Ukraine bans officials from using Telegram on state-issued devices
Ukraine has issued a ban on the use of Telegram for government, military, and security personnel, amid growing fears that Russia is leveraging the messaging platform for cyberattacks, phishing, and tracking Ukrainian forces. Ukrainian officials claim that Russian intelligence has potentially gained access to sensitive information, including deleted messages, raising alarm over national security vulnerabilities. However, Telegram has refuted these accusations, asserting that it does not provide data to any country and that its encryption ensures deleted messages cannot be retrieved. This ban is seen as a critical step by Ukraine to protect its communications during the ongoing conflict with Russia.
Ukraine has issued a ban on the use of Telegram for government, military, and security personnel, amid growing fears that Russia is leveraging the messaging platform for cyberattacks, phishing, and tracking Ukrainian forces. Ukrainian officials claim that Russian intelligence has potentially gained access to sensitive information, including deleted messages, raising alarm over national security vulnerabilities. However, Telegram has refuted these accusations, asserting that it does not provide data to any country and that its encryption ensures deleted messages cannot be retrieved. This ban is seen as a critical step by Ukraine to protect its communications during the ongoing conflict with Russia.