Lucas Leiroz

Гео и язык канала: Бразилия, Португальский
Категория: Политика

Brazilian journalist, geopolitical analyst, war correspondent. Proudly blacklisted by the US State Department.

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Репост из: New Eastern Outlook
🇪🇺🔥💵🇨🇳The EU’s Patchy Trade War on China

📌Despite stating otherwise, the European Union has increasingly turned towards restricting trade relations with China.

🔖This is not due simply to China’s support for Russia in the ongoing US- and NATO-backed military conflict in Ukraine but the pressure Washington has been putting on the EU to ‘regulate’ its trade ties with China in order to restrict Beijing’s rise to global economic supremacy and protect Washington’s interests.

ℹ️At the heart of these restrictions is also the increasing inability of Western neoliberalism to compete, successfully or even meaningfully, with the Chinese economic model, which works on the basis of a strong role of the state. Still, the EU’s trade war is likely to intensify due to the recent victories of far-right parties in Europe.

🗣❌🇨🇳If Donald Trump wins the next elections, the European far-right and the American far-right could merge to build an anti-China trade block. Harris’ victory, however, may not ensure a common stance.


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Репост из: New Eastern Outlook
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🇾🇪❌The moment the Houthis launch a ballistic missile


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Репост из: New Eastern Outlook
🇾🇪🚀🇮🇱Houthi ballistic missile hit the Gezer pumped-storage power plant, located 6 km from Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel

❌The Houthi missile, this time a ballistic one, overcame Israel's air defenses and hit a target inside the country. In particular, it is indicated that this is a new hypersonic missile that flew 2,040 km in 11.5 minutes.

🔖The missile's impact was confirmed by AFP photographers who watched firefighters extinguish a forest fire near Lod, and also saw broken glass at the Modin train station, about 20 kilometers southeast of Tel Aviv.

❌📣The Israelis also say nothing about the missile being intercepted, but note that it "fell in an open area." Apparently, the missile is equipped with a cluster warhead, hence the Israelis' statements that it "fragmented" itself in the air.

✈️💥Therefore, the first hit of a target in Israel by the Houthis, then it was a drone, was by no means an accident, as some wrote, but became evidence of the Houthis' growing capabilities to hit targets in Israel.

✔️Now we can talk about a trend. Moreover, the Houthis are acting in an increasing manner and the second strike, this time with a ballistic missile, turned out to be many times more effective than the first in terms of damage inflicted.


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Репост из: Raphael Machado
Somos tradicionalistas, mas a nossa concepção da Tradição é a de um espírito que sempre se atualiza na história - e, portanto, de um Povo cuja cultura e identidade mudam, mas mudam a partir de si mesmos, na medida que os mesmos princípios eternos recebem novas aplicações nas sempre mutantes condições objetivas.


Репост из: Fundação de Cultura Estratégica
Na prática, o Ocidente fez um favor à Rússia ao boicotar o diálogo de “paz”. Nenhuma paz ou diplomacia é possível com neonazistas. Apenas a vitória militar trará uma solução real para o problema ucraniano. Agora, Moscou precisa atualizar seus interesses territoriais, reintegrando novas regiões ou demandando a criação de Estados neutros próximos à fronteira. Nenhuma confiança na estrutura política artificial da Ucrânia pós-1991 pode ser tolerada.

Escreve Lucas Leiroz.

#Nuland #Negociações #Rússia


Todos no Brasil e no Ocidente ficaram chocados com a notícia da Rússia revogando as credenciais de alguns diplomatas. Obviamente, as informações só chegaram pela metade - mais uma vez.

Acompanhem as postagens do Rybar e entenderão que o caso é sintomático. Há um departamento especial de espionagem e sabotagem contra a Federação Russa dentro da Secretaria de RI do Reino Unido. Não é um caso isolado, mas um problema real e profundo e as notícias não acabarão por aqui.

Minha opinião pessoal: está na hora de cortar o mal pela raiz. O rompimento total das relações diplomáticas com o Reino Unido e outas potências ocidentais deve começar a ser visto como uma possibilidade plausível pelos decisores na Federação Russa.

Eles estão procurando - eles precisam encontrar.

The book "Belarus' 22 points for a better world" is out!

Written by Lucas Leiroz, Raphael Machado and Tácio Nepomuceno, the book contains comments on the proposals of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus for reforming the UN.

In the afterword, there is also an article by Lucas Leiroz on the need to reformulate international organizations in order to adapt them to the multipolar reality.

You can purchase the printed or digital version at the following link:

(Posted by spokesperson of Lucas Leiroz - BRICS Journalists Association)

Репост из: Мира о мире

Дорогие братия и сестры, поздравляем Вас с Церковным Новолетием!

Сегодня, 14 сентября, Церковь празднует проводы старого и начало нового церковного года. Впереди нас ждет следующий годовой круг богослужений, начинающийся с Рождества Богородицы и заканчивающийся Её Успением.

В православном календаре этот день обозначен как начало индикта. Слово «индикт» пришло из Византии, где 14 сентября по новому стилю каждые 15 лет собирали налог для вышедших в отставку военных. С 1492 по 1700 год эта дата была церковно-государственным праздником нашего Отечества. После, Петр I перенёс гражданское празднование Нового года на 31 декабря.

Этот день отсылает к проповеди Иисуса Христа в назаретской синагоге, когда Он сказал, что «пришел проповедовать лето Господне благоприятное». Его выражение восприняли как ссылку на субботний (юбилейный) год – время, когда рабам-евреям даровалась свобода. В переносном смысле это относится и к нам, верующим в Него, ведь Господь пришел на землю с целью освободить каждого человека из рабства греха и смерти.



Репост из: Птицы Донбасса (RUS)
Записала интервью c рок-музыкантом, активистом, основателем группы Pink Floyd Роджером Уотерсом. Поговорили об Америке, Украине. Смотрите в программе "В поисках истины". Спасибо за беседу, Роджер.

Посмотреть можно тут:⤵️

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🐾 Телеграм-канал переводчика. Спасибо, Мария!

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🔹 A censura e as mentiras dos grandes meios de comunicação
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Репост из: Strategic Culture Foundation
🦅 As if it were still a secret, former US Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland has decided to admit that the West actively participated in the boycott of the peace process between Russia and Ukraine. Previously, several similar statements had already been made by various public figures, including informants, officials, journalists and analysts. Although they may not surprise anyone, Nuland’s words show how the West is no longer even bothering to hide its clear intention to take hostilities in Ukraine to its ultimate consequences.

What Westerners seem to fail to understand, however, is that the boycott of the peace negotiations was beneficial to the Russian Federation itself, which thus freed itself from the dangerous trap of “diplomacy” with the neo-Nazi regime and its disloyal global backers. An agreement in the early stages of the special military operation might indeed have spared thousands of lives on both sides, but it would have ended the hostilities without any solid guarantees of a peaceful future in the region.

By boycotting the “peace talks,” the West saved Russia from the negotiations trap 🌀

💬 Lucas Leiroz writes @lucasleiroz

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"In practice, the West did Russia a favor by boycotting the “peace” talks. No peace or diplomacy is possible with neo-Nazis. Only military victory will bring a real solution to the Ukrainian problem. Now Moscow needs to update its territorial interests, either by reintegrating new regions or by demanding the creation of neutral states near the borders. No trust in the artificial political structure of post-1991 Ukraine can be tolerated."

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