Фильтр публикаций


"Stig op af Graven, du Slægt, som døde!
Forkynd dit Fald og afmal din Brøde!
Advar os for Udslettelsens Dom,
Og viis os hvorfra din Frelse kom!
Til dansk og stor og til herlig Iid -
Til Danmarks Frelse i Nødens Tid!"

- B. S. Ingemann


The ideal Dane is not just physically strong, he has a creative mind as well. In Active Club Denmark we aspire not only to promote physical strength among ourselves, we also want each other to excel in some kind of artistic endeavor.

It is important for any man to have a nuanced and openminded perspective of things and having a creative mind is not only essential to understanding the complexities of the world and our identity, it also provides a means to express it.

We are artists and Denmark is our canvas!


"When I was young
and walked alone,
alone I lost my way.
I felt rich
when I found company.
Man delights in man."

- Hávamál


"Do not expect to make headway with a frail sailcloth."
- Eyrbyggja saga


In light of the huge surge in new followers we would like to briefly summarize what Active Club Denmark is and what it isn't.

Active Club Denmark is:
- an organic activity based social club for likeminded people
- creators of a new Danish cultural movement
- concerned with inspiring physical and spiritual development among ourselves through philosophical concepts such as struggle, identity and willpower
- cultured thugs with Aktiv Stil©️
- not for everyone, but if we think you're based, maybe you can come to one of our training sessions

Active Club Denmark is NOT:
- a superficial political group with political aims
- funded by anyone, neither at home or abroad
- part of any greater organisation, conspiracy or dark spooky agenda 👻
- accepting edgy, spergy behavior, fedposting or proposing unlawful acts in our name or anything of that nature from our members
- edgy LARPers of some past ideology, we're concerned with the present and the future.


I offentlighedens interesse og på baggrund af Samfundsredaktør Claes Theilgaard og BT.dks håndtering af vores klage over en artikel om os bragt på BT.dk, offentliggør vi nu klagen i sin fulde uredigerede form.

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Our banner says "Established 2023", now the year is 2025.

It's wild for us to look back at how far we've come since our inception back in 2023.
In the past year we've accomplished so much of what we were hoping for and it is great to see the fruits of our labor.

The inspiration we provide our countrymen to improve themselves and live a life of struggle, with the betterment of our country in mind, instead of simply living a nihilistic existence void of any greater ambition, is something we strive to uphold in 2025 as well.

It fills us with great hope for the future, when we see the daily signs of an improvement in the nationalist tendencies at home and abroad and a great sense of pride that we also play a role in defining and shaping it, by setting an example of how we believe nationalism should be.

For 2025 we have a clear call to action to our fellow countrymen: Get involved. Dedicate yourself to spending at least a few hours a month on self-improvement and the betterment of our nation. Be bold. Dare to challenge your assumptions about new things. Go to the gym, train a martial art, venture into the wilderness. Read a book, cultivate an artistic skill, broaden your perspective of what life could potentially be.

We'll be seeing you in 2025!


🫡 react if you're heeding the call of the European Spirit today!

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Vores historie er cyklisk og i tider hvor vores land, dets befolkning og kultur igen er i store problemer, vågner det ældgamle eventyrblod i danskerne.

I Active Club Denmark broderskabet forsøger vi at fremme de kvaliteter i hinanden, der vil løfte vores land ind i en ny kulturel guldalder.

Hvis du skal med på eventyret, så kontakt os her: @Contact_ACDK


"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth."
- Aristotle

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We were sent this by one of our supporters, thought it was cool and wanted to share.

If you have made any Active Club Denmark related edits, please send them to us!

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If you have contacted us recently without getting a response, there's a reason for it. Our old chatbot was giving us bit of a headache, but now we're ready with a new one.

Please contact us at @Contact_ACDK if you have any questions or wish to get involved in our club.


"Myth is not prehistory; it is timeless reality, which repeats itself in history."
- Ernst Jünger


"O walls, you have held up so much tedious graffiti that I am amazed that you have not already collapsed in ruin."
- Grafitti found on the walls of the basilica of Pompeii

Grafitti is a form of expression that has existed throughout European history. We're part of that history and will leave behind our own expressions to be remembered by.

Репост из: GYM XIV

It was an amazing event and a privilege to organize it together with Tvåsaxe. Once again, thank you all for answering the call from the north. Some say that Europe lives through it's final hour. But, from what we saw at Holmgång. Europe's rebirth is about to get started.

Amazing fighters. Magical supporters. A real counterculture.

A special thanks to:
AC Denmark
AC Norway
WB Stockholm
AC Dietsland
AC England
AC Scotland
Aktivklubb Sverige
Dj Frodo

Thank you all.
Together for Europe!

Gym XIV / Tvåsaxe 🏴‍☠️

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White Boy Summer 24 is coming to an end... Are you ready for Active Autumn?


In our first year we have experienced many adventures, travelled across our own country and visited numerous places abroad, made both friends and foes and most importantly raised the spirit of our countrymen and brought glory to Denmark.

Our club was truly founded on the concept of brotherhood. From just a few close friends to a broad network, we've come a long way, but the foundation remains the same.
Although we have always been very thankful when new people have reached out to us with an interest to join, we don't include just about anyone. Every member we have let into the circle that is our club, is someone we thought was a suitable of the title brother.
We're not some superficial political group: we're a fellowship of men with various backgrounds and with different personalities, united by common core traits consisting of healthy values, good intellect and a degree of physical prowess.

Here's to a glorious second year of Active Club Denmark. 🇩🇰

Репост из: GYM XIV
Banned by Apple?
Me ne frego.

What does their CEO lift?

Give us a follow.

XIV 🏴‍☠️


Big respect to all of our 1500 subscribers!
If you're following us, we take it that you're on a path of self-discovery, self-improvement and self-commitment and it is our pleasure to be able to inspire you in that heroic endeavour.

For every subscriber milestone we reach, we feel that it is necessary for us to up the quality of the content we put out and we hope those of you who have followed us since our earliest days, have noticed the improvements so far and will continue to do so in the future.

Here's to another 500 for Denmarks glory! 🇩🇰

Показано 20 последних публикаций.