“I’m new here” What no one tells you about Bitcoin-
If you are new to Bitcoin, welcome aboard. Here are some things that no one tells you about Bitcoin.
Regardless, of age, background, career, ethnicity, education, these are all things that no one tells you about Bitcoin as a beginner.
1. Bitcoin is ran by software, and not humans.
2. Since Bitcoin trades 24/7 it’s actually been running longer than the stock market has.
3. Bitcoin has never been hacked.
4. One day, you will have “made” more in a day from Bitcoin than your actual job.
5. One day, you will have “made” 3x in one day from Bitcoin than working one whole month.
6. You are fully responsible for your bitcoin, and no one can take it from you without your permission.
7. You may experience sleepless nights.
8. You will start connecting dots, and answering your own questions.
9. You think you know until you don’t.
10. Don’t time the market.
11. DCA is your friend.
12. 1 year in bitcoin feels like 5 years of the stock market.
13. Bitcoin is not crypto.
14. You can see, and verify every single transaction on Bitcoin.
15. Only mention Bitcoin to your family.
16. Don’t take advice from people not in the spot you want to be in.
17. Don’t compare yourself to others.
18. Your time horizon should expand.
19. Don’t get greedy, it’s not a get rich quick.
20. Understand what you hold, and keep stacking what you can.
Save in Bitcoin, speculate with investments. https://redd.it/1j8tl1z@r_bitcoin