TON FISH (Telegram)
✉️Please sign this message for Durov!
Durov has been working for the past few years to make Telegram a safe and legal place. However, some bad people have often made Telegram appear to be a hotbed of crime.
Durov has now publicly announced an update on Telegram's efforts to eradicate crime.
And this activity is not something that Durov is doing alone, but something that all users of Telegram and people who agree with freedom of expression should do together.
This petition will show support for Durov and let the world know that users are committed to making Telegram a lawful and responsible place for free speech.
Users of the Telegram and TON ecosystems agree to eradicate crime.
#Telegram #Paveldurov
Telegram ecosystem is undergoing many changes. The most important of these is that Telegram no longer allows...
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✉️Please sign this message for Durov!
Durov has been working for the past few years to make Telegram a safe and legal place. However, some bad people have often made Telegram appear to be a hotbed of crime.
Durov has now publicly announced an update on Telegram's efforts to eradicate crime.
And this activity is not something that Durov is doing alone, but something that all users of Telegram and people who agree with freedom of expression should do together.
This petition will show support for Durov and let the world know that users are committed to making Telegram a lawful and responsible place for free speech.
Users of the Telegram and TON ecosystems agree to eradicate crime.
#Telegram #Paveldurov
Telegram ecosystem is undergoing many changes. The most important of these is that Telegram no longer allows...
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