Lucas Leiroz

Гео и язык канала: Бразилия, Португальский
Категория: Политика

Brazilian journalist, geopolitical analyst, war correspondent. Proudly blacklisted by the US State Department.

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Бразилия, Португальский
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Репост из: Marwa Osman
I have ZERO doubt that Israel was behind the August 4,2020 Beirut port explosion.

Who shipped the nitrate to Beirut?
Israel did.

Who sabotaged the warehouse to get a cover of "welders"?
Israel did.

Who detonated FROM AFAR warehouse 12 in port of Beirut?
Israel did.

Who killed 218 Lebanese civilians and wounded 5,000 others on that day?
Israel did.

Who detonated from AFAR 5,000 Pagers yesterday on Sept.17 killing 11 people and wounding 4,000 others?
Israel did.

Who detonated walkie talkies and V82 batteries today on Sept.18 from AFAR?

Israel is a terrorist entity

Репост из: Zeinab AL SAFFAR | The Lines
🔴 Initial statement issued by Hezbollah*:

At approximately 3:30 pm on Tuesday 09-17-2024, a number of messaging devices known as "pagers" exploded, which are owned by a number of employees in various Hezbollah units and institutions. These explosions, the causes of which are still unknown, led to the martyrdom of a girl and two brothers, and the injury of a large number of others with various injuries.

The expert authorities in Hezbollah are currently conducting a wide-ranging security and scientific investigation to determine the reasons that led to these simultaneous explosions, and the medical and health services are also treating the wounded and injured in a number of hospitals in various Lebanese regions.

We ask God Almighty to have mercy on our righteous martyrs on the road to Jerusalem, and we pray for the wounded and injured to recover quickly, and we call on our honorable people to be aware of the rumors and false and misleading information that some parties are spreading in a way that serves the psychological warfare in favor of the Zionist enemy, especially since this is accompanied by the Zionist enemy's intimidating and threatening speeches and what it calls changing the situation in the north.

We confirm that the resistance at all its levels and various units is at the highest level of readiness to defend Lebanon and its steadfast people.

Tuesday 9-17-2024

🎙️Welcome to @ZSaffar

Репост из: Мира о мире
Ассоциация журналистов БРИКС принимает участие в Форуме о будущем городов БРИКС "Облачные города" 🕊️

Репост из: New Eastern Outlook
⚡️🇾🇪Yemen calls for blockade of Taiwanese ships in the Red Sea for complicity in Israeli crimes with yesterday's 📟💥pager explosions in 🇯🇴Lebanon.

🗣️ 🇹🇼⚙️🇮🇱Taiwan, in collusion with Israel, committed its first war crime against humanity, Arabs and the Muslim world.

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Репост из: Idee&Azione
Il governo fantoccio di Nikol Pashinyan si è detto interessato a “firmare un accordo di pace” con l'Azerbaigian. La proposta si baserebbe su sedici punti di interesse reciproco, i cui dettagli non sono ancora stati rivelati alla stampa. L'obiettivo sarebbe quello di porre fine alle attuali tensioni stabilendo condizioni minime e di coesistenza basate su questioni su cui entrambe le parti hanno già trovato un accordo.
(di Lucas Leiroz)


Репост из: New Eastern Outlook
🇪🇺⚙️❓Europe's Competitiveness Problem: Is There Still Time to Fix It?

🔽🇺🇸🇨🇳The lack of European competitiveness or falling behind compared to the US, China and other vibrant Asian economies has rung the urgency bell, prompting the presentation this week at the European headquarters in Brussels of a comprehensive, one-year preparation report.

©According to Mr Draghi, European industry and economic competitiveness are not going to die soon; however, it is in a slow agony mode as Europeans are becoming poorer, innovation is stagnating, and consequently, competitiveness is declining.

🔖The COVID-19 pandemic and the War in Ukraine have revealed the ongoing vulnerabilities of the European economy and security.

⚠️The dependency on cheap energy, the lack of basic COVID-related medical supplies, such as masks and vaccines, the emigration of one-third of highly qualified individuals in high-tech areas, the delocalisation of basic industries like steel and chemicals, and the declining levels in international educational rankings have all underscored the necessity for a comprehensive study aimed at propelling the EU forward and making the necessary route corrections.


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Репост из: Idee&Azione
La paura di una guerra nucleare sta apparentemente colpendo alcuni Stati europei, nonostante le azioni profondamente irresponsabili intraprese dai loro governi. Un importante quotidiano francese ha recentemente pubblicato un articolo in cui si afferma che i politici francesi sono preoccupati per la possibilità di una “terza guerra mondiale”. È curioso vedere questo tipo di “preoccupazione” tra i francesi, dato che Parigi è stata uno degli agenti più destabilizzanti nel conflitto per procura in corso tra la NATO e la Russia.
(di Lucas Leiroz)


Репост из: New Eastern Outlook
🇪🇺🔥💵🇨🇳The EU’s Patchy Trade War on China

📌Despite stating otherwise, the European Union has increasingly turned towards restricting trade relations with China.

🔖This is not due simply to China’s support for Russia in the ongoing US- and NATO-backed military conflict in Ukraine but the pressure Washington has been putting on the EU to ‘regulate’ its trade ties with China in order to restrict Beijing’s rise to global economic supremacy and protect Washington’s interests.

ℹ️At the heart of these restrictions is also the increasing inability of Western neoliberalism to compete, successfully or even meaningfully, with the Chinese economic model, which works on the basis of a strong role of the state. Still, the EU’s trade war is likely to intensify due to the recent victories of far-right parties in Europe.

🗣❌🇨🇳If Donald Trump wins the next elections, the European far-right and the American far-right could merge to build an anti-China trade block. Harris’ victory, however, may not ensure a common stance.


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Репост из: New Eastern Outlook
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🇾🇪❌The moment the Houthis launch a ballistic missile


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Репост из: New Eastern Outlook
🇾🇪🚀🇮🇱Houthi ballistic missile hit the Gezer pumped-storage power plant, located 6 km from Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel

❌The Houthi missile, this time a ballistic one, overcame Israel's air defenses and hit a target inside the country. In particular, it is indicated that this is a new hypersonic missile that flew 2,040 km in 11.5 minutes.

🔖The missile's impact was confirmed by AFP photographers who watched firefighters extinguish a forest fire near Lod, and also saw broken glass at the Modin train station, about 20 kilometers southeast of Tel Aviv.

❌📣The Israelis also say nothing about the missile being intercepted, but note that it "fell in an open area." Apparently, the missile is equipped with a cluster warhead, hence the Israelis' statements that it "fragmented" itself in the air.

✈️💥Therefore, the first hit of a target in Israel by the Houthis, then it was a drone, was by no means an accident, as some wrote, but became evidence of the Houthis' growing capabilities to hit targets in Israel.

✔️Now we can talk about a trend. Moreover, the Houthis are acting in an increasing manner and the second strike, this time with a ballistic missile, turned out to be many times more effective than the first in terms of damage inflicted.


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Репост из: Raphael Machado
Somos tradicionalistas, mas a nossa concepção da Tradição é a de um espírito que sempre se atualiza na história - e, portanto, de um Povo cuja cultura e identidade mudam, mas mudam a partir de si mesmos, na medida que os mesmos princípios eternos recebem novas aplicações nas sempre mutantes condições objetivas.


Репост из: Fundação de Cultura Estratégica
Na prática, o Ocidente fez um favor à Rússia ao boicotar o diálogo de “paz”. Nenhuma paz ou diplomacia é possível com neonazistas. Apenas a vitória militar trará uma solução real para o problema ucraniano. Agora, Moscou precisa atualizar seus interesses territoriais, reintegrando novas regiões ou demandando a criação de Estados neutros próximos à fronteira. Nenhuma confiança na estrutura política artificial da Ucrânia pós-1991 pode ser tolerada.

Escreve Lucas Leiroz.

#Nuland #Negociações #Rússia


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