Random Meeting Point and Announcements

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Политика

Regroup and announcements channel for the Random Anon Channel Network.
Main channel: t.me/randomanonch1
Admin bot: t.me/randomanonchannel_bot

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Donations Random Anon Channel
Thanks to the based user who sent a donation the 28th of March, really appreciated.


Репост из: Donations Random Anon Channel
If you value the content of the Random Anon Channel Network remember you can donate using Monero.




Репост из: Random Anon Channel - Daily reminder: Is the Jews
This is an Old Redpills Channel, want to see how things were in 2017? join the channel and then go to first post.
You will find way more quality compared to current times.

Channel: https://t.me/joinchat/RIH8zicqNkfgEx8K

Post: https://t.me/c/1149369550/4

Just launched a new channel, the name is self explanatory, a channel to compile the most sinister and demonic shit I can find.

The content may overlap with the Jewish Ritual Sacrifice and abortion channel, the Transgender Horror Stories and the Gay Trans P*do Agenda channel.


If all our channels suddenly disappear this is the reason lol

Репост из: Random Anon Channel - Daily reminder: Is the Jews
And if we get banned for this we have more channels to start again, and if all channels get banned then we will start new channels, and if my personal accounts get banned then I will go buy some new sim card and start all over again, just for the lulz, there is no stopping.

Репост из: Random Anon Channel - Daily reminder: Is the Jews
This one got me thinking, what's the @durov take on this?

The media, politicians and corporations are violating international and national laws blatantly by pushing vaccine mandates and discrimination based on vaccination status.
Plus they are shutting down anyone talking about the ineffectiveness and side effects of the vaccine and people are dying by the thousands as a direct cause of the vaccines and the censorship of this information is literally killing people right now.

When is violence the correct answer against murderous corrupt regimes, media companies and corporations?
Why the governments can use violence to shut down righteous protests but organizing violence to counter them is illegal and will make you banned in every platform including Telegram?
Why are righteous calls for violence banned?
At what point is violence justified? When we are all dead?
Isn't righteous calls for action that include violence against murderous regimes part of free speech?

For example, in every independence war on history, if messaging apps and social networks existed in those times, what would be to morally correct position of said platforms in those times? to censor the calls for violent actions against the controlling forces, or to censor the message of the controlling forces?
If a platform is really committed with free speech then they can't censor any of them. If a platform chooses to censor one of the sides, they are siding with the other side even if we are talking about calls for action that include violence.
Violence is part of humanity, and there is Sinister violence and Righteous violence. Censoring Righteous calls for action against the Sinister side is siding with the Sinister side.

When Telegram ban channels that are "Calling for action and violence" without addressing if the calls for action are justified or not, they are siding with the oppressors, and in this case the oppressors are violating international and national laws, and killing people directly with the vaccine and indirectly by censoring the vaccine adverse effects and deaths.

TL;DR pick a side Telegram.
At this moment violent calls for action against regimes are justified and by censoring them you are picking the side of the forces of darkness, lies and death.

inb4 banned lol

Репост из: Greenpills and Schizoposts
Ok guys new channel being launched

Good news, the Random Anon Channel Network has a new channel, created this one as a compilation specifically of transgender horror stories and experiences, more specifically after SRS. This in order to give the appropriate material to stop people from considering this kind of way of life. The gay trans agenda channel was not specific enough. Enjoy and spread.


Репост из: Random Anon Channel - Daily reminder: Is the Jews
Google kikes trying to stop us from exposing the 9/11 Jewing

Репост из: Random Anon Channel - Daily reminder: Is the Jews
Google kikes trying to stop us from exposing FBI kikes


Ok, two of our redpills channels got banned by google satanist kikes ( t.me/exposing_feds and t.me/jews_did_911) because they don't want everyone to know they are satanist kikes so yeah, for some reason I am still using some Google Play version of telegram and the reason is that I need to know when one of my channels get's banned. I currently use both versions of telegram, the google version and the telegram.org version.
Google satanist kikes banning our channels should not be an issue any more, if you can't see the channels stop being a r****d n****r and go download the telegram.org version, here is a guide that will help you to do that (t.me/avoid_restriction).

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram

A based follower just donated 0.1488 XMR. Thanks for the support, really appreciated.

Репост из: Avoid Telegram Restriction
If you are reading this probably a channel you like got banned by the Android Playstore and you are looking for a method to access the channel again.

In order to access the channel again you need to install telegram directly from telegram.org, the telegram app from telegram.org doesn't have the restrictions that the telegram app from the Android Playstore has, refer to the following article for detailed instructions.


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