Serene’s Advocate Me

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Категория: Шок-контент

Serene has come under serious attack from the Victorian Government and its regulators, Judges of the family court and other courts for her role in challenging the pedophile system that runs Australia. This platform is about exposing this underbelly.

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Репост из: RevealedEye
New song about seed oils is fire!🔥

Join: @RevealedEye

Meanwhile the Israeli War Hoax continues as nations drum up war and division based on archaic indoctrinations of religion and culture.

This whole drone image of assassinating Hamas and Hezbollah leaders is a farce.

These organisations have well and truly been captured a long time ago.

They want to bring down Israel in its current form to rebirth it as as the New Messianic Technocratic World Order.

Every one of us must be prepared to challenge their belief systems and cultural precepts and truly unite in love and kindness.

There are psyop’s within psyop’s - Musk, Trump, Zelensky, Netanyahu- all are captured androgynous creations of this matrix.

The deception is so entirely powerful.

I invite you to challenge every precept you hold:

Репост из: Zeee Media 🎙
Peter Dutton commits $8.5 million to expand the Sydney Jewish Museum, claiming this is the most horrific period he can recall in Australia, citing that armed guards are required at Jewish schools.

Armed guards have been at Jewish schools for years, by choice, and this has absolutely nothing to do with the recent outrage across Australia and the world in response to Israel’s genocide on Gaza.

Follow @zeeemedia
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Remember this is what happens to anti-vaxxer clergy in Russia for speaking out about the death jabs- this wonderful monk is still in jail courtesy of Putin!

Fuck off McRae, Shipton, Zimmerman et al

Wow the BRICS psyop is in full swing! Now we have hot blooded males in Australia calling for the demise of the West and the rise of the new digital empire BRICS!

Apparently this brand of anti-vaxxers Zimmerman, McCrae and Shiptom think Putin and Xi are their protectors 😂😂

Lest we forget that Putin put doctors and lawyers behind bars and some were never seen again if they spoke out against Sputnik V (Russia’s RNA nightmare)

A ridiculous psyop for a ridiculous narrative!

Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
❗️Former Western Australian Law Reform Commissioner Professor Augusto Zimmerman has just denounced the Australian Government at a Russian state media press conference in Moscow.

"I am a soldier who fights for freedom of speech. Everything is getting worse in Australia. The Australian elites are absolute fascists who are quashing anyone who is not in agreement with their narrative.

In Australia it is now illegal to have your own opinion. This is a totalitarian regime. Mechanisms of censorship to shut people down in social media. New laws are being passed in Australia to discriminate against those who speak out against the Australian Government.

This is the end of freedom of speech in Australia. I can lose my job for saying this but the Australian government violates our human rights just as in Germany during the 1930's."

Watch the full press conference here (

Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
❗️Australia's Port Hedland Councillor Adrian McRae:

"If I said things I can openly say in Russia back home I'd risk persecution"

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Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
❗️Australia's Port Hedland Councillor Adrian McRae about his experience with elections in Russia:

"I came to Russia with prejudices but I saw an amazing democratic system more transparent than anywhere in the West"

🎙Subscribe @AussieCossack

Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
❗️Assange's father John Shipton:

"The truth about harmful vaccines was exposed because people spoke out!"

🎙Subscribe @AussieCossack

Once upon a time dirty judges, dirty bureaucrats and dirty cops would be called out or at least attempts would be made to call them out:

Justice Lionel Murphy is an example:

And what of Aussie fathers that try to bury the rape of their daughters for political fame:

Bob Hawke:

Instead now we have people like Des Semple former Director-General of Community Services in NSW, who despite his own admissions of child trafficking and child pornography ie he would access children in state care to rape and groom for pornography, is promoted as the leading consultant to Government agencies and their ilk. He was heavily involved in redesigning the family court 🤪

Baby boomer white men and white women have a chokehold on the fraternities in our nation! And they are insidious and oh so very dirty! Very few good men and women left to call them out!

👆👆👆👆So grateful for this analysis. My whole life has been embroiled in picking up protective parents off the floor when they walk into the real corridors of Australia! The cesspool that is Australia’s bureaucracy! The reality is that most people born in Australia have been abused in one way or another. The colony is brutal and many of the judges, lawyers, psychiatrists, police, bureaucrats tasked with child protection have become perverts and pedophiles themselves after they were brought up being groomed and assaulted all their lives as children. Very few people break away from these patterns of abuse. In fact, most people who achieve top positions of influence are so emotionally and mentally unwell they need to be put down like rabid dogs. The reason is that they get to a point where hurting and abusing others becomes the objective of their mania. They become fixated with pain and its infliction. Many have not confronted the nightmarish childhoods they have had so they end up becoming ghouls themselves for self-preservation. I literally feel nauseous dealing with any of them because I I know that they can’t heal from their sickness. Particularly judges- they become rabid with power as well. And the more you point out the illogicality of their mania to hurt protective parents and their children the more they escalate their abuse. Because they are all united in their abuse, there is nothing that can be done to reform these players. The system itself is not broken and the laws themselves are not deficient, it is the fact that we have reached now a point where many employed in these influential roles are sheer psychopaths. Many good judges that were not meddled with as kids have retired. Most decent workers that have their heads screwed on properly are driven out of departments. We are in a cultural crisis- there is no culture! There is only evil, depravity and corruption. My advice to most people with children is shut your front door, shut your back door and have as little to do with the system as you can. To fly under the radar because if they sink their teeth into you- the zombies will snatch your babies!

Репост из: Aussies Downunder
TRAFFICKING OF AUSTRALIAS CHILDREN ——- This lady has Opened - Pandoras Box-This is a series of allegations documented against many in High positions in government with plenty of proof provided THIS IS URGENT!! TIME TO TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY - Save the children - THIS IS A SEVEN PART SERIES SEE AT LINK> Survivors of child abuse in care and protection seeking justice from agencies tasked with holding accountablility, come up against walls within damage control agencies, The Police Child Abuse Unit a damage control agency. The Child Protection Department go to another level and legislate a register containing the names ,ages, addresses, ,and nature of abuse, of all children known to the department on a computer. The Register was written into the new Child Welfare Act as the exchange of information. The manager and security of the Register a department social worker who worked as a field officer in Katanning when Dennis McKenna was abusing children for 15 years who were resident at a Hosel. He was on the board of that Hostel, When in Perth.he placed children with pedophile foster carers, took children from institutions, drugged them whilst facilitating them to pedophile rings, was also the criminal screening manager for the department. At one time had been promoted to Consumer Advocate for the department, and until recently was employed after his resignation as a consultant. The Director General who succeeded the Director General discussed in previous video’s traveled the world working for Aust Trade prior to becoming the Director General in WA. He was instrumental in establishing the transportation Act also written into the amended child Welfare Act 2004. This gave the department the legal right to transfer children out of the state. The register, known as the exchange of information was to service the Transportation of children from the department to anywhere in the world

Репост из: Did You Know.Ink
Individuals who have not completed the biometric process are subjected to immediate account freezing and banking transaction suspension. By mid-October, bank cards issued by Knet, Visa, and MasterCard will be deactivated. By November 1, non-compliant individuals will no longer be able to withdraw funds even through in-person visits to the banks.

Read full article here:

Follow us @didyouknow_ink

Репост из: Did You Know.Ink
Whistleblower Ashley Jewell on reporting Australian organised networks.
Listen to an Australian child trafficking survivor, who was trafficked by powerful people, deliver a powerful testimony and explain the various tactics that are used to silence survivors.

Watch interview here:

Follow us @didyouknow_ink

👆👆👆👆The New World Order or One World is not something that is about to happen to us. 9/11 well and truly inducted us all into the NWO. What does it mean? It means that there are no longer constitutionally protected nation states that are self-governing for their people. There are no more functional democracies or dictatorships alike.

There is the corporation - BlackRock (God’s gift to Abraham and Black Magik) and corpse laws that empower significant lobby groups to flex their muscles on the military-industrial-technocratic complex in each region. Essentially each of these complexes have been subjugated to a one world agenda. High positions attributed to military generals, pharma bosses, research and development, large tech companies CEO’s, police chiefs, heads of bureaucracies and judges have been usurped by either a member of the chosen people of God ie a Jesuit Jew or a goyim who has been either lab created like Elon Musk or MK controlled like Trump to fulfil the destiny of the chosen people.

It is always biblical!

The chosen people did not just get here overnight, they have been busy working hard to get to this point of insanity which we all seem to have consented to in one way or another. Unfortunately, the studies are there to confirm that their interbreeding has made them bat shit crazy- that is settled science I am afraid!

Unfortunately most white or brown or yellow baby boomer men have imitated these freaks in their secret clubs and lodges- aching to be rewarded by the Jesuit-Jew!

I can confidently say that these schizophrenics have reached their peak point of hysteria - their deep desire for control has become an obsession and as a result they are losing the plot. They are drumming up fake wars across the world, more vaccine programs, more pharmaceuticals and more laws by the second to censor the masses- but the plot is well and truly lost and exposed. Unfortunately most of the white folk are too dumb to notice 😂 and unfortunately for the rest of us- we have been born into one of their latest projects and that is Project GeoEngineer the fuck out of this planet. Their Old Testament tells them that they have to fight the sun and for this reason these fuckers have been spraying our skies with barium and aluminium for the last 15 years at least! The bad news is that we are all fucked as the planet has set off her own self-correcting feedback loops ie we are heading into a major ice age! The good news is that we are here to witness the collapse of this clown 🤡 show!

You don’t need to sign petitions or write to your local politician or protest or campaign to stop the laws they are passing every two seconds 😂
You don’t need to knock on the doors of corrupt judges and governor-generals or neutered Kings or Queens.

God is handling this one just fine! All you need to do right now is learn to save some food, come up with an emergency plan for shelter and medicines, teach your kids how to survive without electricity and energy and learn all the old ways of doing things because if their rise was great their fall will be greater! Mark my words 📣,schizophrenia%20in%20the%20AJ%20population.

Репост из: Australians vs. The Agenda
🚨𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚: Defence Minister Richard Marles has confirmed that the government will be sending another $245,000,000 military defence package to Ukraine, in the form of 49 tanks — bringing our total contributions to over $1.5 billion.

He again asserts that Australia will continue to support Ukraine “for as long as it takes.”

Репост из: Australians vs. The Agenda
𝗦𝗲𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗛𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻-𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝘀/𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴:

“Is 𝕏, formerly known as Twitter, a member of Digi[tal Industry Group]?”

Director, 𝗝𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗳𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝘂𝘅𝗯𝘂𝗿𝘆: “They are a member.”

𝗦𝗲𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗛𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻-𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴: “So Twitter (𝕏) supports the position you’ve put forward?”

𝗝𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗳𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝘂𝘅𝗯𝘂𝗿𝘆: “Twitter (𝕏) has supported the submission that we’ve made on this matter.”

𝗦𝗲𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗛𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻-𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴: “So they support the concept of laws to manage and deal with Mis/Disinformation?”

𝗝𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗳𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝘂𝘅𝗯𝘂𝗿𝘆: “Yes; they’ve supported the submission I’ve made on this matter.”

bro, what?

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