🗿 Time to Exchange jUSDT for USDt
Stonfiers! The popularity of USDt is growing. Therefore, now is the best time to transfer your assets from jUSDT (wrapped version) to USDt.
Transferring jUSDT from TON Network to Ethereum on is now fee-free, and jUSDT transfers from the Ethereum network to TON Network will be closed on June 10 at 12:00 UTC.
Moreover, TON Foundation will soon add additional liquidity to the jUSDT/USDt pool on
🔗 Swap jUSDT to USDt 🔗
ℹ️ The liquidity pool on will continue to exist until the last jUSDT holder. Your funds are completely safe.
Stay tuned.
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🗿 Time to Exchange jUSDT for USDt
Stonfiers! The popularity of USDt is growing. Therefore, now is the best time to transfer your assets from jUSDT (wrapped version) to USDt.
Transferring jUSDT from TON Network to Ethereum on is now fee-free, and jUSDT transfers from the Ethereum network to TON Network will be closed on June 10 at 12:00 UTC.
Moreover, TON Foundation will soon add additional liquidity to the jUSDT/USDt pool on
🔗 Swap jUSDT to USDt 🔗
ℹ️ The liquidity pool on will continue to exist until the last jUSDT holder. Your funds are completely safe.
Stay tuned.
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