Kelly Brogan MD

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Психология

Curated resources for those passionate about bodily sovereignty, health freedom, and embracing the body’s innate healing capacity. A Mind of Your Own, Own Your Self, and A Time for Rain. Founder: Vital Mind Reset and Vital Life Project.

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Весь мир, Английский
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I call this practice Feeling the Yes. ⚡

Find a feeling about anything delightful, big or small, in your life.

Set a timer for 17 seconds.

Let the fullness saturate your entire body with luminous energy, filling you from head to toe, and as you give it your full and appreciative attention, let the sensation expand beyond your skin like radiant joy. ✨

Make a practice of pausing in this way throughout the day. Seize every opportunity to receive when you note something delightful, even if mundane.

That radiant glow will follow you wherever you go as you condition yourself to live in delicious appreciation and train your eyes to see the yes. 💡

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Play with me for a sec…. 🎭

What if you were addicted to the very things you claim you don’t want? 🤔

What if it actually feels pleasurable to fight with what is through lack, blame, complaint, and self-pity? 🔥

The truth is that most of us would much rather soak in the familiar sensations of our struggle than venture into the scary territory of that which we say we want. 🚨

If you’re like most people, you probably think you want to live in bliss forever. But you probably couldn’t even handle a blissful Monday (let alone a blissful life), and neither can I.

Here’s the good news.

You CAN expand, receive, and hold more of your desires. 🪷

But you need a sound and resourced nervous system to do it.

Otherwise, when you taste pleasure, happiness, or some other flavor of OKness, it’ll be minutes before you begin searching, like a lighthouse, for problems to solve or wounds to mourn. 🔆

Try this...

Sons, on the other hand, develop a fear of castration by their “shadow mommies,” who are conflicted about their own relationship to the masculine, healthy aggression, and male sexuality; these mothers can take on these boys as subdued spousal surrogates or parentified children. 😶‍🌫️

The castration effect yields mommy-pleasers whose energy has been stuffed into a shame-encased container. 😵‍💫

As a culture, we’re so disconnected from our own inner drives, ignorant of how our sexuality is operating from behind the curtain of our shame, that we project our disavowed parts onto other women (judging, at turns, both the Madonna and the whore) and onto men as being perpetrators against our innocence. 🌀

The good news? ⚡

Restoring our connection to our vital force requires serious deconditioning, but it’s far from impossible. 💛

The healing starts with growing the capacity to relate to the energy & sensations of shame inside our bodies. 🎭

When we both do the work of healing the shame tied to our sexual embodiment, we will each be re-acquainted with our wildness, our creative flow, and our joy. 👏

The enculturated self-abandonment that conditioned us to live dominated by our No will be transformed into a collective Yes. ✨

The war on your life force energy started here… 💥

Men & women land themselves in the trauma space of punishment & shame tied to sexual embodiment in different ways. 📉

As we become aware of our own eros, so, too, do our parents. As daughters, we enter into a dynamic with our fathers, and into tension with our mothers. 👑

Girls develop a fear that their erotic energy (which is expressed as prancing across a room, singing, laughing, “showing off,” tantrums, or more recognizably self-pleasuring) could get them punished or rejected to the point of existential threat if it is misplaced, unwelcome, or even incompletely available. 💔

Women afraid of their own erotic energy might choose to partner with “nice guy” males, compete with and disrespect the alpha men they fear, condemn other women for expressing their sexuality, or use their sexual energy to manipulate and seduce men as a personal security strategy. 🏹

How to resolve victimhood (for life)...

Reclaim your neuroception, i.e., your capacity to perceive with sober eyes. 🎯

What does this mean?

Because of our particular conditioning, traumas, and wounding, most of us are seeing through distorted lenses. 👀

We see and project danger where it doesn’t actually exist.

There might be a pile of laundry on a chair in your bedroom, and in the dim light of dawn, that laundry looks like an intruder, and your system responds with an intense physiologic response. You make all sorts of decisions based on that assumption. ⚡

But if your neuroception is reclaimed, if your capacity to regulate and be with yourself is intact, then you will see that it’s a pile of laundry, and you will remain self-possessed. 🌻

Reclaiming your neuroception allows you to choose to narrate what’s happening in your life through radical acceptance of what actually is. 🌷

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Welcome to the 100th episode of Reclamation Radio! 🎉

I am so so so grateful for your support.

It’s been an absolute joy to share the reframes that can help you experience your world with more ease, relaxation, and clarity. 🥳

Here’s to many more episodes to come. ✨

Today, I’m talking about the origins of our collectively held beliefs about men, how they keep us looping on patterns of struggle, and how we can choose the path beyond victimhood. 

I explore… 

👉 How your mother imprinted your beliefs about men (& how to see with your own eyes) 👁️
👉 The only secret to emotional self-mastery you’ll ever need 🎨
👉 Creating the conditions for your own safety, ease, and relaxation 🪄

Click here to listen to the 100th episode 🎊

This mantra sends you into the beating heart of your power: 

I am responsible for my experience.

Take this mantra to your health, finances, your fight against the 1%, or any aspect of reality you deem as wrong or bad. 🔥

And when you’re tempted to take the bait of victimhood, ask these questions: 

🤍What can I control here?
🤍What is it I truly want from this scenario?
🤍Can I give myself permission to ask for it?
🤍Is what I’m asking for actually available here? 
🤍Or am I looking to buy eggs from the hardware store?

Ready for some truth? 🔥

Without men, I’m pretty sure I’d have no house to live in, lights to turn on, water to wash with, car to drive, or computer to type on, for starters. 😂

As a woman, I yearn to live in a safe(r) world where men rise to their most honorable
and valiant expression, and honor and protect the women and children of the collective. ⛲

The undeniable reality is… 🎺

Both men’s and women’s nervous systems require the assurance of many strong men at our backs. 🦁

The route to this nirvana may be more in my control, as a woman, than I formerly imagined, as it may be for you. 🙂

And it may have everything to do with how we interact with men in our lives, relate to sex, motherhood, and the institution of marriage. 🌹

But the first order of business?

As a culture, we must jailbreak from feminist psychology. 😉

Показано 8 последних публикаций.