Jews own USA (Wars Media Banks)

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Репост из: Random Anon Channel - Daily reminder: Is the Jews
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Great segment from Nick on the how they Jews exploit and enslave the American taxpayer, and how they extract value from hard working Americans and give it to literally anyone else.

One of the best clips I have seen.


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Репост из: NazBol Party Club² ☭ - !!! EDITION
Any day now

Репост из: Memory Holed
On Wikipedia's double speak:
"One antisemitic cliché is that 'the Jews control the media' and Hollywood."

And then Wiki goes on to say...

"Many of these individuals are Jewish only in the sense that their parents and grandparents happen to be Jews."

Репост из: Random Anon Channel - Daily reminder: Is the Jews
Jew nominates Jew for services rendered to Jewish nation.

Just the usual business in the US

Репост из: Memory Holed
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Why was Muammar Gaddafi raped by a bayonet, & beaten to death by Hillary Clinton & her regiment of glowniggers (CIA)? He refused to do the bidding of the Rothschild-centered global banking cartel in 3 major areas that threatened jews:
>Gaddafi ran his own oil industry
>Gaddafi held over 150 tons of gold
>Gaddafi ran his own Central Bank Of Libya

10 0f Gaddafi's social & economic policies:
>free electricity
>free education
>free healthcare
>interest free loans
>newlyweds receive $50,000 (US) gift
>implementation of world’s largest irrigation project
>birthing a child qualifies mothers for $5,000 (US) gift
>price of gasoline in Libya was $0.14 per liter (2010) & 50% of car price paid by State
>Libya's main source of income was oil. A portion of all oil sales would be given to every citizen
>agriculture fully supported by the state & all costs of start up of any farming was provided by the state
>extended reading archive #1
>archive #2
>archive #3
>Gaddafi's gold would devastate the Dollar

Репост из: Memory Holed
Regarding the importance of the book "Who is Esau-Edom." The reason I first read this book many years ago, was due to the outrageous price on what amounts to a jewish history book that details how the Synagogue of Satan operates. While searching for a physical copy, it is not uncommon to see prices ranging from $100 to $2,000 dollars (US) for 130 pages of text & photos.

Once "Who is Esau-Edom," is read, the ease of which "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," has been implemented (to usher in The Jew World Order, The Great Reset, Agenda 21, & Agenda 2030) can be understood w/ absolute clarity.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, is one of the most blatantly Satanic documents in world history. It systematically lists all the steps that are necessary to establish the New World Order & its ultimate leader (Satan/Anti-Christ).

Репост из: White Awakening ᛉ
Try guarding America, they are the force behind our failure.
They told you.

Репост из: Memory Holed
"Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us Jews, and that the Gentiles, being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing." ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild on his deathbed, 1812

Репост из: /BMW/ - The Bureau of Memetic Warfare
It honestly blows my mind how people can really deny it at this point, the answer is so obvious

Репост из: Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives
🇹🇷🦅 Turkish State Media, Clash Report on twitter:
— "Jews Severely Overrepresented in Biden Cabinet. 1% of US population, > 50% of cabinet

Jews, who make up 1% of the U.S.A. population, have the majority of representation in the cabinet formed by Biden."

Репост из: Vinnie Sullivan
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Israeli supporter assaults a woman who exposes Israel receiving up to 3 TRILLION dollars a year from America due to it's influence in congress...

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