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Репост из: Rybar in English
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🇦🇺 About protests in Sydney against censorship on social media

Today, massive demonstrations were held in Sydney against the "misinformation" bill proposed by the Australian government led by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

📌 The essence of the bill: The Australian authorities want to impose fines on digital platforms that, in the government's opinion, do not effectively combat so-called "misinformation". If the law is passed, social media could be fined up to 5% of their annual turnover.

🔻 Of course, the law will primarily become a tool for suppressing freedom of speech, allowing the authorities to interpret what constitutes misinformation and put pressure on social media to remove incorrect content.

The main blow will likely fall on X (former Twitter), as most bloggers with alternative opinions broadcast on this platform. Therefore, one of the bill's vocal opponents is Elon Musk.

We have already observed similar measures in post-Soviet countries, where local authorities, under the supervision of Western NGOs and USAID, are fighting Russian propaganda, but cannot overcome it, demanding new subsidies and tightening legislation.

🔻 And recently, against the backdrop of anti-immigrant protests, the UK government has sharply tightened censorship.

Looking at the British law enforcement practice, where migrants are sentenced to relatively lenient terms for rape and other serious crimes, while native Britons are demonstratively harshly punished with real prison for jokes on Facebook, Australians have reason to be concerned.
#Australia #UnitedKingdom #Protests

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Репост из: Two Majors - English Channel
🇷🇺🇫🇮🇪🇪 What is NATO preparing against Russia in the Baltics?

Part 2 of 2

First of all, what was focused on during the imaginary war was the blockade of the main arteries, namely the Gulf of Finland by the NATO expeditionary group, as well as the Kaliningrad region by cutting the Suwalki corridor .

One of the key aspects that the Alliance worked on was establishing logistics to the Baltics and Finland. We and our colleagues have spoken more than once about how the construction of Rail Baltica was progressing. One thing can be said, the speed of infrastructure construction was too high even for NATO.

❗️It would seem that the Baltic countries have always been distinguished by bellicose statements that were not visible in reality, but since the beginning of the SVO, funding for the region has seriously increased, as has the number of NATO battalion tactical groups and the number of exercises.

And with the introduction of changes to the nuclear doctrine of Russia, the information space is talking even more about the advisability of a preemptive strike on Russian territories. Moreover, attacks by Ukrainian formations have shown that threats from the Russian authorities do not work without their implementation.

From the point of view of the West's desire for total destabilization of the situation, provocations and even sabotage from the territory of the Baltics and Scandinavia cannot be ruled out. After all, to close shipping or the corridor to Kaliningrad, all they need is a pretext, which they themselves can organize.

⚡️Two Majors

Репост из: Two Majors - English Channel
🇷🇺🇫🇮🇪🇪 What is NATO preparing against Russia in the Baltics?

Part 1 of 2

The information background around the Baltics has been constantly making headlines in various media in recent weeks. And it would seem that the Baltic states have always been distinguished by populist slogans and shouts against the Russian Federation.

However, in reality, there is one significant difference compared to previous years. Now, on the northern front, they are echoed by the newly minted member of the Alliance - Finland, which immediately began working as part of the bloc.

Exercises that are taking place almost weekly with allies or independently in one way or another affect Russia - either in the Gulf of Finland, or on the Kola Peninsula, or a couple of dozens of kilometers from Karelia.

🔻The situation is exacerbated by the high political activity of Finland's neighbors across the bay - Estonia and other countries in the region:
➖Recently, the Chief of the General Staff of the Estonian Defense Forces, Vahur Karus, stated that the country is preparing for a preemptive strike against Russia.
➖Then the Commander of the Estonian Defense Forces, Andrus Merilo, visited Helsinki, where he stated that they are preparing a plan to close the Gulf of Finland.
➖In the German media, echoed by the Estonians, it was stated that Russian civilian ships are conducting reconnaissance in the Baltic and North Seas, which raises the question of the need to close the passage for them.
➖Now, in the Estonian segment, they are spreading the words of the head of the Military Committee, Rob Bauer, that the Alliance must be ready for war with Russia.
➖German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said that Germany will be the pillar of deterrence against Russia in Europe, and the German base in Lithuania will be fully formed by 2027.
➖Immediately after this, it became known about the formation of a NATO headquarters in the Finnish city of Mikkeli, bordering Russia.

And all these events occurred almost within the past week. Quite a lot even for the Baltic republics, which act as a plug in every NATO barrel.

And if we look back at the exercises that have been held over the past six months, including Steadfast Defender, we can see one common trend for almost every one of them - they practiced the scenario of a direct conflict with Russia.



Репост из: Fearless John - @European_dissident
🚀 RTVI Goes Free-to-Air on Hotbird 13 Satellite

Amid numerous blocks of Russian resources in the West and sanctions against media that present alternative perspectives, Russians are not giving up and have launched the RTVI channel (not to be confused with RT) on the Hotbird 13 satellite.

📡This means that any viewer with a properly tuned satellite dish can access broadcasts without restrictions, offering a different point of view from the Western mainstream.

🌍 For many years, Hotbird 13 has been the main satellite for broadcasting Russian channels across Europe. However, due to sanctions, many of these information channels have been turned off. Now, RTVI is taking their place, becoming the first informational and entertainment channel to launch after the start of the war in Ukraine.

Today, RTVI is the only independent international Russian-language media that, in the face of complex geopolitical circumstances, not only survived but continues to expand its Russian-language broadcasting worldwide, including in the U.S. and Western Europe.

RTVI's signal covers:
- All European countries, including the UK, Ireland, Iceland, Cyprus, and Malta.
- North Africa: Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, and Northern Sahara.
- The Middle East: Israel, UAE, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and others.
- Asia: Afghanistan, and western Pakistan.
- CIS countries, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and others.

📌Thus, viewers in these countries now have a new alternative.


Репост из: Rybar in English
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🇬🇧🇷🇺🎞 Evidence for the British Foreign Office

Observing the avalanche of outraged articles in Western publications about “groundless accusations and Moscow's aggressive campaign” we decided to add illustrative details on the situation with the expulsion of British spies.

▪️ The allegations that the accusations regarding British actions in Russia are disinformation do not stand up to any criticism. First of all, because in addition to the already published documents, the Russian security services have a large number of photo and video materials proving London's coordination of subversive policy in Russia.

▪️ The footage presented by the Russian FSB and already published on Russian television shows how they met with representatives of media and foreign agent organizations, as well as directly supervised anti-government protests.

▪️ For example, spy Jessica Davenport personally worked with Svetlana Ganushkina, a former member of the Presidential Council for Assistance to the Development of Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights, a member of the Yabloko party, and opposition activist Alexei Minyailo, and had ties with Andrei Lipsky of Novaya Gazeta. It is also known that Davenport negotiated with activists of the banned LGBT and the foreign-agency Sova center, which specialized in xenophobia problems, but in fact conducted Russophobic propaganda.

▪️ Two other spies, Blake Pattel and Thomas Stavenett, worked with Russian Muslims. The FSB recorded their contacts with the Middle East specialist Kirill Semenov, as well as with the representative of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims Ilyas Sadulin.

▪️ Elena Chernenko from Kommersant and foreign agent Maxim Katz were also caught in contacts with the Mi6 curator in Georgia, Christopher Joyce.

And this is only part of what lies on the surface specifically on this case.

🔻Well, the thesis about the groundlessness of the accusations from the mouth of the British Foreign Office is the best characterization of the mood in the British intelligence leadership, where it is extremely rare to encounter such security failures in attempts to hide from foreign counterintelligence.

Not to mention the precedent of mass expulsions of spies who were chased away like delinquent teenagers for the edification of the remaining British Foreign Office staff. It hardly needs to be said how much this hurts the reputation and self-importance of the MI6.


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Репост из: Rybar in English
🇮🇱🇱🇧 On the unexpected effect of the detonation of pagers and multimedia devices in Lebanon

Probably, the ultra-Orthodox Israelis in power consider the plan to 'https://t.me/rybar/63632https://t.me/rybar/63632' rel='nofollow'>detonate pagers and multimedia devices to be brilliant. It would seem that now Lebanese society should demand revenge, pushing both Hezbollah and the Iranians to raise more red flags of revenge and loud words about the inevitability of retribution.

If the pro-Iranian formations start something - well, the Israelis will get a pretext for self-defense, unleashing their hands and demonstrating to the entire world community that they are the victims of the cunning adversaries.

But the fact that almost ordinary multimedia devices began to blow up provoked justified fears among buyers of such products: what if an iPhone or a Samsung, which by tragic accident was from another batch that the Mossad had worked on, were to blow up?

To be fair, it was still about radios and pagers of certain models, but the chaos that prevailed added a huge number of other devices to this lineup, and the popular rumor was no longer willing to sort it out.

❗️And these questions hit the business reputation of the companies that manufacture high-tech devices and microelectronics.

It turned out that the ultra-Orthodox, trying to provoke the Lebanese, have now achieved close attention from the owners of the most influential companies in the world. And the traditional profit can turn into a full-fledged Ukrainian betrayal - you have to know how to sit in a puddle (however, the folk wisdom with whom you associate - from that you will also learn has not been canceled).
#Israel #Lebanon

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Репост из: Rybar in English
🇮🇱🇱🇧 According to reports from Channel 12, the Israeli Cabinet has given the green light to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to take any offensive or defensive actions against Lebanon.

Statements about the imminent start of a third Lebanon war in this case are premature: as shown by the explosions of communication means and strikes on Beirut, the Israelis do not need any "permission" to unleash a full-scale war.

This act rather falls into the category of provocations and whipping up hysteria, so that both the Iranians and the Lebanese would strike preemptively first. This outcome would be most desirable for the Israeli leadership: it would give them a free hand.

Given that the resonance from operations in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is no longer enough to overshadow protests and acts of discontent, and the retention of power by the ultra-Orthodox is possible only in the conditions of a constantly ongoing conflict and the elimination of the threat, provocations will continue until a war begins.

And even if the Lebanese and Iranians show amazing resilience, the Israelis will find a pretext to justify their own aggression. They are masters of this, and it is worth looking for.
#Israel #Lebanon

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Репост из: Rybar in English
🇲🇩🇷🇺🇺🇦 As the date of the Moldovan elections approaches, preparations for more serious involvement of Moldova in the military conflict with Russia are becoming more active.

❗️According to our information, the preparation of the Marculesti airfield for the military needs of the AFU has entered an active phase: mobile maintenance stations are being deployed on the territory, and the runways are actively being repaired.

At the same time, Russian-speaking servicemen were transferred from the base in Marculesti near Chisinau to avoid trouble. An increase in the number of servicemen from Romania and other NATO countries is noted at the military airfield.

🔻Information that cargo planes with weapons for the AFU have been regularly arriving at Marculesti has appeared earlier. In addition, Ukrainian mechanics and military personnel who service Soviet-made helicopters are constantly present at the airfield.

And the current modernization of the airfield and the deployment of maintenance stations may be related to nothing else but the preparation for the reception of F-16 fighters.

The Russian Foreign Ministry recently expressed concern about this. However, the Moldovan authorities predictably deny the facts.

As we noted earlier, now Moldova and its Western curators are focused on re-electing Maya Sandu in October. It is after the elections that we should expect more serious steps by the authorities in Chisinau to drag the country into direct conflict. Moreover, public opinion has already been pre-prepared by allowing F-16s to fly through Moldovan territory.
#Moldova #Ukraine

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Репост из: Rybar in English
🇬🇪🇷🇺 As the date of the parliamentary elections in Georgia approaches, representatives of the ruling party are actively making loud statements. Take the former Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili: recently he spoke about a "Nuremberg trial" for the Saakashvili movement, and yesterday he stated that the country is ready to apologize to the Ossetians for starting the 2008 war.

The topic of the 08.08.08 conflict remains a "sore spot" for part of Georgian society. Here, the authorities are trying not only to satisfy the demand for punishment of those responsible for the defeat, but also to present it under the guise of condemning the fratricidal war with the residents of the territories that Tbilisi officially continues to consider their own.

Such gestures also fit into the rhetoric of officials about plans for the "peaceful return" of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. They are well aware of the degree of "realism" of such a scenario, but in the current realities, such statements look much more beneficial than threats against Russia and promises to solve the issue by military means.

However, it is not worth seeing pro-Russian gestures in Ivanishvili's statements: statements about possible apologies to the Ossetians are primarily a pre-election domestic political story. Revanchist sentiments in Georgia will not diminish much from this, even if they are less pronounced.
#Georgia #Russia

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Репост из: Rybar in English
🇬🇪🇷🇺🇺🇸 In the run-up to the parliamentary elections scheduled for October in Georgia, the country's Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze stated that they will be held against the backdrop of unprecedented external interference. However, not from Russia, but other forces, as the collective West is diplomatically referred to.

The reasons for the pressure are not only the much-discussed law on foreign agents, which has made the work of globalist structures more difficult. In Tbilisi, the pro-Western opposition is directly called agents and authors of the bloody regime, and they are also reasonably accused of striving to open a second front against Russia.

And on this issue, the current Georgian authorities are serious. Recently, former Prime Minister Badri Ivanishvili reported that in case of victory, they plan to "hold a Nuremberg trial" for the party of Mikheil Saakashvili "United National Movement", recognizing it as unconstitutional.

📌 Such initiatives are driven by the desire to maintain a stable position, when balanced policies have led to an economic upturn in Georgia. Therefore, the ruling party intends to reduce the opportunities for foreign puppets who openly seek to drag the country into the Ukrainian conflict.

And although Tbilisi does not plan to change its pro-Western course, the US and the EU see these measures as a threat to their interests and a blow to their influence networks. Therefore, they will consistently (but moderately) rock the situation towards the elections to weaken the position of the ruling party.
#Georgia #Russia #USA

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🔳 Friends, we are still waiting for you. You are warmly welcome on 👉 The Islander!

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🚨 😿😺🔥 SITREP Now on Islander & New Battle Maps⚡️

🔳 Friends, we are waiting for you. You are warmly welcome on 👉 The Islander!

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🔳 Hikaru Daily on 👉 Global Depth from HK.

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🔳 Friends, the game is over here. You are warmly welcome on 👉 The Islander!

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Репост из: 🇬🇧 SITREP - Independent OSINT Channel 🇬🇧
🚨 😿😺💬 SITREP on Islander & New Battle Maps⚡️

🔳 Friends, we have still views here, despite the caravan is moving. As you already know, a meaningful continuation of SITREP is impossible due to limited admin rights for some left:

🔳 Thus, I continue with a new Battle Map Channel for the military hardcore and in general on The Islander, where I've already helped before. So PLS:

🔳 Follow: Battle Maps & Reports

🔳 Discussions Welcome: Military Chat

🔳 Hikaru is on: Global Depth

🔳 Follow: The Islander

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🚨 😿😺💬 SITREP on Islander & New Battle Maps⚡️

🔳 Friends, we have still views here, despite the caravan is moving. As you already know, a meaningful continuation of SITREP is impossible due to limited admin rights for some left:

🔳 Thus, I continue with a new Battle Map Channel for the military hardcore and in general on The Islander, where I've already helped before. So PLS:

🔳 Follow: Battle Maps & Reports

🔳 Discussions Welcome: Military Chat

🔳 Hikaru is on: Global Depth

🔳 Follow: The Islander

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Репост из: 🇬🇧 SITREP - Independent OSINT Channel 🇬🇧
🚨 😿😺💬 SITREP on Islander & New Battle Maps⚡️

🔳 Friends, as you already know, I have lost access to both channels. There are only limited admin rights for some left, which make it impossible to continue in a meaningful way (that's why we also had the uncontrolled recent posts). The caravan must move on:

🔳 Thus, I continue with a new Battle Map Channel for the military hardcore and in general on The Islander, where I've already helped before. So PLS:

🔳 Follow: Battle Maps & Reports

🔳 Discussions Welcome: Military Chat

🔳 Hikaru is on: Global Depth

🔳 Follow: The Islander

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Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
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❗️Locals in Sydney Australia are furious at the French Government's treatment of Telegram founder Pavel Durov.

💪🇦🇺Sydney says
#FreeDurov and protect freedom of speech! Hands off telegram!

🚨 😿😺💬 SITREP on Islander & New Battle Maps⚡️

🔳 Friends, as you already know, I have lost access to both channels. There are only limited admin rights for some left, which make it impossible to continue in a meaningful way (that's why we also had the uncontrolled recent posts). The caravan must move on:

🔳 Thus, I continue with a new Battle Map Channel for the military hardcore and in general on The Islander, where I've already helped before. So PLS:

🔳 Follow: Battle Maps & Reports

🔳 Discussions Welcome: Military Chat

🔳 Hikaru is on: Global Depth

🔳 Follow: The Islander

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Репост из: 🇬🇧 SITREP - Independent OSINT Channel 🇬🇧
🚨 😿😺💬 SITREP on Islander & New Battle Maps⚡️

🔳 Friends, as you already know, I have lost access to both channels and we see no chance of getting them back in the current situation. Some are still able to post, so there have been a few posts in the last few days. But the caravan must move on:

🔳 Thus, SITREP from now on continues on @TheIslanderNews and on @mapreports for the military hardcore. So:

🔳 Follow: Battle Maps & Reports

🔳 Comments: Military Chat

🔳 Follow: The Islander

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