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୨๑୧ Jika kamu berminat sama salah satu username disini. Hubungi @AevspaBot ya! Jika username nya NFS, Aku bisa aja lepas ke kamu kalau kamu drop harga tinggi dari pasaran.

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Репост из: Неизвестно
Hai semuanya. Boleh saya minta tolong ke siapapun yang kiat pesan ini?

Guys, tolong bantu subs @Heejseung ya. Gua gak tau harus minta tolong ini ke siapa lagi selain kalian semua. Username ini pemberian dari mantan pacar gua, jujur gua sakit hati banget tau ini ke keep sama orang lain. Awalnya gua pikir Heejseung udah gua keep, ternyata enggak sama sekali (masih limit kayaknya). Sehari dua hari gua masih belum sadar, sampe akhirnya sekarang gua baru sadar itu username ke lepas gitu aja. Emang udah hampir seminggu gua baru sadar, tapi ya gimana...

Tolong banget ini mah, gua gak tau harus ngelakuin apa lagi selain minta minta fw begini. Gua sendiri juga gak punya channel gallery pribadi.

Dan buat yang keep, sumpah itu username juga kaga bisa di jual karena itu bukan hak lu sama sekali. Tolong dibalikin ke gua ya? Kalo butuh contact person @Heezeung nih, gua yakin lu orang baik. Apalagi kalo lu mau bertanggung jawab, asli gua gak bakal marah juga.

Репост из: Blather Skite.
Hello everyone! I seem to want something different in interest, which makes me want to have :

- Taehyung with marga depan/belakang tamhur only, bebas bentukan gimana aja
- Jennie with marga depan/belakang tamhur only, rusak di Kim

I typed this in the channel itself, if you have the username. Please let me know and immediately contact @BlatherSkiiteBot

Репост из: Blather Skite.
[For my mutuals or anyone who sees this message, can you forward this bubblechat to your channel? Thanks in advance]

Hello everyone! @BlatherSkiite looking for new mutuals for gallery channel. Only accept people who use their main account. If you rarely diving, unsubscribe without clarity, upsubs service, please do not interact. Interested in the offer? You can contact @BSkiteBot

Репост из: arsip
@wognyoungjang 20k @mpjus/@perssibot

Репост из: Smanteen (HFW PINNED)
[ help forward, moots! ]

hello-bello! smanteen Up For Sale username is out now! check the username below.

🍓. with marga username. ♡
@ChimonWachirrawit bo Chimon : 6K.
@ ChoiLhia bo ChoiLia : SOLD
@iKimYoui bo Kim Youi : 8K.
@HanYihyo bo Han Jihyo (Jihan realname) : 10K.
@nChifuyuMatsuno bo Chifuyu : 10K.
@vNanonKorapat bo Nanon : QYOP.
@XiaotinhgShen bo Xiaoting Shen : 15K
@XiaotinngShen bo Xiaoting Shen : 90K => 75K.

🍎. without marga username. ♡
@ AndyD bo Andy (Eng name Jisung) : SOLD
@Manamyi bo Manami : 30K.
@Mijnji bo Minji : 40K.
@Mimnseo bo Minseo : 55K => 50K.
@Seunwgeun bo Seungeun : 10K.
@Yihryun bo Yihyun : 25K => 20K.

🍒. Mulchar username. ♡
@ Mwost bo Most : SOLD
@ oISTANA bo Istana : SOLD
@ Reductive bo Reductive : SOLD
@Rubby bo Ruby : QYOP.
@Subfmissive bo Submissive : 3K.
@TengilH bo Tengil : 3K
@Victorrious bo Victorious : 10K

Contact @smanteenbot, @dBahiyyihHuening or @suumire if you interested, for serious buyer only!
Up for sale. Karena kami benar-benar butuh uang, @smanteenbo!🤍

Репост из: Sailing Heart ♡
୨♡୧ Want To Sell pretty username! 🎀💭

@YooJipmin 20k based on Aespa Yoo Jimin.
@winwiH 90k based WayV/NCT WinWin.
@Dfongpyo 30k based on Dongpyo.

For serious buyer only, book is allowed.
Payment: DANA & Qris +1k
Contact Person: @NaoibRei or @Marshilowbot

Репост из: Sovereignty.
guys take @pdilf, @mamix (booked) yuk, dah lumayan bosen. tanya harga ke @solemnwindsbot langsung. thx.

Репост из: 𝐌𖣠𖣠𝐍 ≭ 𝐒𝐓☆𝐑 [HFW PINNED]

𓍢  ࣪ ͎⭑ Girl Group Username 𓂃.˚

⍣ ()Jennie()Kim() tamhur rata
⍣ ()Kim()Jennie() tamhur rata
⍣ J()e()nn()ie tamhur kebaca
⍣ Wi()nt()er tamhur rata
⍣ ()Winter()Kim() tamhur rata non vok
⍣ ()Haewon() tamhur
⍣ K()a()ri()n()a kalau bisa tamhur rata cadel

𓍢  ࣪ ͎⭑ Boy Group Username 𓂃.˚

⍣ ()Kim()Taehyung() tamhur rata non vok
⍣ ()Hyunjin() tamhur apa aja
⍣ Jeno tamhur apa aja
⍣ T()aehy()u()ng tamhur yang kebaca jelas

𓍢  ࣪ ͎⭑ Mulchar Username 𓂃.˚

⍣ Username couple Boyferiend & Girlfriend
⍣ Dilf & Milf tamhur kebaca
⍣ Kitten tamhur

NOTE 📜 : Kindly text me @JazyyBot if you have the username we are looking for & if you don't mind please mention the price range, thanks in advance.

Репост из: ㅤ✯ ℘ιe 𝔅αbιe$
@Lusciours looking for mutual’s, menerima segala jenis gallery asal
ngga keberatan untuk help fw & main acc only yaa (admin upsubs dni) contact @MeguwmiRobot if you are interested to be my mutual! 💐💐💐

Репост из: 𝕭erlys :: ufs in rush
ㅤㅤ˙˖ ⚝︎ USERNAME UP FOR SALE 💐ഒ ࣪˖
Hello! List dibawah ini adalah usn UFS! semua serba under 20k. Ada banyak username mulchar untuk khusus cewe/cowo. Payment bisa DANA, ShopeePay, OVO, GoPay, dan QRISS (+500p). Contact @Berlyshbot or t.me/oBicara.

◜𖤝◞ Uncommon.
@Maleate (QYOP) OP
@Maleatee (QYOP) SOP
@MaIeate (QYOP) Canon
@diiscombobulate (4k) SOP
@Coonvivial (4k) SOP
@cuultured (4k) SOP

◜𖤝◞ Common.
@uDelightful (4k)
@ComfortableO (4k)
@bewauteous (5k)
@Glamror (5k) negtip

@uTampar (4k)
@TamparU (4k)
@boroes (3k)
@hNuruf (7k) negtip

@Tennifer (5k)

Репост из: 気持
Hfw. @KimVV based on Kim V (Kim Taehyung) nih turun harga dari 120.000 IDR jadi 99.999 IDR sampai tanggal 22 dah. Nanti balik up for sale santai. Sekalian @KyulkyungC 8.000 IDR & @ParcGowon 1.000 IDR. Ke @lkkehBot ya lur.

Репост из: Sunghoon.
୨ ♡ ୧。゚Eloquences from the traits were incapable to be processed just in felicity of quotidian onomatopoeias. Erstwhile, keeps the manuscript from user which we possess in the presence of the username below :
  ☆ @kSunghoon
username is made based on Sunghoon Enhypen with subtraction letter in the form of K. The offer commences from 17 Mei 2022 and ceases on 20 Mei 2022 at 20.30 WIB. Much shilly-shally, starts with 20k and 3k of KB to acquire the username. Make sure that you are serious in purchasing and don't have any intention to play with the offers - we don't accept Hit and Run, make sure the bid dropped is the same as budget prepared: the methods of payment are accessible via Dana, Spay, and Qris with rate. For any inquiries or information, make sure that you've left a missive to @ggukieg as you could give us the offers on the comment section provided.

Dwells in the par excellence harmony, @akustiik to clasp thee delectation.

Репост из: Nymphette
@Reasonx + @xSeason 12k aja yuk, in rush. Kindly contact @nymmphettebot.

Репост из: Lucy's gallery
Please help forward this message, moots. 🤍

Howdy do! @qGlamorous recently looking for new moots; any type of gallery is allowed but with main acc only and can give same feedback each other. Contact @Lucy_AssistantBot if you feel interest. Thank you!

Репост из:  𖧧 Serelac.
[ help forward ]

mllo, semuts! @sereIac is looking for a new mutuals 👀. all type of gallery username is allowed! kindly bbang @semutsbot and don't forget to drop your gallery's @.

Репост из: Cainty.
✦ ₊˚. List Up For Sale Username .˚₊ ✦

𖥻 @Jiwvo IDR 40.000
𖥻 @Fzullsun Ask Bot

Contact @Caintybot if you interested. Only accept Dana & Qris (no rate) for payment.

Репост из: Cainty.

Hello-Bello! @Cainty is looking for a new mutuals. All type of gallery username is allowed! Only for main acc. Side acc and admin upsubs please DO NOT INTERACT! Kindly contact @CaintyBot if your interested yaa. Thank you, fellas ☆__☆

The noises come from the base, newfangled stories commence by the impediments which occur again. Avengers and they assemble, the realms where the username is proffered for thee to take a gape, so does fulfilling your needs with the offer system used below :

              ☆ @Jaemrin
              ☆ @Jaemrin

✦ Username based on Jaemin from NCT DREAM
𔓕 Offer dimulai 30k dengan jumlah kb sebanyak 2k, feel free to jumpbid.
✦ Periode offer akan diselenggarakan pada 18 Mei 2022, hingga 21 Mei 2022, jam 20.00 WIB
𔓕 Drop your offer on the @Jaemrin comment section or @OfferJaemrin for tele x.
✦ We strictly prohibit Hit and Run, hanya untuk pembeli yang serius. In that case, reassure that you have enough budget based on the funds dropped. 
𔓕 Payment is accessible via : Dana, Gopay and Qris
✦ For any inquiries and informations, leave a message to @rzindu!

☆. Jastip by @Avengersjastip

Репост из: ﹫jelita! ♥︎ hfw pin.

ello bello! @jeloita looking for new a mutual gallery username, only main acc. If interested send message to @hsaewonbot Thank you, have a great day! 🙆🏻‍♀️🤍

Репост из: Ucelnem Hfw pinned
Spmau @pMashiho 65 aj blh nego tipis tp y,,, abis pindah pu pls take inrush bat @Akshaobot

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