Could dead water be making you sick? 🤔

💧 How you can create high-integrity water & practical ways to implement these reframes into your life 🪄

Click here to listen to the full episode 🎧

Until you can radically embrace all parts of yourself, you’ll be limited in how much aliveness you can capacitate. 👀

So, next time you're complaining, worrying, or wishing life was different, turn toward the parts holding those tensions and say, “Tell me more. I’m listening.” 👂

As you can truly hear & connect with the benevolent intentions of all your parts, you can access their gifts. And they’ll be liberated to play different roles inside your world. ✨

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Stop taking the bait… 🎣

Stop believing that some part of you is bad & wrong & needs to be fixed. ⚒️

This habit runs so deep that as a culture, we've normalized the practice of recruiting therapists, experts, & other “authority” figures to reaffirm our belief in our brokenness. 🥼

Usually, it’s through a pharmaceutical prescription, a spiritual practice, or an hour of therapy a week for the rest of our lives. 🚑

In the process, we collude with some parts of ourselves... while triangulating against others. ⚠️

For example, in manifestation, positive psychology, and New Age circles, we’re encouraged to support the parts of ourselves that see the good in our lives… 

…while suppressing, rejecting, & pushing away the parts that long for things to be different. 😵

But when we get on the side of our positive-thinking parts at the expense of others, we’re in self-rejection. 💔

And here’s the truth.👇

“I don’t have what I want.”

Yes, you do. ❤️

You want exactly what you have, when you have it, and how you have it. 😛

A part of you finds safety, familiarity, and even pleasure in your apparent struggle with what is. 🌹

These are your shadow desires, and they’re essential to explore on the road beyond victim consciousness. 👀

Your shadow desires fulfill very legitimate parts of you (hint: your mother wounded part who’s used to attenuating and playing small) that don’t actually want to be bigger because that would put important people at risk of being uncomfortable, jealous, or feeling bad about themselves. 😶‍🌫️

Exploring your shadow desires is a humbling task but a profoundly empowering one. 🔋

Knowing that a part of you is fulfilled while another part is violated helps expose the language of your patterns. 📖

This recognition helps you illuminate why your struggles meet needs, and it ultimately allows you to more consciously choose what is, in fact, occurring, with approval. 🎩

Ladies, let’s get real. Prioritizing ourselves isn’t about neglecting others; it’s about filling our own cups first so we can truly give from a place of abundance 🌟

True self-care defies the trauma-based programming that says I'm only worthy when I'm useful to others and when they're happy with me. 🏔️

Self-attunement is about turning the focus on your responsibility - you. You can’t pour from an empty vessel, and your ability to nurture, create, and uplift is deeply connected to how well you can read your own inner signals. 🧐

How are you making yourself a priority today? 💭

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Your complaints are portals to your desires🪞

You can unearth what you want by acknowledging what you don’t want🥕

Many of us have cut ourselves off entirely from wanting, moving through life disconnected from the banquet of desire, accepting crumbs from complaints🥀

We are unwilling to admit what we want (due to shame, guilt, limited permission fields, or spiritual bypassing) or because we’ve decided what we want is simply unrealistic🤷‍♀️

Because we get tripped up by how complicated or impossible it would be to have the thing we want, we dismiss our desires as fantasy. And we go on tolerating what we don’t want🫣

Whether you’re complaining about your health, your relationship, your finances, or your employees, I promise there is a seedling of vulnerable desire that wants to grow🌱

So, give your victim the mic and let her expound upon the injustices in your lifescape: What are your biggest complaints in business, in love, in mothering, in finances, with the world? 🎙️

Beneath every complaint is a desire❤️‍🔥

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This week’s episode is with the brilliant Kara Nicole Bitar, JD. 🌟

Kara is an attorney-turned-founder who now helps clients live as the most joyous, energized, and successful versions of themselves. 🌱

In this episode, Kara talks about manifestation blueprints, which are fascinating rubrics for understanding the habits, patterns, and repeated reflexes we have as individuals. 🪄

Once you identify your blueprint, you can learn to leverage your natural tendencies to unhook from old programs, patterns, and scripts and align with your true nature. ❤️‍🔥

We explore…

💟 The 7 comparatives that help you understand your unique soul structure & the qualities you were born to embody ⭐

💟 Is this why vision boards have never worked for you? 🤔

💟 How to tell if you’re one of the few who can co-create your reality by focusing on what you don’t like 👏

💟 Why we coerce ourselves out of soul alignment & the secrets to jailbreaking this pattern 🪄

Listen to the full episode HERE

P.S. VITAL kicks off tomorrow 1.7 🎉

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Смотреть в Telegram ❤️🌹❤️ we start claiming safety TOMORROW ❤️🌹❤️

Watch my (free) masterclass EXHALE, and discover the simple tools that can help you resolve your attachment to stuckness, drama, and complaints in your life. 🙌

FYI: Doors close to Vital on January 6, and I'll see you on our group call on January 7. (Private one-on-one support is also available).

Ladies, let's scratch the record of our struggle in 2025 and finally end the addiction to OVER-achieving & and UNDER-receiving. 🎉

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@mamagena is the matriarch of feminine embodiment. 👑

Regena has extraordinary tools for emotional resourcing, processing, and accessing pleasure and power. 🔥

But occasionally, life asks that we handle more confronting experiences and hold even more connection, intimacy, and charge in our bodies. For that, you need a sound nervous system that can offer containment to all your parts. 🕊️

Regena inspired my 2025 offering for women of my flagship program, Vital Mind Reset, now called Vital: a-44 day masculine initiation so you can self-contain to handle challenges more playfully and pleasure more fully. 🌶️

It is the first stage in a two-part system I'm calling The Relaxed Woman that I’ve developed to support women in finding safety in their bodies, relationships, and worlds. ✨

So if you're feeling called to expand your capacity to hold more, I've got you. 💓

Watch my (free) masterclass EXHALE, and discover the simple tools that can help you resolve your attachment to stuckness, drama, and complaints in your life. 🙌

FYI: Doors close to Vital on January 6, and I'll see you on our group call on January 7. (Private one-on-one support is also available).

Ladies, let's scratch the record of our struggle in 2025 and finally end the addiction to OVER-achieving & and UNDER-receiving. 🎉

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