Welcome to the 100th episode of Reclamation Radio! 🎉
I am so so so grateful for your support.
It’s been an absolute joy to share the reframes that can help you experience your world with more ease, relaxation, and clarity. 🥳
Here’s to many more episodes to come. ✨
Today, I’m talking about the origins of our collectively held beliefs about men, how they keep us looping on patterns of struggle, and how we can choose the path beyond victimhood.
I explore…
👉 How your mother imprinted your beliefs about men (& how to see with your own eyes) 👁️
👉 The only secret to emotional self-mastery you’ll ever need 🎨
👉 Creating the conditions for your own safety, ease, and relaxation 🪄
Click here to listen to the 100th episode 🎊