Action Zealandia

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New Zealand European Nationalist Group.

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New Article by Mike E
COVID-19 and Looking Upward: The Malignancy of Modernism

Looks into how the same system that brought you all those unnecessary consumer items brought you the virus has given New Zealanders and other Europeans the gift of COVID-19.

As a result of the shake up the virus brings, looks at how the habits that brought the virus to New Zealand are not necessary for our nation's and people's survival and how New Zealand can come out of this crisis stronger and without the chains of vapid globalism and rampant materialism.

Recently, the Nelson chapter went innawoods up the Richmond hills, spending time amongst nature is vitally important, especially in times where we live so wholly disconnected from the natural laws of the world.

Action Zealandia members of the Auckland branch postered Prime Minister Jacinda Arden's electoral office.

New article by Gordon Wilson
"How we can help prevent mass shootings?"

This article explores some of the main factors that drive certain individuals to commit such depraved acts of violence. These important factors are often completely ignored by the mainstream media so it’s important that we do our part to get the message out there. Hopefully this will help save some lives in the future.

MP Nick Smith is a spastic idiot just as bad as our lying leftists detractors. Claims in a recent stuff article we sprayed a swastika on his office. Luckily for him we filmed ourselves postering his office and no swastikas are present.

Full video here

As for these documents our detractors are parading around like a captured Aquila, we know exactly how these got out. Big mouths within our detractors' organisations boasted to us that they got them from a government institution after an individual was arrested for actions done on his own accord. Thanks to our enemies tipping us off before 2019 ended, these documents haven’t been in use for some time.

Peter Hall-Jones doesn't keep his minions in check. For months loudmouths within Paparoa have been spoonfeeding us what little information they know.

Our detractors claim to have infiltrated us yet all the evidence points to the contrary. We are absolutely certain that there is no infiltrator within Action Zealandia. They consistently display that they have zero knowledge of our internal workings, our internal membership, or our leadership. As well as this, they have no idea about our internal communications as their insubstantive posts highlight.

Do we even have to explain why all these blatant lies are really embarrassing for them? It is a poor attempt to make themselves appear more competent than they are in reality. Their hubris in conveying underwhelming information over news outlets and social media only cements our comprehension of their comic lack of understanding of our operation.

To the surprise of no one, Youtube has deleted our account. Youtube has a long history of silencing dissident voices.

Read our article Social Media Censorship of Dissidents for more information on the topic

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Video report for the Action Zealandia Nelson branch's postering for March 2020

Its been an interesting week. There was obviously a very concerted effort on the part of leftists and their allies in the media to have to us intimated and silenced with false accusations. Luckily we won’t be intimidated and will continue with our activism, community building, self-improvement and being the only dissident voice in New Zealand.

We are not going anywhere and we will continue to grow stronger.

The fact this 'Matt' character has a hitpeice full of fabrications written against him but has not been charged with anything speaks for itself how flimsy and untrue these statements are.

This 'article' is written in bad faith and the sources cited by daalder, White Rose and Paparoa, are communists groups that have wanted us gone since day one. The statements in this article are flatout fabrications. This is part of a deliberate attempt to silence actual opposition to the establishment. Accepting such biased sources in a mainstream news outlet really emphasises just how far individuals like Daadler are willing to go to discredit legal and sincere activism on our part.

The young woman that leaked the police memo has been arrested.
Big amount of respect to the woman that leaked the document. We being the only New Zealand organization sharing the document will continue doing our part in keeping the document available to the New Zealand public. She has more balls than most 'males' who sit and do nothing as their country falls apart and their privacy and liberties are eroded.

These were sent to every bank in New Zealand, on it lists law abiding activity that the Police want the banks to snitch on their customers for, in order to put them on a watchlist. This is blatantly interfering with peoples private lives and banking confidentiality.

100 Subscribers. Cheers lads.

Remember to get involved today!

New Article by Mike E
New Zealand and COVID-19

This article looks into the rhetoric and posturing by government and the corporate media in the leadup to the corona virus outbreaking reaching New Zealand. How this outbreak clearly shows that the current system will continue to put international plutocrats and their profits before the people of New Zealand, especially European New Zealanders.

Statement regarding the man arrested in Christchurch

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